quesionario diabete

quesionario diabete

The Summary of Diabetes Self- Care Activities *

The questions below ask you about your diabetes self-care activities during the past 7 days. If you were sick during the past 7 days, please think back to the last 7 days that you were not sick.



many of the last SEVEN


On how many of the last SEVEN



smoked a cigarette—




DAYS did you participate in a


Have you


DAYS have you followed a


specific exercise session (such as


even one puff—during the past


healthful eating plan?


swimming, walking, biking) other










than what you do around the


0. No


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




house or as part of your work?


1. Yes. If yes, how many








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


cigarettes did you smoke on an









average day?












Number of cigarettes:














On average, over the past month,


Blood Sugar Testing

last SEVEN





how many DAYS PER WEEK


On how many of the





have you followed your eating


DAYS did you test your blood












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
















On how many of the last SEVEN


On how many of the last SEVEN





DAYS did you eat five or more


DAYS did you test your blood





servings of fruits and vegetables?


sugar the number of times











recommended by your health care





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
















On how many of the last SEVEN


Foot Care






DAYS did you eat high fat foods


On how many of the last SEVEN





such as red meat or full-fat dairy


DAYS did you check your feet?







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



















many of the last SEVEN


On how many of the last SEVEN





On how


DAYS did you inspect the inside





DAYS did you participate in at


of your shoes?





least 30 minutes of physical


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7





activity? (Total minutes of






continuous activity, including


















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

















Additional Items for the Expanded

Version of the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities.









Self-Care Recommendations




2A. Which of the following has


3A. Which of the following has


1A. Which of the following has



your health care team (doctor,


your health care team (doctor,


your health care team (doctor,



nurse, dietitian or diabetes


nurse, dietitian, or diabetes


nurse, dietitian, or diabetes



educator) advised you to do?


educator) advised you to do?


educator) advised you to do?



Please check all that apply:


Please check all that apply:


Please check all that apply:



a. Get low level exercise (such


a.Test your blood sugar using a


a. Follow a low-fat eating plan



as walking) on a daily basis.


drop of blood from your finger


b.Follow a complex



b.Exercise continuously for a


and a color chart.


carbohydrate diet



least 20 minutes at least 3 times a


b.Test your blood sugar using a


c. Reduce the number of





machine to read the results.

calories you eat to lose weight


c. Fit exercise into your daily


c.Test your urine for sugar.

d.Eat lots of food high in


routine (for example, take stairs


d.Other (specify):

dietary fiber


instead of elevators, park a block


e. I have not been given any

e. Eat lots (at least 5 servings


away and walk, etc.)


advice either about testing my

per day) of fruits and vegetables


d.Engage in a specific amount,


blood or urine sugar level by my

f. Eat very few sweets (for


type, duration and level of


health care team.

example: desserts, non-diet sodas,






candy bars)


e. Other (specify):




g.Other (specify):


f. I have not been given any




h.I have not been given any


advice about exercise by my




advice about my diet by my


health care team.




health care team.
















4A. Which of the following



On how many of the last



many of the last

medications for your diabetes has




6A. On how

your doctor prescribed?


SEVEN DAYS did you space


SEVEN DAYS, did you take

Please check all that apply.


carbohydrates evenly through the


your recommended diabetes

a. An insulin shot 1 or 2 times a











0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

b.An insulin shot 3 or more







times a day.






7A. On how many of the last

c. Diabetes pills to control my






blood sugar level.






SEVEN DAYS did you take your

d.Other (specify):






recommended insulin injections?

e. I have not been prescribed






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

either insulin or pills for my






















8A. On how many of the last


Foot Care



10A. On how many of the last

SEVEN DAYS did you take your


9A. On how many of the last


SEVEN DAYS did you soak your

recommended number of diabetes


SEVEN DAYS did you wash





your feet?


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7









11A. On how many of the last


12A. At your last doctor’s visit,


13A. If you smoke, at your last

SEVEN DAYS did you dry


did anyone ask about your


doctor’s visit, did anyone counsel

between your toes after washing?


smoking status?


you about stopping smoking or

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


0 yes


offer to refer you to a stop-



smoking program?



1 no


0. No







1. Yes







2. Do not smoke.









14A. When did you last smoke a
















More than two years ago, or








never smoked








One to two years ago








Four to twelve months ago








One to three months ago








Within the last month
























Scoring Instructions for the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities

Scores are calculated for each of the five regimen areas assessed by the SDSCA: Diet, Exercise, Blood-Glucose Testing, Foot-Care, and Smoking Status.

Step 1:

For items 1–10, use the number of days per week on a scale of 0–7. Note that this response scale will not allow for direct comparison with the percentages provided in Table 1.

Step 2: Scoring Scales

General Diet = Mean number of days for items 1 and 2.

Specific Diet = Mean number of days for items 3, and 4, reversing item 4

(0=7, 1=6, 2=5, 3=4, 4=3, 5=2, 6=1,7=0). Given the low inter-item correlations for this scale, using the individual items is recommended.

Exercise = Mean number of days for items 5 and 6. Blood-Glucose Testing = Mean number of days for items 7 and 8. Foot-Care = Mean number of days for items 9 and 10.

Smoking Status = Item 11 (0 = nonsmoker,1 = smoker), and number of cigarettes smoked per day.

Scoring for Additional Items

Recommended regimen = Items 1A - 4A, and items 12A - 14A, no scoring required. Diet = Use total number of days for item 5A.

Medications = Use item 6A - OR - 7A AND 8A, use total number of days for item 6A, use mean number of days if both 7A and 8A are applicable.

Foot-Care = Mean number of days for items 9A - 11A, after reversing 10A and including items 9 and 10 from the brief version.

*Toobert et al. The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities Measure. Diabetes Care, 23(7) July 2000: 943-950.