The Summary of Diabetes Self- Care Activities *
The questions below ask you about your diabetes
Diet |
many of the last SEVEN |
On how many of the last SEVEN |
Smoking |
smoked a cigarette— |
How |
DAYS did you participate in a |
Have you |
DAYS have you followed a |
specific exercise session (such as |
even one |
healthful eating plan? |
swimming, walking, biking) other |
than what you do around the |
0. No |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
house or as part of your work? |
1. Yes. If yes, how many |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
cigarettes did you smoke on an |
average day? |
Number of cigarettes: |
On average, over the past month, |
Blood Sugar Testing |
last SEVEN |
how many DAYS PER WEEK |
On how many of the |
have you followed your eating |
DAYS did you test your blood |
plan? |
sugar? |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
On how many of the last SEVEN |
On how many of the last SEVEN |
DAYS did you eat five or more |
DAYS did you test your blood |
servings of fruits and vegetables? |
sugar the number of times |
recommended by your health care |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
provider? |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
On how many of the last SEVEN |
Foot Care |
DAYS did you eat high fat foods |
On how many of the last SEVEN |
such as red meat or |
DAYS did you check your feet? |
products? |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Exercise |
many of the last SEVEN |
On how many of the last SEVEN |
On how |
DAYS did you inspect the inside |
DAYS did you participate in at |
of your shoes? |
least 30 minutes of physical |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
activity? (Total minutes of |
continuous activity, including |
walking). |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Additional Items for the Expanded |
Version of the Summary of Diabetes |
2A. Which of the following has |
3A. Which of the following has |
1A. Which of the following has |
your health care team (doctor, |
your health care team (doctor, |
your health care team (doctor, |
nurse, dietitian or diabetes |
nurse, dietitian, or diabetes |
nurse, dietitian, or diabetes |
educator) advised you to do? |
educator) advised you to do? |
educator) advised you to do? |
Please check all that apply: |
Please check all that apply: |
Please check all that apply: |
_ a. Get low level exercise (such |
_ a.Test your blood sugar using a |
_ a. Follow a |
as walking) on a daily basis. |
drop of blood from your finger |
_ b.Follow a complex |
_ b.Exercise continuously for a |
and a color chart. |
carbohydrate diet |
least 20 minutes at least 3 times a |
_ b.Test your blood sugar using a |
_ c. Reduce the number of |
week. |
machine to read the results. |
calories you eat to lose weight |
_ c. Fit exercise into your daily |
_ c.Test your urine for sugar. |
_ d.Eat lots of food high in |
routine (for example, take stairs |
_ d.Other (specify): |
dietary fiber |
instead of elevators, park a block |
_ e. I have not been given any |
_ e. Eat lots (at least 5 servings |
away and walk, etc.) |
advice either about testing my |
per day) of fruits and vegetables |
_ d.Engage in a specific amount, |
blood or urine sugar level by my |
_ f. Eat very few sweets (for |
type, duration and level of |
health care team. |
example: desserts, |
exercise. |
candy bars) |
_ e. Other (specify): |
_ g.Other (specify): |
_ f. I have not been given any |
_ h.I have not been given any |
advice about exercise by my |
advice about my diet by my |
health care team. |
health care team. |
4A. Which of the following |
Diet |
On how many of the last |
Medications |
many of the last |
medications for your diabetes has |
5A. |
6A. On how |
your doctor prescribed? |
SEVEN DAYS did you space |
SEVEN DAYS, did you take |
Please check all that apply. |
carbohydrates evenly through the |
your recommended diabetes |
_ a. An insulin shot 1 or 2 times a |
day? |
medication? |
day. |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
_ b.An insulin shot 3 or more |
OR |
times a day. |
7A. On how many of the last |
_ c. Diabetes pills to control my |
blood sugar level. |
SEVEN DAYS did you take your |
_ d.Other (specify): |
recommended insulin injections? |
_ e. I have not been prescribed |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
either insulin or pills for my |
diabetes. |
8A. On how many of the last |
Foot Care |
10A. On how many of the last |
SEVEN DAYS did you take your |
9A. On how many of the last |
SEVEN DAYS did you soak your |
recommended number of diabetes |
SEVEN DAYS did you wash |
feet? |
pills? |
your feet? |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
11A. On how many of the last |
12A. At your last doctor’s visit, |
13A. If you smoke, at your last |
SEVEN DAYS did you dry |
did anyone ask about your |
doctor’s visit, did anyone counsel |
between your toes after washing? |
smoking status? |
you about stopping smoking or |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
0 yes |
offer to refer you to a stop- |
smoking program? |
1 no |
0. No |
1. Yes |
2. Do not smoke. |
14A. When did you last smoke a |
cigarette? |
_ More than two years ago, or |
never smoked |
_ One to two years ago |
_ Four to twelve months ago |
_ One to three months ago |
_ Within the last month |
_ Today |
Scoring Instructions for the Summary of Diabetes
Scores are calculated for each of the five regimen areas assessed by the SDSCA: Diet, Exercise,
Step 1:
For items
Step 2: Scoring Scales
General Diet = Mean number of days for items 1 and 2.
Specific Diet = Mean number of days for items 3, and 4, reversing item 4
(0=7, 1=6, 2=5, 3=4, 4=3, 5=2, 6=1,7=0). Given the low
Exercise = Mean number of days for items 5 and 6.
Smoking Status = Item 11 (0 = nonsmoker,1 = smoker), and number of cigarettes smoked per day.
Scoring for Additional Items
Recommended regimen = Items 1A - 4A, and items 12A - 14A, no scoring required. Diet = Use total number of days for item 5A.
Medications = Use item 6A - OR - 7A AND 8A, use total number of days for item 6A, use mean number of days if both 7A and 8A are applicable.
*Toobert et al. The Summary of Diabetes