produtos naturais Mycobacterium vaccae

produtos naturais Mycobacterium vaccae

Importância dos produtos naturais microbianos e necessidade de revitalizar sua descoberta


Os micróbios são os principais produtores de produtos naturais úteis. Produtos naturais de micróbios e plantas produzem excelentes drogas. Porções significativas dos genomas microbianos são dedicadas à produção desses metabólitos secundários úteis. Um único micróbio pode produzir vários metabólitos secundários, chegando a 50 compostos. Os produtos mais úteis incluem antibióticos, agentes anticâncer, imunossupressores, mas produtos para muitas outras aplicações, por exemplo, antivirais, anti-helmínticos, inibidores de enzimas, nutracêuticos, polímeros, surfactantes, bioherbicidas e vacinas foram comercializados. Infelizmente, devido à diminuição dos esforços de descoberta de produtos naturais, a descoberta de medicamentos diminuiu nos últimos 20 anos. Os motivos incluem custos excessivos para ensaios clínicos, uma janela muito curta para que os produtos se tornem genéricos, dificuldade na descoberta de antibióticos contra organismos resistentes e tempos curtos de tratamento pelos pacientes para produtos como antibióticos. Apesar dessas dificuldades, a tecnologia para descobrir novos medicamentos avançou, por exemplo, química combinatória de andaimes de produtos naturais, descobertas na biodiversidade, mineração de genoma e biologia de sistemas. Uma grande ajuda seria a extensão do tempo do governo antes que os produtos se tornassem genéricos.

i Discovery and characterization of an anti-inflammatory lipid derived from Mycobacterium vaccae By David G. Smith B.S., The Ohio State University, 2010 A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Colorado in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 2017 ii This thesis entitled: Discovery and characterization of an anti-inflammatory lipid derived from Mycobacterium vaccae written by David G. Smith has been approved by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry ________________________________________________ Christopher A. Lowry, PhD ________________________________________________ Dylan J. Taatjes, PhD Date______________________ The final copy of this thesis has been examined by the signatories, and we find that both the content and the form meet acceptable presentation standards of scholarly work in the above-mentioned discipline. iii Smith, Gregory David (PhD, Chemistry and Biochemistry) Discovery and characterization of an anti-inflammatory lipid derived from Mycobacterium vaccae Thesis directed by Christopher A. Lowry, PhD. In modern urban environments there is an increased prevalence of allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), and anxiety disorders. The underlying cause for these disorders, as postulated by the Hygiene Hypothesis, is chronic inflammation, and the imbalance in the immune system is caused by a lack of interaction with microbes that have been removed from the urban space and lifestyle. One such microbe is the environmental saprophyte, Mycobacterium vaccae. In animal models, immunization with M. vaccae protects against the development of these prevalent inflammatory disorders. This immunoregulatory effect has been shown to occur due to the expansion of regulatory T cells, but it is still unclear how M. vaccae is interacting with the immune cells. To better understand the mechanisms of immune suppression, we screened secreted molecules and whole cell preparations for anti-inflammatory properties. We were able to isolate and determine the structure of a single fatty acid, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. The fatty acid was an effective immunosuppressant both in vivo in a murine model of allergic asthma, and ex vivo, as observed by decreased release of proinflammatory cytokines, like interleukin-5 from splenocytes. We next investigated how the anti-inflammatory effects are achieved using macrophages as a model system. The mRNA transcriptional profile of macrophages treated with 10(Z)- iv hexadecenoic acid suggested that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)α was mediating the effects. It was subsequently confirmed, using transfection assays, that 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid increases PPARα signaling. Furthermore, PPARα was demonstrated to be necessary for the anti-inflammatory effects, as a PPARα antagonist blocked the effects of 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid, and 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid had no effect in macrophages isolated from PPARα-/- mice. Collectively, these data define 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid as an immunosuppressant metabolite that may contribute to the immunomodulatory effects of M. vaccae immunization. Furthermore, to our knowledge, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid is not synthesized de novo in mammals, and its biosynthesis appears to be unique to mycobacteria.. This is also the first instance where a Mycobacterium or Mycobacterium-derived molecule has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects mediated through PPARα. v Acknowledgements I am grateful to many people for the opportunity to train as a scientist. Throughout my life, my family has been extremely supportive of my academic career. My mother has been a huge inspiration and has always been there through the emotional ride of this process. Even during my graduate career, I sought her writing advice. My father is also instrumental in where I am today. Since my childhood, he strived to make science fun and interesting and is the reason I love problem solving. Lastly, my wife, Monica, has been absolutely necessary through my training. She has made me a more passionate, driven, proud person. I know I can always rely on her support. I am thankful to Chris for allowing me to train in his lab—which was especially generous since it is a lab outside the department. I am continually impressed with the breadth of Chris’ knowledge. He is creative and truly inspirational. My research has taken me in a lot of challenging directions, and Chris was there leading and learning with me. The science has been a lot of fun, which has made everything so much more rewarding. When the science wasn’t super fun, or I had my moments of fear and anxiety, he always knew what to say or do to make me feel better. He has cultivated the greatest lab environment I have ever experienced. I am thankful for all the past and current lab members and am very fortunate to have found such great friendships among them. I would also like to thank all my other committee members: Dylan Taatjes, Hubert Yin, Xuedong Liu, and Robin Dowell. I faltered and struggled some my first year, so I am very grateful that they accepted the responsibility of guiding me. They have all taught me so much. vi The course of this PhD has had me scrambling all over campus. At various points I have received help, resources, or guidance from the Fleshner lab, Seals lab, Palmer lab, Jinsen Chen, Annette Erbse, and Jamie Kershner. Robin Dowell and Mary Allen have been very generous with their time and literally taught me everything I know about RNA-seq. Mary was with me at the lab bench watching every single pipette transfer. She showed me all the tips and tricks that are not included in the protocols. During the buggy process of analyzing the data, she and Robin were always around to get their hands dirty too. I owe so much to all the talented collaborators I have been able to work with. Xiang Wang’s lab seeded most of this work by synthesizing our lipid. From Jon Clardy’s group, Alexandra was an excellent partner to have while screening mycobacteria. I would also like to thank Del Besra’s lab and Laura Rosa Brunet’s lab for their excellent collaborations. Del and his student, Petr Illarionov, were invaluable for synthesizing the lipids, and László Nagy for running the PPAR reporter gene assays, and thanks to Laura’s student, Roberta Martinelli, who ran the in vivo mouse allergy models. Finally, I would like to thank the funding sources that made this work possible including gifts through the CU Foundation. I’m also grateful for the various awards and competitions offered by the University of Colorado Boulder, which have afforded me to purchase necessary reagents and equipment. vii Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 The Hygiene Hypothesis........................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 The “Old Friends” Hypothesis .......................................................................... 3 1.1.2 Immunoregulatory mechanisms of “Old Friends”............................................. 4 1.2 Mycobacterium vaccae ............................................................................................. 7 1.3 LPS signaling in macrophages.................................................................................. 9 Chapter 2. Suppression of airway allergic inflammation by a novel bacterially-derived lipid isolated from Mycobacterium vaccae ........................................................................................... 12 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 12 2.1.1 The hygiene hypothesis and inflammatory disease ......................................... 12 2.1.2 The mycobacterial cell wall and therapeutic applications............................... 13 2.2 Materials and methods............................................................................................ 18 2.2.1 Animals............................................................................................................ 18 2.2.2 Mycobacterium vaccae .................................................................................... 18 2.2.3 Isolation of the lipids....................................................................................... 19 2.2.4 Synthesis of triacylglycerol ............................................................................. 20 2.2.5 Synthesis of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid; (10Z)-hexadec-10-enoic acid (CAS No. 2511-97-9) ........................................................................................................................ 22 2.2.6 Thp1 cell assay ................................................................................................ 24 2.2.7 Murine model of allergic pulmonary inflammation: prevention studies......... 24 2.2.8 Murine model of allergic pulmonary inflammation: treatment studies........... 25 2.2.9 Ex vivo splenocyte culture .............................................................................. 25 2.2.10 Murine peritoneal macrophage isolation and screening .................................. 26 2.2.11 Dynamic light scattering of lipid micelles....................................................... 27 viii 2.2.12 Lipid extraction................................................................................................ 27 2.2.13 Cytokine measurements................................................................................... 28 2.2.14 Cytotoxicity assay............................................................................................ 28 2.2.15 Ligands ............................................................................................................ 28 2.2.16 Statistical analysis............................................................................................ 29 2.3 Results..................................................................................................................... 29 2.3.1 Pretreatment with an aqueous methanol extraction of M. vaccae reduces allergic pulmonary inflammation .......................................................................................... 31 2.3.2 Specific fractions of the mycobacterial extract are anti-inflammatory in vitro32 2.3.3 The anti-inflammatory component of the fraction is a triglyceride................. 34 2.3.4 The triglyceride, 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol, has therapeutic potential in a mouse model of pulmonary allergic inflammation.......................................... 35 2.3.5 The free fatty acid, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, has therapeutic potential in a mouse model of pulmonary allergic inflammation................................................................ 39 2.3.6 Physical properties of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid.............................................. 40 2.3.7 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid prevents LPS-induced secretion of IL-6 in macrophages 42 2.4 Discussion............................................................................................................... 45 Chapter 3. Anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid are dependent on PPARα..... 51 3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 51 3.1.1 Bioactive lipids and lipid receptors................................................................. 51 3.2 Materials and methods............................................................................................ 55 3.2.1 Animals............................................................................................................ 55 3.2.2 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid.................................................................................. 55 3.2.3 Macrophage stimulation assay......................................................................... 56 3.2.4 Cytokine ELISA .............................................................................................. 57 ix 3.2.5 RNA extraction and library preparation .......................................................... 57 3.2.6 Sequencing....................................................................................................... 58 3.2.7 RNA read processing, mapping, and differential expression .......................... 58 3.2.8 Pathway analysis.............................................................................................. 59 3.2.9 Transfections and reporter gene assays........................................................... 59 3.2.10 Pharmacologic inhibition of PPARs................................................................ 59 3.2.11 Statistical analysis............................................................................................ 60 3.3 Results..................................................................................................................... 60 3.3.1 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid suppresses LPS-induced inflammation ................... 60 3.3.2 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid activates PPARα ..................................................... 72 3.3.3 Anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid are dependent on PPARα ......................................................................................................................... 74 3.4 Discussion............................................................................................................... 78 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 85 Appendix 1. In vitro cell-based assay for identification of anti-inflammatory M. vaccae-derived small molecules........................................................................................................................... 102 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 102 Natural product chemistry ................................................................................ 102 M. vaccae.......................................................................................................... 103 Materials and methods............................................................................................. 104 Animals............................................................................................................. 104 Growing M. vaccae........................................................................................... 104 Extraction and separation of culture supernatants............................................ 105 Macrophage bioassay........................................................................................ 105 Results..................................................................................................................... 106 x Advanced screening.......................................................................................... 106 Discussion ............................................................................................................... 110 Appendix 2: Evolution of nonpathogenic Mycobacterium: A Pan-genomic study.................... 113 Appendix 3: RNA-Seq supplemental material ........................................................................... 125 xi List of Figures Increased prevalence of inflammatory disease.............................................................. 2 Co-evolved mechanisms of immune suppression. ........................................................ 5 Graphical scheme of TLR4 signaling.......................................................................... 11 Arrangement and composition of mycobacterial cell wall and lipid structures. ......... 16 Structures associated with the synthesis of the triacylglycerol, 1,2,3-tri[Z-10- hexadecenoyl]glycerol, isolated from extracts of M. vaccae........................................................ 22 Diagrammatic illustrations of experimental designs. .................................................. 31 M. vaccae and M. vaccae fraction 148.2 reduce bronchopulmonary inflammation. .. 33 Synthetic triglyceride, 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol, reduces bronchopulmonary inflammation.................................................................................................. 37 Synthetic triglyceride 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol has an anti-inflammatory effect on immune cells recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and splenocytes. ...... 38 In vivo screening of synthetic acyl chain length and isomer variations. ..................... 39 Critical micelle concentrations of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. ...................................... 41 Thin layer chromatography of macrophages treated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. . 42 Anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid in freshly-isolated murine peritoneal macrophages. ............................................................................................................... 44 Macrophage cell viability assay. ............................................................................... 45 Differential expression of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid-treated and vehicle-treated cells in the presence of LPS. ..................................................................................................................... 64 Summary of GSEA results enriched for LPS-stimulated macrophages pretreated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid............................................................................................................... 68 Summary of GSEA results enriched for vehicle (“DMEM”) pretreatment of LPSstimulated macrophages................................................................................................................ 70 Network visualizations of related gene set enrichments. ............................................ 72 Analysis of the effects of M. vaccae-derived lipids on PPARα, PPARγ, PPARδ, and RARα signaling in transfection assays using COS-1 cells. .......................................................... 74 xii PPARα antagonist blocks anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. .... 76 PPARα is necessary for anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. ....... 78 Figure A1.1 Anti-inflammatory activity of fractionated M. vaccae extractions......................... 108 Figure A1.2 Anti-inflammatory activity of fractionated M. vaccae E3 fraction. ....................... 108 Figure A2.1 Pangenome size. ..................................................................................................... 117 Figure A2.2 Phylogenetic clustering of Mycobacterium genomes based on proteome.............. 118 Figure A2.3 Genome synteny among mycobacteria................................................................... 121 Figure A2.4 Circular plot of genomic islands in M. vaccae. ...................................................... 124 xiii List of Tables Table 2.1. Characterization of the cellular infiltrate in the lungs of allergic mice challenged intratracheally with ovalbumin in Experiment 2........................................................................... 32 Table 3.1. Proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine ligand mRNAs downregulated by preincubation of freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid prior to stimulation with lipopolysaccharide ................................................................................ 63 Table 3.2. Top 10 differentially expressed genes of freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages preincubated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid prior to stimulation with lipopolysaccharide ........................................................................................................................ 65 Table 3.3. Selective PPAR antagonists and agonists.................................................................... 75 Table A1.1. Masses and possible structures of fractions 25, 28, and 30 of EtOAc 3................. 109 Table A2.1. Summary of the 30 genomes used in the analysis .................................................. 113 Table A3.1. Rank ordered list of most significant (q < 0.1) differentially expressed genes. ..... 125 Table A3.2. Top scoring KEGG pathways enriched for differential expressed genes (q < 0.1).128 Table A3.3. KEGG pathways and GO biological process with associated genes that are significantly downregulated in LPS-stimulated murine macrophages preincubated with 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid. ...................................................................................................................... 130 xiv List of Abbreviations AA arachidonic acid AP-1 activator protein 1 APC antigenantigen-presenting cell CLA conjugated linoleic acid DC dendritic cells DLS dynamic light scattering FA fatty acid GPCR G protein-coupled receptor IBD inflammatory bowel disease IFNα interferon α IKK inhibitor of κB kinase IRAK interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase IRF IFN regulatory factor IκB inhibitor of κB LCFA longlong-chain fatty acid LPS lipopolysaccharide MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase MyD88 myeloid differentiation factor 88 NF-κB nuclear factor κB PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor SCFA shortshort-chain fatty acid STAT signal transducer and activator of transcription TAG triacylglycerol TAK1 transforming growth factor β-activated kinase 1 Th1 helper T cell type 1 Th17 helper T cell type 17 Th2 helper T cell type 2 TNF tumor necrosis factor Treg regulatory T cell TRIF TIR-domain-containing adaptor protein inducing IFNβ PRR pattern recognition receptor DCSIGN dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin IL interleukin s.c. subcutaneous TLR toll-like receptor mAGP mycolylarabinogalactanmycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex PIM phosphatidylmannosides LM lipomannan LAM lipoarabinomannan manLAM mannose capped LAM BAL bronchoalveolar lavage 1 Chapter 1: Introduction The Hygiene Hypothesis was first proposed in the late 1980s to explain the rise in allergic conditions (Strachan, 2000). Chronic inflammatory conditions, like allergies, are primarily driven by hyperactive helper T cell type 1 (Th1), helper T cell type 2 (Th2), and/or helper T cell type 17 (Th17). Epidemiological studies on the modern ways of life proposed that modern hygiene requirements were reducing contact with pathogens that prime immune responses. At that time, it was believed that a lack of Th1 stimulation would result in a compensatory increase in Th2 activity following exposure to more innocuous stimuli, as seen with allergic disorders. However, Th1-mediated disorders were also exploding in prevalence in the same countries in which allergy was on the rise (Bach, 2002b). Moreover, allergies are most common in inner cities, which was the most common setting for infections (i.e. Th1 stimulation)(Riedler et al., 2001). Most follow-up studies have failed to show an association between childhood infection and increased allergic conditions in the modern world(Benn et al., 2004; Bremner et al., 2008; Matricardi and Ronchetti, 2001). Investigators have seen several categories of chronic inflammatory disorders become much more prevalent in developed countries (Bach, 2002a). The rising Th2-driven disorders include allergic disorders (asthma, hay fever), and Th1/Th17-driven disorders including some autoimmune diseases (for example, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis) (Bach, 2002a) and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD; ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease) (Sawczenko et al., 2001). Several of these disorders have increased an average of 2- to 3- fold in industrialized 2 nations between 1950 and the present(Beasley et al., 1998; Eder et al., 2006; Gillespie et al., 2004; Sawczenko et al., 2001; Upton, 2000). Increased prevalence of inflammatory disease. The incidence of immune disorders in developed countries (United States and France) has increased over the past 50 years. Reproduced with permission from (Bach, 2002b), Copyright Massachusetts Medical Society. The Hygiene Hypothesis suggests that some of this increased prevalence is the result of defective regulation of the immune system. Instead of microbes that drive Th1 responses, these conditions are likely resulting from diminished exposure to specific classes of microorganisms. Subsequent studies correlated protection from low-grade inflammatory disorders with exposure to cowsheds(Riedler et al., 2001), endotoxin(Braun-Fahrländer et al., 2002), helminths(Yazdanbakhsh et al., 2002) and lactobacilli(Bjorksten et al., 1999), thereby consolidating the view that microorganisms or their components were a crucial factor. 3 1.1.1 The “Old Friends” Hypothesis The “Old Friends” hypothesis was proposed to emphasize that we no longer believe that exposure to childhood infections or outright pathogens per se is beneficial but rather that lack of exposure to symbiotic organisms, as well as the Old Infections, is harmful (Rook et al., 2004). Indeed, hygiene is important for the prevention of serious infections. In support of this hypothesis, germ-free mice, devoid of microorganisms, develop increased susceptibility to allergy (Cahenzli et al., 2013; Herbst et al., 2011; McCoy et al., 2006). Instead of a targeted expansion of any single helper T cell, there needs to be a balance of helper T cells and the cells that regulate inflammation, regulatory T cells (Treg). The “Old Friends” consist of a group of microorganisms that are necessary to maintain that balance, and they include (1) the symbiotic microbiota residing in the cutaneous and mucosal surfaces (e.g., surfaces of the upper airways, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract); (2) pathogens associated with the “Old Infections” (for example, helminths) that were present throughout life in evolving human hunter-gatherer populations; and (3) organisms from the natural environment with which humans were inevitably in daily contact through inhalation or ingestion (and so had to be tolerated by the immune system) (Rook et al.). One of the classic examples of the “Old Infections” is H. pylori, which is potently immunoregulatory and consequently has protective effects in allergy and chronic inflammatory disorders (Arnold et al., 2011, 2012). Environmental microorganisms have been referred to as “pseudocommensals” because they would have been present in large numbers throughout mammalian evolution, even if they do not colonize the gut(Rook and Lowry, 2009; Rook et al., 2004). Our understanding of the “Old Friends” hypothesis has been informed by studies using heat-inactivated and viable environmental bacteria, particularly soil-derived bacteria belonging to the genus Mycobacterium, which can be viewed as a case study of the 4 potential for environmental microorganisms to influence immunoregulatory circuits and prevent inflammatory disease (Zuany-Amorim et al., 2002a). It was hypothesized that these organisms took on the role of training the immune system in tolerance because they themselves needed to be tolerated, either because they were harmless but ubiquitous in the external environment or because they provided essential services for their hosts, as is the case with probiotic gut flora (Collins and Bercik, 2009), or because, although not harmless, they are not eradicable by inflammatory processes, which therefore inflict tissue damage (Rook, 2009; Rook and Rosa Brunet, 2002). 1.1.2 Immunoregulatory mechanisms of “Old Friends” The central idea of the “Old Friends” hypothesis was that, rather than provoking aggressive immune responses, these organisms cause maturation of regulatory dendritic cells (DCreg). These cells are similar to classical dendritic cells (DC), which present microbial antigens, but DCreg also secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines, like interleukin (IL)-10 and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β)(King et al., 1993; Smits et al., 2005). When DCreg encounter T cells, they select for Treg differentiation rather than Th1 or Th2 cells(van der Kleij et al., 2002; Smits et al., 2005). This continuous background activation of regulatory DC (DCreg) and subsequent activation of Treg specific for the “Old Friends” themselves, resulted in constant background bystander suppression of inflammatory responses. Secondly, these DCreg inevitably sample self, gut contents and allergens, and so induce Treg cells specific for suppressing three groups of chronic inflammatory disorders (Th1-, Th2-, and Th17-driven). This hypothetical model is supported by clinical trials and experimental models in which exposure to “Old Friends” has treated allergy (Gutzwiller et al., 2007; Wilson et al., 2005; Zuany-Amorim et al., 5 2002a), autoimmunity (Zaccone et al., 2009), or intestinal inflammation (Summers, 2005). Within this general scheme, there is a diverse and expanding set of mechanisms that “Old Friends” use to suppress inappropriate inflammation. Co-evolved mechanisms of immune suppression. ‘Old Friends’ promote differentiation of regulatory DCs, which drive production of regulatory T cells. These endogenous mechanisms are thought to be involved in prevention of inflammatory disease, including autoimmune disorders and allergic disorders. Reproduced with permission from (Guarner et al., 2006), Copyright Macmillan Publishers Ltd. A number of bacterial antigens have been identified that increase immunoregulatory circuits, predominantly by interactions with the pattern recognition receptor (PRR) dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing non-integrin DC-SIGN on DCs. DC-SIGN ligation 6 interferes with toll-like receptor-mediated inflammatory responses, resulting in decreases in nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cell (NF-κB) signaling, decreases in IL6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and IL-12, concurrently with increases in IL-10(Vergne et al., 2014). Activation of DC-SIGN in DCs may be a common mechanism through which bacterial antigens derived from the “Old Friends” gain entry into immune cells and ultimately bias T cell differentiation toward a Treg phenotype(Bergman et al., 2004; van Kooyk and Geijtenbeek, 2003; Vergne et al., 2014). DCs and other antigen-presenting cells (APC), like macrophages, typically reside in the tissue surrounding the gastrointestinal tract or airways, which are the points of passage for “Old Friends”. A separate step is necessary for APCs to make direct contact with the “Old Friends”. This function is performed in part by microfold or membranous cells (M cells), which have been documented as entry sites for M. tuberculosis in mice (Teitelbaum et al., 1999). Similar reports have been made for M cell recognition of mycobacteria in the gastrointestinal tract (Fujimura, 1986). Once the microbe reaches an APC, it can subvert inflammatory responses with glycosylated or fucosylated antigens on the cell surface, which are recognized by the PRRs, like DC-SIGN (van Liempt et al., 2006). Immune suppression can also be achieved through small molecules secreted by “Old Friends”. Mycobacteria and other environmental bacteria are capable of tryptophan biosynthesis and metabolism, which allows them to generate tryptophan metabolites that activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. This results in immunoregulation and mucosal protection from damage (Zelante et al., 2013). Activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor can either induce functional Treg 7 cells that suppress inflammation or enhance Th17 cell differentiation and increase inflammation, depending on the specific nature of the agonist (Mezrich et al., 2010; Quintana et al., 2008). Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), including acetate, propionate, and butyrate, are produced by bacteria in the gut during fermentation of insoluble fiber from dietary plant matter (Sonnenburg et al., 2014). Of particular interest here, SCFAs have anti-inflammatory effects by regulating the release of cytokines and chemokines from immune cells(Cavaglieri et al., 2003; Meijerink et al., 2010; Tedelind et al., 2007). Importantly, propionate and acetate can directly induce colonic Tregs and their suppressive capacity via activation of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) 43, encoded by the free fatty acid receptor 2 gene (Ffar2) (Arpaia et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2013). This is one of the primary routes by which Clostridia affect Treg populations(Zeng and Chi, 2015). Furthermore, butyrate, which is also a metabolite of Clostridia species, potentiates DCs to induce Treg through inhibition of histone deacetylase (HDAC) and may induce epigenetic changes(Zeng and Chi, 2015). M. vaccae is an environmental saprophyte, which is also distinguished from more notorious mycobacteria for being non-pathogenic. Among related pathogenic species is M. tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. M. tuberculosis is able to be such a successful pathogen in part because it exhibits some of the immune subversion strategies of the “Old Friends”. The infection is characterized by a decrease in Th1 and increase in Th2 responses(Ashenafi et al., 2014). Importantly, the low levels of Th1 activity prevent clearance of the bacterium. In early attempts of vaccination with attenuated strains of M. tuberculosis, researchers observed the balance of Th1/Th2 cells shift more towards Th1(Hernandez-Pando et al., 1997). This generated 8 interest to test other mycobacterial species as potential vaccines, such as M. vaccae, which was able to induce a shift towards a Th1 phenotype, the results varied depending on dosage and population(Hernandez-Pando et al., 1997; Stanford, 1999). Aside from the mixed efficacy as a vaccine, the bacterium’s effects on the balance of Th1/Th2 cells inspired investigation in animal models of other Th2-mediated disorders. In mice rendered allergic to ovalbumin (OVA), subcutaneous (s.c.) treatment with heatkilled M. vaccae prevented the development of allergen-induced bronchial inflammation as well as airway hyperresponsiveness(Zuany-Amorim et al., 2002b). Furthermore, the protective effects were independent of the Th1 cytokine, interferon gamma (IFN-γ). In a follow-up study the authors demonstrated that the characteristic influx of eosinophils following allergen challenge could be prevented with the adoptive transfer of splenocytes from M. vaccae-treated mice(Zuany-Amorim et al., 2002a). This specific inhibition was mediated through IL-10 and TGF-β, as antibodies against these cytokines reversed the effects. Thus, Treg generated by mycobacteria treatment may have an essential role in restoring the balance of the immune system. This potential mediating role of Tregs also has been observed in a stress-induced model of colitis, where the protective effects of M. vaccae can be reversed with pretreatment with antiCD25 antibody. CD25 is a marker of CD4+FoxP3+ Treg (Reber et al., 2016). Lastly, treatment with heat-killed M. vaccae has been shown to induce the development of CD11c+ APCs, which also have markedly increased expression of IL-10 and TGF-β (Adams et al., 2004). Together, these results suggest M. vaccae can generate regulatory APCs capable of inducing the production of allergen-specific Tregs that exert global immune stabilizing effects. 9 The role of APCs is likely to be the linchpin of M. vaccae-mediated immune suppression. Treatment with M. vaccae reduces the number of IL-4+ T cells in co-cultures of DCs and naïve CD4+ T cells compared to unstimulated cultures (Le Bert et al., 2011a). Furthermore, this effect was DC-dependent, and, through transcriptional profiling, it was determined that DC priming to inhibit Th2 responses is achieved through early activation of the cAMP response elementbinding protein (CREB) pathway(Le Bert et al., 2011a). Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a group of receptors expressed on the surface of cells involved in the innate immune system. TLRs are strongly conserved, with most mammalian species containing between ten to fifteen TLRs (Janeway and Medzhitov, 2002). The function of these receptors is to recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which are molecules broadly produced among pathogens and are often lipids, polysaccharides, or DNA. Each receptor is specialized for at least one PAMP, for example, TLR4 is activated by the characteristic endotoxin of gram-negative bacteria, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). There is a diverse set of PAMPs that stimulate TLRs, but the resulting signal transduction pathway and transcriptional response are very similar. The cellular response to microbial PAMPs requires formation of a larger receptor complex that starts with the homo- or heterodimerization of TLRs. On the cytosolic side, TLRs interact with a family of five adaptor proteins, myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), MyD88-adaptor-like, TIR-domain-containing adaptor protein inducing IFNβ (TRIF), TRIFrelated adaptor molecule, and sterile-alpha and armadillo-motif containing protein (O’Neill and Bowie, 2007). Depending on the TLR, signal transduction starts with either MyD88 or TRIF, 10 with the exception of the LPS sensor, TLR4, which signals through both (Hu et al., 2015). The downstream transcriptional response to TLR activation is mediated through activation of three major transcription factors: nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), activator protein 1 (AP-1), and interferon regulatory factors (IRFs) (Fig. 1.3). Upon the initial ligand binding event on TLR4, MyD88 accumulates at the intracellular domain, which recruits interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinases (IRAKs) 1,2 and 4 (Lin et al., 2010). The IRAK complex recruits TNF associated factor (TRAF) 6 leading to polyubiquitination of TRAF6 and IRAK 1/2 (Ferrao et al., 2012). The polyubiquitin chains allow transforming growth factor β-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) to dock to the complex and phosphorylate inhibitor of κB kinase (IKK) (Ferrao et al., 2012). The activated IKK, phosphorylates inhibitor of κB (IκB), leading to its degradation and liberation of NFκB (Napetschnig and Wu, 2013). NFκB controls transcription of many proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF, IL-1β, IL-6, and chemokines such as monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 and macrophage inflammatory protein 3α (Napetschnig and Wu, 2013). TAK1 also initiates a second kinase cascade through activation of extracellular-signal related kinase, c-jun N terminal kinase and p38. These kinases lead to the downstream activation of AP-1, which controls transcription of a distinct set of proinflammatory molecules (Vandevenne et al., 2010). The second adaptor protein of TLR4, TRIF, initiates an overlapping but unique proinflammatory response from MyD88. The role of TRIF was first discovered from MyD88- deficient macrophages, which were still able to mount a proinflammatory response to LPS, albeit attenuated and delayed (Kawai et al., 1999). The delayed onset is thought to be due to receptor interacting proteins 1/3, which directly associate with TRIF (Barton and Medzhitov, 2004). TRIF also associates with IRF-3 and IRF7, which are then activated by either of two kinases, TANK- 11 binding kinase-1 or IKKε (Han et al., 2004). This leads to a type 1 IFN response driven by IFNα and IFNβ. Graphical scheme of TLR4 signaling. Reproduced with permission from (Ragnarsdottir et al., 2011), Copyright Macmillan Publishing Ltd. 12 Chapter 2. Suppression of airway allergic inflammation by a novel bacterially-derived lipid isolated from Mycobacterium vaccae Acknowledgments: This work has been completed in collaboration with Roberta Martinelli, Gurdyal S. Besra, Petr A. Illarionov, Istvan Szatmari, Peter Brazda, Jon R.F. Hunt, Wenqing Xu, Xiang Wang, László Nagy, Graham A.W. Rook, and Laura Rosa Brunet. Gurdyal Besra and Petr Illarionov isolated and synthesized the triacylglycerol of 10(Z)-hexadecnoic acid. They also completed the gas chromatography and NMR structural characterization of the molecule. Wenqing Xu and Xiang Wang developed the synthesis and produced the free fatty acid form of 10(Z)-hexadecnoichexadecenoic acid. In vivo screening and experimentation was performed by Roberta Martinelli, Jon Hunt, and Laura Rosa Brunet. The manuscript was prepared with help from Roberta Martinelli, Gurdyal S. Besra, László Nagy, Graham A.W. Rook, and Laura Rosa Brunet. Note: Text from this manuscript has been adapted from a manuscript submitted to and being reviewed by PLOS Biology. 2.1.1 The hygiene hypothesis and inflammatory disease Evidence suggests that common, harmless microorganisms, collectively referred to as “Old Friends”, to which humans have been exposed throughout evolution, drive immunoregulatory mechanisms that inhibit inappropriate immune responses by the host (Okada et al., 2010; Rook, 2009, 2010; Rook and Rosa Brunet, 2002). These microorganisms include lactobacilli, which are routinely found in fermented food, saprophytic mycobacteria, which are ubiquitous in water, mud, soil, and decaying organic matter, and “Old infections”, which include Helicobacter species and some helminths (Rook, 2009). We propose that exposure to these Old Friends allows the immune system of the host to distinguish between virulent pathogens and harmless organisms through a variety of mechanisms, including the induction of specific subsets of antigen presenting cells such as dendritic cells and modulation of innate immunity (Le Bert et al., 2011b; Garn et al., 2016; Lowry et al., 2016). In their absence, the host may develop 13 unwarranted and increasingly dysregulated immune responses to allergens, to self-antigens or to gut microbiota. Indeed, a simultaneous increase in allergies, autoimmune diseases and inflammatory bowel diseases has been observed in modern living conditions, where exposure to Old Friends has decreased dramatically due to changes in lifestyle (Bloomfield et al., 2016; Lowry et al., 2016; Lyte and Cryan, 2014; Rook, 2010; Stamper et al., 2016). Chronic low-grade inflammation has also been linked to mental health disorders such as depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and autism spectrum disorder (Hoisington et al., 2015; Lowry et al., 2016). Experimental data are accumulating to support this hypothesis. We have been particularly interested in a saprophytic mycobacterium, Mycobacterium vaccae (National Collection Type Culture (NCTC) 11659), which has shown encouraging therapeutic potential in diseases of immunodysregulation (Gutzwiller et al., 2007; Rook et al., 2007), as well as immunoregulatory and stress protective effects in murine models (Adams et al., 2004;Lowry et al., 2007;Reber et al., 2016;Zuany-Amorim et al., 2002). 2.1.2 The mycobacterial cell wall and therapeutic applications Mycobacteria are characterized by an unusual cell wall rich in lipids. The core of the cell wall is a complex structure comprised of peptidoglycans (long polymers of the repeating disaccharide N-acetyl glucosamine–N-acetyl muramic acid that are linked via peptide bridges), covalently attached to arabinogalactans, which are in turn attached to mycolic acids formed from two fatty acids, a saturated shorter C20–C26 α-branch that is connected to a C60–C90 meromycolate branch (Brennan, 2003; Kieser and Rubin, 2014a). This structure is called the mycolylarabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex (mAGP). The outer layer is composed of free lipids, with longer and shorter fatty acids to complement the shorter and the longer chains of the 14 mAGP (Brennan, 2003). Interspersed in this layer are cell wall glycerophospholipids and glycolipids, which include the phosphatidylmannosides (PIMs), the phthiocerol, lipomannan (LM), lipoarabinomannan (LAM), trehalose mono- and dimycolates, sulfolipids, lipooligosaccharides, and phenolic glycolipids (Jackson, 2014). When the cell wall is disrupted the free lipids and the lipoproteins are solubilized, while the mAGP remains in the insoluble residue. It has been proposed that whereas soluble lipids act in signaling processes, the insoluble core is essential for mycobacterial viability (Marrakchi et al., 2014). The suggested role of free lipids in the induction of immune responses has elicited substantial interest (van der Kleij and Yazdanbakhsh, 2003). Between the rapid- (e.g. M. vaccae) and slow-growing (e.g. M. tuberculosis) mycobacteria, there are notable structural differences in the extractable lipids. M. tuberculosis produces a mannose-capped LAM (manLAM) that enhances virulence, whereas nonpathogenic mycobacteria produce an inositol phosphate-capped LAM (Appelmelk et al., 2008). The polar lipids within the cell envelope are often necessary for the unique functions of the various mycobacteria clades. For example, species within the M. tuberculosis complex produce unique lipooligosaccharides that assist in protein release and virulence (Van Der Woude et al., 2012). Compared to the pathogenic species, there is a lack of structural and functional detail regarding nonpathogenic cell envelope lipids. Underneath the cell envelope is the plasma membrane, where there is little difference in lipid composition between rapid- and slow-growing mycobacteria (Minikkin, 1982). The plasma membrane is predominately composed of PIMs with C16 and/or C18 acyl chains. Lastly, all mycobacteria produce neutral lipids, which are primarily stored as lipid bodies in the cytoplasm (Bansal-Mutalik and Nikaido, 2014). Depending on environmental 15 conditions and metabolic state, neutral lipids comprise 30-60% of the total lipid content, with triacylglyercides (TAG) being 84-86% of all neutral lipids (Nandedkar, 1983; Reed et al., 2007). TAGs are an important energy source, and in some cases the main energy source, of mycobacteria, but they are also an important carbon source for the biosynthesis of many of the polar lipids mentioned above (Herker and Ott, 2012; Wheeler and Ratledge, 1988). 16 Arrangement and composition of mycobacterial cell wall and lipid structures. The cell wall and plasma membrane are generally conserved among all mycobacteria with the exception of the capsule, which is only produced by pathogenic species. Reproduced with permission from (Kieser and Rubin, 2014b), copyright Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Abbreviations: NAG, N-acetyl glucosamine; NAM, N-acetyl muramic acid; GalN, non-N-acetylated galactosamine. 17 Strong regulatory mechanisms operate during both chronic infections with pathogens and chronic exposure to harmless organisms. These mechanisms limit immune-mediated pathology during infections and prevent repeated and inappropriate immune responses to organisms that pose no threat to the host. The identification of specific molecules that promote immunoregulation may provide novel therapeutic avenues for the treatment of diseases of immunodysregulation such as allergies, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases, and stress-related psychiatric disorders including major depressive disorder and PTSD, where chronic, low-grade inflammation has been identified as a risk factor (Lowry et al., 2016). We have previously shown that treatment with a heat-killed preparation of the saprophytic mycobacterium, M. vaccae, prevents murine allergic pulmonary inflammation by inducing CD4+CD45RBlow Tregs (Zuany-Amorim et al., 2002a). These cells are allergen-specific and upon passive transfer can protect recipient allergic mice from airway inflammation by significantly reducing eosinophilia in the lungs. In addition, treatment with M. vaccae induces a population of pulmonary CD11c+ antigen-presenting cells, which are characterized by increased expression of IL-10, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) and IFNα (Adams et al., 2004). Furthermore, at least in vitro, priming of human DCs with M. vaccae induces strong inhibition of Th2 responses (Le Bert et al., 2011). Because lipids are an important constituent of the mycobacterial cell wall and have been shown to modulate immune responses, we investigated whether lipids extracted from M. vaccae may provide therapeutic benefits in a mouse model of pulmonary allergic inflammation. Here we found that a triacylglycerol lipid constituent of M. vaccae and its synthetic free fatty acid form have therapeutic potential as they are active in limiting symptoms of pulmonary allergic inflammation. We successfully synthesized these lipids and showed that their synthetic forms maintained therapeutic activity. Furthermore, the synthetic 18 free fatty acid inhibited proinflammatory signaling of activated macrophages ex vivo. This is the first report to show that a synthetic M. vaccae-derived lipid suppresses allergic airway inflammation in vivo. 2.2.1 Animals For studies involving isolation of bacterially-derived small molecules, and in vivo studies, adult female BALB/c mice, 6-8 weeks old (Harlan, Abingdon, UK), were housed under standard conditions with food and water available ad libitum. With regard to the potential therapeutic application of this research, female mice were chosen for these preliminary experiments. For studies involving ex vivo studies of freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages, adult male BALB/c mice (BALB/cAnHsd; Cat. No. 047; Harlan, Indianapolis, IN, USA), 6-8 weeks old, were used and housed under standard conditions with food and water available ad libitum. For studies involving isolation of bacterially-derived small molecules, and in vivo studies, all experimental protocols complied with the Home Office 1986 Animals Scientific Act. For studies involving ex vivo studies of freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages, all experimental protocols were consistent with the National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Eighth Edition (The National Academies Press, 2011) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Colorado Boulder approved all procedures. All possible efforts were made to minimize the number of animals used and their suffering. 2.2.2 Mycobacterium vaccae Isolation of bacterially-derived small molecules from M. vaccae was conducted using sterile paste derived from freshly grown stocks. For in vivo studies, sterile vials of heat-killed whole 19 cell M. vaccae suspension (10 mg/ml; strain NCTC 11659) were supplied by SR Pharma (London, UK). For studies involving ex vivo studies of freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages, the same material was provided by Bio Elpida (Lyon, France; batch ENG#1). 2.2.3 Isolation of the lipids Wet cells (200 g of paste of sterile heat-killed whole cell M. vaccae) were extracted using 440 mL of petroleum ether, 400 mL of methanol, and 40 mL 0.3% aqueous sodium chloride overnight with gentle agitation. The mixture was then left to stand and the upper organic petroleum-ether supernatant fraction was separated by careful aspiration. The lower aqueous phase was extracted again using petroleum ether (400 mL) as described above. The petroleumether extracts were combined and dried to yield the apolar lipids. The lower aqueous phase was then extracted using chloroform/methanol/water (90:100:30; 520 mL) with gentle agitation, overnight. The resulting lipid extract was separated by vacuum filtration and the residual biomass extracted using chloroform/methanol/water (50:100:40; 170 mL) overnight with gentle agitation twice. The three polar lipid extractions were combined and chloroform (290 mL) and 0.3 % aqueous sodium chloride (290 mL) were added. The entire mixture was briefly shaken, allowed to settle and the upper phase was carefully removed and discarded. The lower organic layer was dried to yield the polar lipids. The polar lipids were resuspended in a minimum volume of chloroform (20 mL) and added to chilled acetone (1.5 L) and left at 4 °C, overnight. The resulting precipitate (lipid fraction 147) was separated by centrifugation from the acetone soluble lipids (220 mg) designated lipid fraction 148. Fraction 148 was further fractioned using column chromatography using increasing amounts of methanol in chloroform to afford seven lipidic fractions. These were screened for their immunomodulatory potential as described below. While 20 a number of fractions were deemed interesting, fraction 148.2 (82 mg) was further analyzed. The resulting fraction was deemed pure by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) using chloroform as an eluant following charring with a heat gun after spraying with 5% ethanolic molybdophosphoric acid. Through a combination of high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), 1-dimensional (1D) ( 1H and 13C), and two-dimensional (2D) (correlation spectroscopy (COSY) and 1H/13C heternonuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC)) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses, the structure of the triglyceride was completely determined. 2.2.4 Synthesis of triacylglycerol The synthesis of triacylglycerol was based on the method of Besra and colleagues (Besra et al., 1993). Briefly, the acetylenic carboxylic acid (1) and trimethylsilyl chloride (0.1 equivalent) in anhydrous methanol were mixed at room temperature for 12 hours. The reaction was evaporated to dryness to yield the pure methyl ester product (2) as confirmed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and 1H/13C-NMR analysis and was used directly in the next step without further purification. The carboxylic acid methyl ester (2) was dissolved in diethyl ether and 2 equivalents of lithium aluminum hydride were added and the reaction was stirred at room temperature for 4 hours. The reaction was quenched with glacial acetic acid and the acetylenic alcohol product (3) was extracted with diethyl ether and water. The ethereal layer was recovered and washed with water and then brine, then concentrated to dryness. To a solution of the acetylenic alcohol (3) (1 equivalent) in hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA), n-butyl lithium (2 equivalents) was added at 0 °C under nitrogen over a period of 30 min. The reaction was stirred at 0 °C for 20 min. 1-iodopentane (1.4 equivalent) was added and the reaction mixture was left to 21 warm to ambient temperature and stirred for 20 hours. The reaction was quenched with the addition of saturated aqueous ammonium chloride and the product (4) was extracted with diethyl-ether. The product (4) was concentrated and purified by column chromatography using a petroleum ether-ethyl acetate gradient, monitored by TLC and characterized by 1H/13C-NMR. A suspension of Lindlar’s catalyst in dry benzene was saturated with hydrogen gas and cooled to 10 °C. Then a solution of (4) in benzene and quinoline was added under a stream of nitrogen. The reaction mixture was stirred for 1 hour at 10 °C. The reaction mixture was filtered, concentrated and the product (5) was purified by column chromatography using a petroleum ether-ethyl acetate gradient, monitored by TLC and characterized by 1H/13C-NMR. A solution of (5) in dichloromethane (1 volume) was added to a stirring solution of pyridinium dichromate (4 equivalents) in dimethylformamide (DMF, 10 volumes). The reaction mixture was stirred for 2 days at room temperature. Water was added and the product (6) was extracted into dichloromethane, washed with brine and concentrated. The product (6) was purified by column chromatography and characterized by MS and 1H/13C-NMR. The starting acid (6) was dissolved in dichloromethane/DMF and oxalyl chloride was added; the reaction mixture was then stirred at room temperature for 1 hour. The reaction mixture was evaporated and the crude acid chloride (7) was used in the next step. Glycerol (1 equivalent) in pyridine was added to the acid chloride (7) (3.3. equivalents) and the reaction mixture was left to stir overnight. Dichloromethane and water were added to the reaction mixture and the product was recovered in the organic layer and concentrated. The synthetic triacylglycerol was purified by column chromatography using increasing methanol in chloroform, monitored by TLC and characterized by MS, and 1H/13CNMR analyses. All indicated structures are shown in Fig. 2.2. 22 Structures associated with the synthesis of the triacylglycerol, 1,2,3-tri[Z-10- hexadecenoyl]glycerol, isolated from extracts of M. vaccae. 2.2.5 Synthesis of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid; (10Z)-hexadec-10-enoic acid (CAS No. 2511-97-9) Unless otherwise noted, reagents were obtained commercially and used without further purification. Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) was distilled over calcium hydride (CaH2) under a nitrogen atmosphere. Tetrahydrofuran (THF; (CH2)4O) was distilled from sodium-benzophenone 23 under a nitrogen atmosphere. Thin-layer chromatography analysis of reaction mixtures was performed on Dynamic Adsorbents, Inc., silica gel F-254 TLC plates. Flash chromatography was carried out on Zeoprep 60 ECO silica gel. 1H spectra were recorded with a Varian INOVA 500 spectrometer. Compounds were detected by monitoring UV absorbance at 254 nm. To a 5 mL sealed tube containing 1-heptene (0.50 mL, 3.55 mmol), methyl 10- undecenoate (0.080 mL, 0.36 mmol) and 0.35 mL THF was added to a Grubbs Z-selective metathesis catalyst (2.2 mg, 3.48 µmol, Sigma-Aldrich, Cat. No. 771082). The reaction was stirred at 45 oC for 8 h before cooling to room temperature. The slurry was filtrated through a short plug of silica gel and concentrated. The obtained oil was dissolved in 1.0 mL THF. The solution was cooled to 0 oC, then 9-borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane (9-BBN) solution in THF (1.28 mL, 0.50 M, 0.64 mmol) was added. After 2 h stirring at 0 oC, the reaction was quenched with 60 µL EtOH, then 1.5 mL pH 7 potassium phosphate buffer and 1.5 mL 30% H2O2. The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 12 h, then extracted with 5 mL EtOAc three times. The combined organic layers were washed with 4 mL saturated Na2S2O3 and 3 mL brine, then dried over Na2SO4, filtered and concentrated. To the crude oil in 1.0 mL THF was added LiOH monohydrate (38 mg, 0.90 mmol) in 1.0 mL water. After 2 h, the reaction solution was cooled to 0 oC before addition of 0.91 mL 1.0 N HCl. After being concentrated under reduced pressure, the aqueous solution was saturated with NaCl and extracted with 3 mL dichloromethane three times. The combined organic layers were dried over Na2SO4, filtered and concentrated. Purification by flash chromatography (2:1:1 hexanes/dichloromethane/diethyl ether) provided (10Z)-hexadec10-enoic acid (0.022 g, 90%) as a colorless oil. 1H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl3): δ 5.48 – 5.22 (m, 24 2H), 2.35 (t, J = 7.5 Hz, 2H), 2.01 (q, J = 6.6 Hz, 4H), 1.63 (p, J = 7.4 Hz, 2H), 1.35 – 1.15 (m, 16H), 0.88 (t, J = 6.9 Hz, 3H). 2.2.6 Thp1 cell assay Thp1 cells were used as an immunological screen to characterize properties of the isolated lipid fractions of M. vaccae in terms of IL-12p40 and IL-10 secretion. Thp1 cells (ATCC, Teddington, UK) were differentiated overnight with 1.2% DMSO (Cat. No. D-5879; SigmaAldrich, Gillingham, UK) in culture media containing RPMI 1640 medium containing 20 mM Hepes buffer without L-glutamine (Cat. No. 42402-016; Gibco BRL, Grand Island, NY, USA), containing 10% fetal calf serum (Cat. No. 10106-169; Gibco BRLBRL), and 2 mM L-glutamine (Cat. No. 25030-024; Gibco BRL). Cells were washed, counted and resuspended at a concentration of 2x106 /ml. Cells were stimulated in vitro with isolated lipid fractions of M. vaccae at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Supernatants were collected after 24 or 48 hours and cytokine concentrations were measured using commercially available ELISA kits (R&D Systems, Abingdon, UK). For experimental timeline, see Fig. 2.3A. 2.2.7 Murine model of allergic pulmonary inflammation: prevention studies Mice were treated subcutaneously on day –21 with either whole cell heat-killed M. vaccae (0.1 mg in 100 l of sterile saline), M. vaccae lipid preparation (1 or 5 µg in 100 µl of buffer) or with sterile buffer alone. On days 0 and 12, mice were sensitized by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of 10 g chicken egg ovalbumin (Grade V, Sigma-Aldrich, UK) in 100 l of alum gel (AMS, Abingdon, UK). On days 19 and 21, mice were challenged intratracheally (i.t.) with 50 l of 10 g/ml ovalbumin in sterile saline solution (Fig. 2.3B-D). 25 2.2.8 Murine model of allergic pulmonary inflammation: treatment studies In separate studies, 3 weeks prior to treatment with M. vaccae (0.1 mg in 100 l of sterile saline), 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol (5 µg in 100 µl of buffer, s.c.; Fig. 2.3E), 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid (5 µg or 1 µg in 100 µl buffer, s.c.; Fig. 2.3F) or with sterile buffer alone, animals received two ovalbumin and alum injections 12 days apart (on days 0 and 12) to determine the therapeutic potential of treatment with M. vaccae and its lipid components, 1,2,3- tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol and 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid (Fig. 2.3E,F). M. vaccae, its lipid components, or vehicle was injected on day 21. Mice were immunized again with ovalbumin and alum injections on days 42 and 54 and challenged with ovalbumin intratracheally (i.t.) with 50 µl of 10 µg/ml ovalbumin in sterile saline solution on days 61 and 62. Mice were euthanized 24 hours after the second i.t. antigen challenge by i.p. injection of sodium pentobarbital (240 mg/kg, Animal Care, York, UK). The trachea was cannulated and the BAL fluid was collected by washing three times with 0.3 ml of RPMI supplemented with 50 U/ml penicillin and 50 µg/ml streptomycin (Invitrogen). The number of cells recovered was determined using a Neubauer chamber. Differential cell counts for each BAL sample were obtained from slide cytospin (Cytospin 3, Shandon Scientific, Cheshire, UK) stained with Wright-Giemsa (Sigma-Aldrich). A differential count of 200 cells was performed using standard histological criteria. The remaining BAL fluid was centrifuged and the supernatant stored at –20 °C for cytokine analysis. Concentrations of IL-5 and IL-10 were measured using commercially available ELISA kits. 2.2.9 Ex vivo splenocyte culture Spleens from mice from each treatment group were pooled and a single cell suspension was prepared. Erythrocytes were removed by hypotonic lysis. Cells were washed and resuspended in 26 culture media containing RPMI, 10% fetal calf serum, 2 mM glutamine, 50 U/ml penicillin and 50 µg/ml streptomycin. Splenocytes (10x106 /ml) were stimulated ex vivo with phosphatebuffered saline (PBS; Invitrogen), ovalbumin (50 µg/ml) for antigen-specific stimulation, and with plate-bound anti-CD3 (0.5 g/ml, Pharmingen, Oxford, UK) for polyclonal activation of T cells. Supernatants were collected 72 hours later for analysis of cytokine concentrations. Concentrations of IL-5 and IL-10 were measured using commercially available ELISA kits. 2.2.10 Murine peritoneal macrophage isolation and screening Murine peritoneal macrophages were isolated as previously described (Zhang et al., 2008) and used to determine the effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid on lipopolysaccharide-induced IL6 secretion (Fig. 2.3G). Briefly, mice received one 1 ml i.p. injection of 3% thioglycollate medium (Cat. No. 9000-294, VWR, Radnor, PA, USA). Ninety-six hours later, macrophages were collected in DPBS (Cat. No. 14190136, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Cells were centrifuged and resuspended in DMEM/F-12 (Cat. No. 10565018, Invitrogen) supplemented to be 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (Cat. No. 16000036, Invitrogen) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Cat.No. 15140148, Invitrogen). One mouse yielded enough cells for one experimental replicate. 1x105 cells/well were allowed to adhere for 1.5 h before being washed with DPBS. 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid was dissolved in DMEM/F-12 with 0.5% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide (Cat. No. D8418, Sigma-Aldrich). The macrophages were incubated with either 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid (0.4 µM, 4 µM, 20 µM, 100 µM, 500 µM, 1000 µM) or DMEM/F-12 for 1 h before being stimulated with either 1 µg/ml lipopolysaccharide (serotype 0127:B8, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) or DMEM/F-12. Culture supernatants were collected at 6, 12, and 24 h poststimulation. 27 2.2.11 Dynamic light scattering of lipid micelles Prior to sample preparation, all reagents were sterile filtered through a 0.1 µm centrifugal filter (Cat. No. UFC30VV25, Millipore Corp.). 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid was prepared in DMEM/F-12, 0.2% DMSO for a concentration of 1 mM then sterile filtered again through a 0.1 µm centrifugal filter. Dilutions were made with dust-free 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. The presence of micelles in the lipid preparations (1 mM, 500 µM, 200 µM, 100 µM, 50 µM, 25 µM, 10 µM, 1 µM) was determined from side scatter intensity as measured through DLS (Titan DynaPro, Wyatt Technologies). Data was recorded at 40% power and analysed in Dynamics V6.3.40 (Wyatt Technologies). For the DMEM/F-12, the refractive index was set at 1.3, and viscosity was set to 0.78. Scatter intensities were collected at 21°C and 37°C. The data was modelled using a 4-paramter logistic. 2.2.12 Lipid extraction Freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages were treated and stimulated as previously described. The total lipid content of the macrophages was extracted as previously described (Bligh and Dyer, 1959). The extraction procedure was performed at the indicated time points after addition of either 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid or LPS. Briefly, cell culture supernatants were aspirated and set aside. The macrophage monolayers were washed three times with DBPS, followed by addition of 300 µl of methanol-chloroform (2:1). The cells were scraped from the wells to create a single cell suspension. One hundred µl of chloroform was added to the suspension, and the mixture was homogenized with a handheld homogenizer (Tissuemiser, Fisher Scientific). One hundred µl of water was added, and the mixture was homogenized again. The alcoholic and organic layers were allowed to separate, and the alcoholic layer was aspirated. 28 The chloroform was evaporated off in a rotovap (Cat. No. SVC-100H, Savant), and the resulting lipid residue was dissolved in hexanes. The extraction procedure was also performed with the cell culture supernatants. The lipid content was separated on silica gel 60 F254 coated thin layer chromatography plates using a hexanes-ethyl acetate (3:1) mobile phase. Lipids were visualized in an iodine chamber. 2.2.13 Cytokine measurements Cell culture supernatants from freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages were diluted 1:200, and IL-6 was measured using sandwiched ELISA (Cat. No. 431304, Biolegend, San Diego, CA, USA). All samples were measured in duplicate. 2.2.14 Cytotoxicity assay Cytotoxicity was determined using the sulforhodamine B (SRB) colorimetric assay, as previously described (Vichai and Kirtikara, 2006). Briefly, without removing the culture media, cells were fixed by adding cold trichloroacetic acid and incubated at 4 °C for 1 h. The plates were washed with slow-running tap water and set out to dry overnight. Then, 0.057% SRB (Cat. No. AC333130050, Fisher, Pittsburgh, PA, USA), solubilized in 10 mM Tris (Cat. No. BP153, Fisher), was added to each well. After 30 min, plates were washed with 1% acetic acid and set out to dry overnight. SRB was measured at 490 nm on a Synergy HT microplate reader (Part Number 7091000, Biotek, Winooski, VT, USA). Cell viability was expressed as the ratio of experimental and control growth. 2.2.15 Ligands 29 Rosiglitazone, troglitazone, and WY14643 were obtained from Alexis Biochemicals (San Diego, CA, USA); ATRA and AM580 were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. In addition, GW9662 was a gift from T.M. Willson (GlaxoSmithKline, Brentford, United Kingdom). 2.2.16 Statistical analysis Results are represented as means ± SEM or means + SEM. Data were subjected to a normality test and one-way ANOVA or Student’s t-tests were performed as appropriate. A twotailed p value  0.05 was considered significant. The fractionation of M. vaccae NCTC 11659 with a number of solvents resulted in the isolation of several lipid fractions with different characteristics. Preliminary work identified lipids present in the aqueous methanol fraction, such as phospholipids, polar and neutral glycolipids and glycosylphosphatidylinositols, but not those in the petrol fraction, such as phthiocerols, dimicocerosates and mycolic acids, to be of considerable interest (data not shown). 30 31 Diagrammatic illustrations of experimental designs. Abbreviations: BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; i.p., intraperitoneal; i.t., intratracheal; OVA, chicken egg ovalbumin; s.c., subcutaneous; DMEM, Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; FBS, fetal bovine serum; DPBS, Dulbecco's Phosphate-Buffered Saline. 2.3.1 Pretreatment with an aqueous methanol extraction of M. vaccae reduces allergic pulmonary inflammation Upon further fractionation of the aqueous methanol fraction, we separated the phospholipid, polar glycolipid and glycosylphosphatidylinositol components (fraction 147) from the neutral glycolipid components (fraction 148). In Experiment 1, we assessed the immunomodulatory properties of these two fractions in vitro using Thp1 cells, a human monocytic cell line, exposed overnight to these preparations (for experimental timeline, see Fig. 2.3A). We found that Thp1 cells stimulated with fraction 147 preferentially produce IL-12p40. In contrast, when they were stimulated with fraction 148 they showed reduced IL-12p40 secretion and an increase in IL-10 levels (data not shown). Intrigued by these findings, in Experiment 2 we treated mice, subsequently rendered allergic by immunization with ovalbumin and alum on Days 0 and 12, with either a heat-killed preparation of M. vaccae (NCTC 11659; 0.1 mg, s.c.) or fraction 147 or 148, (5 µg; s.c.), on Day –21 and determined their respective potential in limiting allergic pulmonary inflammation, measured on Day 22 following intratracheal (i.t.) ovalbumin challenge on Days 19 and 21 (for experimental timeline, see Fig. 2.3B). Pulmonary allergic inflammation is associated with a large influx of cells, particularly eosinophils, in the airway. We found that mice treated with either a heat-killed preparation of M. vaccae NCTC 11659 or fraction 148 showed a significant reduction in both the total cellular infiltrate and in the number of eosinophils recovered in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid (Table 2.1). The decrease in eosinophils was not associated with an increase in other inflammatory cells. In fact, macrophages (p < 0.05) were also reduced at the site of inflammation, while there were no effects on numbers 32 of neutrophils (Table 2.1). This reduction in disease severity was not observed in allergic mice treated with fraction 147. These results suggest that, not only do fractions 147 and 148 have different immunological properties, but also that fraction 148 prevents pulmonary allergic inflammation in a mouse model. Table 2.1. Characterization of the cellular infiltrate in the lungs of allergic mice challenged intratracheally with ovalbumin in Experiment 2. Cells x 105 /ml Vehicle (s.c.) M. vaccae NCTC 11659 (0.1 mg, s.c.) Fraction 147 (5 µg, s.c.) Fraction 148 (5 µg, s.c.) Total cellular infiltrate 2.14  0.2 0.65  0.1* 1.73  0.36 0.55  0.1* Eosinophils 0.41  0.1 0.17  0.01* 0.49  0.2 0.12  0.01* Neutrophils 0.12  0.04 0.03  0.02 0.07  0.02 0.02  0.02 Macrophages 1.57  0.1 0.45  0.1* 1.15  0.2 0.42  0.1* *denotes p < 0.05 compared with vehicle-treated, ovalbumin-challenged mice, using ANOVA and Bonferroni-corrected pairwise comparisons. These results are representative of at least two separate experiments (n = 8 per group). 2.3.2 Specific fractions of the mycobacterial extract are anti-inflammatory in vitro Fraction 148 was further fractionated by column chromatography using a chloroformmethanol gradient. Based on previous results we screened seven subfractions of fraction 148 using Thp1 cells for a cytokine profile associated with low IL-12p40 and increased IL-10 levels (data not shown). Following these criteria, three subfractions were identified as having interesting features, and fraction 148.2 was used in further experiments. We found in Experiment 3 (for experimental timeline, see Fig. 2.3C) that mice treated with either M. vaccae NCTC 11659 (0.1 mg, s.c.) or two different doses of fraction 148.2 (5 µg and 1 µg, s.c.) showed a reduction in both the total cellular infiltrate and the number of eosinophils and/or macrophages recovered in the BAL fluid (Fig. 2.3C and 2.4). In addition, in Experiment 4 (for experimental timeline, see 33 Fig. 2.3D), we studied the effects of M. vaccae NCTC 11659 (0.1 mg, s.c.) and fraction 148.2 (5 or 1 µg, s.c.) on IL-10 secretion from splenocytes stimulated with allergen (50 µg/ml) ex vivo. Splenocytes from mice treated with M. vaccae NCTC 11659 and mice treated with fraction 148.2 produced increased levels of IL-10 following in vitro allergen (ovalbumin) stimulation (M. vaccae NCTC 11659, 234  47 pg/ml; 1 µg fraction 148.2, 227  20 pg/ml; 5µg fraction 148.2, 291  16 pg/ml), compared to levels from splenocytes of mice treated with vehicle alone (179  37 pg/ml). These results suggest that components of fraction 148.2 maintain the induction, measured ex vivo in splenocytes, of a cytokine profile associated with prevention of pulmonary allergic inflammation in a mouse model. M. vaccae and M. vaccae fraction 148.2 reduce bronchopulmonary inflammation. Treatment with a heat-killed preparation of M. vaccae or lipid fraction 148.2 of M. vaccae reduced the severity of pulmonary allergic inflammation. (A) Compared to vehicle-treated control mice, subcutaneous treatment with whole heat-killed M. vaccae or lipid fraction 148.2 reduced the total number of cells recovered in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of allergic mice challenged with ovalbumin. Allergic mice were treated with vehicle (white bars) or with 0.1 mg of a heat-killed preparation of M. vaccae (NCTC 11659; Mva; black bars) or with one of two doses of lipid fraction 148.2 (1 µg; 5 µg; gray bars). (B) Compared to vehicle-treated control mice, mice treated with M. vaccae or one of two doses of lipid fraction 148.2 had reduced numbers of eosinophils (EOS) and macrophages (MΦ) recovered in the BAL fluid of allergic mice challenged with ovalbumin. Data are expressed as mean + SEM of 6-8 mice per group. These results are representative of two separate experiments. *p < 0.05 relative to vehicle-treated controls as determined by ANOVA analysis followed by Fishers Least Significant Difference (LSD) tests. 34 Abbreviations: EOS, eosinophils; MΦ, macrophages; Mva, heat-killed preparation of M. vaccae (NCTC 11659); NEUTS, neutrophils. 2.3.3 The anti-inflammatory component of the fraction is a triglyceride By performing a series of analytic chemistry experiments including high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), 1-dimensional (1D) (1H and 13C) and two-dimensional (2D) (correlation spectroscopy (COSY) and 1H/13C heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses, we concluded that fraction 148.2 is a triacylglycerol. From the 1H signals we identified a glycerol backbone at 4.20 ppm (4H) and 5.25 ppm (1H). We also obtained a complex signal at 5.32 ppm (3.3H, CH=CH), 2.3 ppm (6H, CO-CH2), 2.0 ppm (8H, CH2CH=CHCH2) and 1.6 ppm (8H, CO-CH2CH2). Further analysis of fatty acid characteristics revealed that fraction 148.2 contained predominantly C16 and C18:1 and a smaller proportion of C18 and C16:1. The proton integration from the 1H NMR spectra indicated a degree of heterogeneity in terms of the number of acyl chains (i.e. double bonds) and the small coupling constant indicating cis fatty acids. Fatty acid analysis by GC/MS analysis of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) gave predominately C16 and C18:1 FAMEs, and a smaller proportion of C18 and C16:1 FAMEs. Positive electrospray mass spectrometry analysis of the intact lipid showed dominant sodiated molecular species at m/z 825 (C16:1 x 3), m/z 827 (C16:1 x 2, C16), m/z 853 (C18:1 x1, C16:1 x 2), m/z 857 (C18:1, C16 x 2), m/z 881 (C18:1 x 2, C16:1), m/z 883 (C18:1 x 2, C16), m/z 909 (C18:1 x3), m/z 911 (C18:1 x 2, C18), and a series of ions at m/z 827, 855, 857, 883, 911 and 913 representing saturation of fatty acids. The position of the double bond in the unsaturated FAMEs was determined through alkylthiolation and GC/MS analysis of the FAMEs and the presence of key cleavage ions (Francis, 1981). The following M = 390, G = 217, G-32 = 185 and F = 173 cleavage ions were observed for the C18:1 FAME indicating that the location of the cis double 35 bond was at C9,C10. The following M = 362, G = 231, G-32 = 199 and F = 131 cleavage ions were observed for the C16:1 FAME indicating that the location of the cis double bond was at C10,C11. The latter is a rather unusual lipid and appears to be restricted to Mycobacteria spp. (Fig. 2.2), (8)), although lactobacilli have been shown to have capacity to synthesize, from γ– linolenic acid, C18:1 fatty acids with a double bond at position 10,11 (Ogawa et al., 2005). 2.3.4 The triglyceride, 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol, has therapeutic potential in a mouse model of pulmonary allergic inflammation Because of its uniqueness we investigated in Experiment 5 whether treatment with 1,2,3- tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol alone retains the therapeutic activity initially observed for treatment with whole M. vaccae NCTC 11659 or fraction 148.2. To this end, we synthesized the C16:1 triacylglycerol with a double bond at position 10,11 of each acyl chain (hereafter referred to as 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol) and determined its therapeutic potential in a mouse model of allergic pulmonary inflammation (for experimental timeline, see Fig. 2.3E). We found that mice treated with either M. vaccae NCTC 11659 (0.1 mg, s.c.) or 1,2,3-tri[Z-10- hexadecenoyl]glycerol (5 µg, s.c.) showed a reduction in both the total cellular infiltrate and in the number of eosinophils recovered in the BAL fluid (Fig. 2.5). Once again the reduction in eosinophilia was not accompanied by an increase in T helper cell type (Th1)-mediated inflammation as the numbers of macrophages were not increased. The reduction in the numbers of eosinophils was comparable to that seen following treatment with heat-killed whole cell M. vaccae NCTC 11659 (Fig. 2.5). In addition, we observed a decrease in IL-5 concentrations and an increase in IL-10 concentrations in the BAL fluid of mice treated with 1,2,3-tri[Z-10- 36 hexadecenoyl]glycerol (5 µg) compared to those measured in the BAL fluid of mice treated with vehicle (Fig. 2.6A). Levels of IFNγ were below detection in the BAL fluid of allergic mice regardless of treatment. We measured cytokines in the supernatant of ex vivo splenocyte culture following allergen stimulation. We found an increase in IL-10 in the supernatant of splenocytes of mice treated with 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol (5 µg) compared to those in the supernatant of splenocytes of mice treated with buffer (Fig. 2.6B). These results are the first to show therapeutic activity of a synthetic lipid, 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol, of M. vaccae NCTC 11659 in a mouse model of pulmonary allergic inflammation. To elucidate the physiological role of chain length and double bond position, the therapeutic potential of several other synthetic triglycerides was determined (Fig. 2.7A-F). We observed similar levels of cellular infiltration after allergic challenge whether mice were treated with 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol, 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-undecenoyl]glycerol, or 1,2,3-tri[Z-10- octadecenoyl]glycerol (Fig. 2.4C). This result indicates that the therapeutic activity is not dependent on the acyl chain length. When mice are treated with 1,2,3-tri[Z-9- octadecenoyl]glycerol or 1,2,3-tri[Z-11-hexadecenoyl]glycerol, the total cellular infiltrate more resembles the buffer control, which indicates that the position of the double bond is most critical for the therapeutic effect (Fig. 2.7D-E). Furthermore, only the position appears to be important, as the cis and trans stereoisomers at the C10 position are equally effective (Fig. 2.7F). 37 Synthetic triglyceride, 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol, reduces bronchopulmonary inflammation. Treatment with a synthetic triglyceride originally isolated and purified from M. vaccae reduces the severity of pulmonary allergic inflammation. Allergic mice were treated with vehicle (white bars), with 0.1 mg of heat-killed M. vaccae (NCTC 11659; black bars) or with a 5 µg dose of the synthetic triglyceride 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol (gray bars). Compared to control mice, subcutaneous treatment with heat-killed whole cell M. vaccae reduced the numbers of eosinophils (EOS) and macrophages (MΦ) recovered in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of allergic mice challenged with ovalbumin, while synthetic triglyceride 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol reduced the numbers of eosinophils (EOS) recovered in the BAL fluid of these mice. Data are expressed as mean + SEM of 6-8 mice per group. These results are representative of two separate experiments. *p < 0.05 when compared to treatment with vehicle as determined by ANOVA analysis followed by Fishers Least Significant Difference (LSD) tests. Abbreviations: EOS, eosinophils; MΦ, macrophages; NEUTS, neutrophils. 38 Synthetic triglyceride 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol has an anti-inflammatory effect on immune cells recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and splenocytes. Treatment with a synthetic lipid originally obtained from M. vaccae altered the cytokine profile of allergic mice. (A) Levels of interleukin (IL) 5 and IL-10 were measured in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of allergic mice treated with buffer (white bars), with 0.1 mg of a heat-killed preparation of whole cell M. vaccae (NCTC 11659; black bars) or with a 5 µg dose of the synthetic triglyceride 1,2,3-tri[Z-10- hexadecenoyl]glycerol (gray bars). Treatment with 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol reduced IL-5 levels and increased IL-10 levels. (B) Levels of IL-5 and IL-10 were measured in the supernatant of splenocytes stimulated in vitro with ovalbumin. Splenocytes of mice treated with M. vaccae or 1,2,3-tri[Z10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol produced more IL-10 than vehicle treated mice. Data are expressed as mean + SEM from pooled spleens of 6-8 mice per group. *p < 0.05 and ***p < 0.001 relative to vehicle-treated controls as determined by ANOVA analysis followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparison tests. These results are representative of two separate experiments. 39 In vivo screening of synthetic acyl chain length and isomer variations. The inflammatory response was measured as the total cellular infiltrate recovered from BAL fluid upon allergic challenge. (A) Three weeks prior to allergic challenge, mice were treated with either buffer, a mixture of C18 and C16 FFAs, (FFA), or a mixture of TAGs with C18 and C16 acyl chains. (TAG). (B) The treatment protocol was repeated using either buffer, a synthetic C16:1 10-11 FFA (sFFA), or synthetic triglyceride 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol (sTAG). (C-F) Other synthetic triglyceride isomers with the indicated acyl chain structures were separately tested. 2.3.5 The free fatty acid, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, has therapeutic potential in a mouse model of pulmonary allergic inflammation 40 To determine if the triglyceride structure was necessary for therapeutic function of 1,2,3- tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol, in Experiment 6 (for experimental timeline, see Fig. 2.3F) the free fatty acid, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, was also synthesized. In the mouse model of allergic pulmonary inflammation, the free fatty acid (5 µg or 1 µg, s.c.) resulted in a significant reduction of both eosinophilia and total cellular infiltrate (data not shown). Furthermore, 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid treatment did not induce increases in macrophages or neutrophils. Also similar to 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol, we observed a decrease in IL-5 concentrations and an increase in IL-10 concentrations in the BAL fluid of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid-treated mice (5 µg)(data not shown). From these results, we concluded the anti-inflammatory effects of 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol are not due to the molecule’s multivalency, but rather the acyl chains. 2.3.6 Physical properties of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid As a fatty acid, we expected 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid to form micelles, so we used DLS to determine the critical micelle concentration. The formation of micelles could influence the effective concentration for immune suppression or influence how the lipid is transported across the plasma membrane. Scattering intensities of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid suspensions ranging from 1 µM to 1 mM, with and without LPS (0.5 mg/ml), were collected at 21°C and 37°C (Fig. 2.8). Intense, spurious signals were observed at 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid concentrations above 200 µM, which is an indication that the lipid may be precipitating. The same unreliable signal was observed with the LPS samples. 41 Critical micelle concentrations of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. Scatter intensity of lipid suspensions was measured using dynamic light scattering (DLS). Scatter intensities were collected at 40% laser power and measured at 21°C (A) and 37°C (B). The intensities were modeled using a 4-parameter logistic, and the CMC was calculated as the intersection of the of the maximum bound of the model and the slope of the inflection point. We next tested whether 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid could be detected in macrophages. Murine peritoneal macrophages were exposed to 200 μM lipid or DMEM/F-12 vehicle for 1 h, followed by addition of LPS (1 µg/ml) or DMEM/F-12 vehicle. Total lipid content of the cells and supernatant were collected at the indicated time points after addition of either 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid or LPS, and lipids were visualized in an iodine chamber (Fig. 2.9). 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid could be separated from other host cellular lipids using a hexanes-ethyl acetate (3:1) mobile phase. The reference 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid sample was prepared from 0.16 μmol extracted into 100 μl of hexanes, which is the molar equivalent of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid used in the macrophage assay. The FFA is stored in DMEM/F-12 containing 0.2% DMSO, so the equivalent volume of vehicle to reference was extracted into 100 μl of hexanes. 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid was detected in the supernatant of treated cells at all time points, but there 42 was no apparent difference between of the LPS-stimulated and unstimulated groups. 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid was not detected in the macrophages. This may be due to the rapid metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids. Thin layer chromatography of macrophages treated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. Murine peritoneal macrophages were treated with either 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid or DMEM/F12 and stimulated with LPS or unstimulated. The reference sample (denoted “R”) is 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid resuspended in DMEM/12, and vehicle sample (denoted “V”) is DMEM/12. Entire lipid content was extracted from culture supernatants (“Sup.”) and the macrophage monolayer (“Cell”). Extractions were performed 0m, 30m, 3h, 9h, and 12h after addition of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. Images were inverted to highlight the lipid separations. 2.3.7 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid prevents LPS-induced secretion of IL-6 in macrophages In Experiment 7 (for experimental timeline, see Fig. 2.3G), we wanted to resolve if 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid has a direct effect on immune cells. We chose to carry out this study on macrophages for their ubiquity and diverse role in immune processes. To simulate inflammation, freshly isolated mouse peritoneal macrophages were challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 1 µg/mL) ex vivo. Macrophages that were cultured in the presence of 0.4 µM up to 1 mM 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid for 1 h prior to LPS treatment secreted less IL-6 compared to macrophages cultured with media alone (Fig. 2.10A-C). This difference was observable as early as 6 h after 43 LPS challenge, and was sustained for at least 24 h. The effect also appeared to be concentration and time dependent. The lowest concentration of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid (0.4 µM) was ineffective at 6 h, but reduced IL-6 secretion to 40% of control levels at 24 h. This time and concentration dependence may indicate that a receptor-mediated transcriptional change is occurring. In contrast to the effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid on LPS-induced IL-6 secretion, it had no effect of IL-6 secretion by itself (IL-6 was undetectable in all conditions; Fig. 2.10D). We also measured the concentration of IL-10 in culture supernatants of cells treated with 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid or vehicle and stimulated with LPS or left unstimulated and found no measurable release of IL-10 in any group. Cell viability was measured to dispel the possibility that senescence or cell death was contributing to reduced IL-6 secretion. Using a high concentration (1 mM) of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, less than 40% of macrophages were viable at most time points. However, macrophages cultured with all other concentrations of 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid were as viable as or more viable than media controls (Fig. 2.11). 44 Anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid in freshly-isolated murine peritoneal macrophages. Freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages were incubated for 1 h with synthetic 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid (0.4 µM, 4 µM, 20 µM, 100 µM, 500 µM, 1000 µM), then challenged with 1 µg/mL lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Cell supernatants were collected at (A) 6 h, (B) 12 h, and (C) 24 h after LPS challenge. (D) The same experiment was repeated, but macrophages were challenged with either LPS or DMEM (as control). There was no detectable IL-6 in the cultures that did not receive LPS. Interleukin (IL) 6 concentrations in the supernatant were determined using ELISA and reported relative to mediaonly controls (n = 6 replicates for A-C and n = 4 for D, with each replicate using different freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages; each sample was run in duplicate). Data are expressed as mean  SEM. 45 Macrophage cell viability assay. Sulforhodamine B (SRB) was used to assess cytotoxic effects of various concentrations of synthetic 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid (10 µM, 50 µM, 125 µM, 250 µM, 500 µM, 1000 µM) after 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h of incubation with freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages. Percent control growth is expressed as % viability and is a ratio of the amount of growth that occurred with treatment over the amount of growth that occurred in media. One hundred percent indicates no differences in cell growth between treatment and media, whereas values below 100% indicate that growth was impaired with treatment. Data are expressed as mean  SEM of 3-7 mice per condition. In this study we identified a novel lipid extract, derived from M. vaccae, containing a C16 monounsaturated fatty acid with the double bond in the 10 to 11 position, with unique therapeutic actions in a mouse model of allergic pulmonary inflammation. We show that treatment with a single dose of this lipid extract significantly reduced the characteristic features of pulmonary allergic inflammation such as total cellular infiltrate and eosinophilia in the lungs measured 6 weeks following treatment. We successfully synthesized 1,2,3-tri[Z-10- hexadecenoyl]glycerol and show that this synthetic triacylglycerol recapitulates the therapeutic activity of the lipid extract. The beneficial effects of the novel triacyglycerol, as well as the free fatty acid form, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, as exemplified by the decrease in T helper cell type 2 (Th2) responses such as pulmonary eosinophilia, are not dependent on an increase in Th1- 46 mediated inflammation as neither neutrophils nor macrophages in the BAL fluid were increased. Instead, we observed an increase in the production of IL-10 both at the site of inflammation in the airways and in splenocytes stimulated with allergen ex vivo. Elevated levels of IL-10 have been shown previously to be associated with the beneficial effects of treatment with heat-killed whole cell M. vaccae NCTC 11659 (Hunt et al., 2005; Reber et al., 2016; Zuany-Amorim et al., 2002a). This is the first report to show that a lipid extract from M. vaccae NCTC 11659 has therapeutic activities in vivo. In addition, we demonstrated that 1,2,3-tri[Z-10- hexadecenoyl]glycerol and the synthetic free fatty acid, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, potently suppressed LPS-induced secretion of IL-6 from freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages, with suppression of IL-6 secretion 24 h following LPS challenge, using a 400 nM concentration, the lowest concentration tested. Recent work has suggested that peculiar lipid molecules of microbial origin may be ideally suited to induce Treg cells and initiate immunoregulatory mechanisms. Not surprisingly, some of these molecules are derived from long-lived pathogenic organisms, which induce chronic infection in the host, and therefore need to prevent severe immunopathology to ensure pathogen survival and transmission. For example, schistosomes, filarial worms and Leishmania protozoa have all been shown to induce increased levels of IL-10 and TGF-β in the host (Peters and Sacks, 2006; Schnoeller et al., 2008; Wilson et al., 2007). These infections are characterized by cellular hyporesponsiveness, i.e. a low proliferative response in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), and the induction of Treg cells (Belkaid et al., 2002; Doetze et al., 2000; Osborne and Devaney, 1999). We believe that harmless microorganisms, such as environmental saprophytes, have developed a similar talent for inducing immunoregulation. To avoid developing 47 unwarranted and costly immune responses to ubiquitous Old Friends, the host may have taken clues from specific molecules to recognize these organisms as harmless. For example, M. vaccae has been shown to induce CD4+CD45RBlow Treg cells during pulmonary allergic inflammation, which act through the production of IL-10 and TGF-β (Zuany-Amorim et al., 2002a). In this study we identified a lipid component, in its native and synthetic forms, of M. vaccae with interesting therapeutic properties in a mouse model of pulmonary allergic inflammation. Treatment is associated with increased levels of IL-10. Further research is required to elucidate mechanisms of action. Moreover, here we show that 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid suppresses LPSinduced IL-6 release from freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages, raising the interesting possibility that macrophages may be an important mechanism through which this bacteriallyderived lipid modulates immune function. Bacterially-derived lipids may be particularly relevant for immunomodulation at the mucosal surface. Human intestinal macrophages display profound inflammation anergy (an inability to respond to an inflammatory stimulus with an inflammatory response), despite the fact that they retain phagocytic and bacteriocidal activity (Smith et al., 2005; Smythies et al., 2005). Specifically, intestinal macrophages fail to produce proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 (CCL5), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), in response to diverse inflammatory stimuli (Smythies et al., 2005). This effect in part is due to downregulation of adapter proteins MyD88 and toll-like receptor adaptor molecule 1 (Ticam1), which together mediate all toll-like receptor (TLR) MyD88-dependent and independent NF-κB signaling (Smythies et al., 2010). Downregulation of these inflammatory mechanisms is due in part to TGF-β derived from intestinal extracellular matrix (Smythies et al., 2010). Consequently, 48 Old Friends that induce TGF-β, such as M. vaccae (Zuany-Amorim et al., 2002a), have potential to suppress inflammatory responses in macrophages. A number of intracellular negative regulators of TLR signaling have been described, including PPARα (Xu et al., 2007) and PPARγ (Shibolet and Podolsky, 2007). In a similar vein, lung-resident tissue macrophages induce antigen-specific Foxp3 + Treg and promote airway tolerance (Duan and Croft, 2014; Soroosh et al., 2013; Strickland et al., 1996). Transfer of antigen-exposed macrophages to naïve mice is sufficient to suppress asthmatic lung inflammation and expand Foxp3+ Treg populations (Soroosh et al., 2013). This mechanism is considered a steady-state phenomenon, as airway challenge with pattern recognition receptor ligands, like LPS, results in an inflammatory response (Soroosh et al., 2013). Another aspect of airway tolerance that is attributable to macrophages is their ability to induce T cell anergy or suppress DCs (Duan and Croft, 2014). Taken together, there are diverse roles for tissue macrophages, but it is clear that they are a critical interface of microbial inputs and immune tolerance. Total concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids in human serum can exceed 1 mM and the more abundant of the individual fatty acids can account for 20-40% of this total (Jüngling and Kammermeier, 1988). Based on this justification, previous analysis of endogenous ligands in competition binding assays has been conducted at 30 µM concentrations, while transfection assays have been conducted using 30 µM (Forman et al., 1997) or 100 µM concentrations (Kliewer et al., 1997), which are in line with our finding using 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid in functional assays in freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages (0.4 μM, 4 μM, 20 μM, 100 μM, 500 μM, 1000 μM). Concentrations of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid may well reach much higher 49 concentrations in target cells, such as macrophages and dendritic cells. Mycobacteria are intracellular parasites and are rapidly (within hours) translocated across the gut or lung mucosal lining by microfold cells (M cells), where they are phagocytosed by macrophages (Fujimura, 1986; Teitelbaum et al., 1999). Mycobacteria are unique in that they accumulate triacylglycerols as intracellular lipophilic inclusions. For example, M. smegmatis accumulates triacylglycerols and the acyl chain composition varies depending on the growth medium (Garton et al., 2002). Monounsaturated fatty acids, C16:1 hexadecenoic acid and C18:1 octadecenoic acid were found to be high when bacteria were grown in nutrient rich Middlebrook 7H9 broth, relative to low-nitrogen Youmans’ broth, but highest when bacteria were grown in Youmans’ broth with monounsaturated oleic acid ((9Z)-octadec-9-enoic acid) supplementation. Thus, it is possible that mycobacteria synthesize and store triacylglycerols using environmental fatty acids as substrates, potentially for export to the cell envelope and release. If so, it may be possible to modify the immunoregulatory and antiinflammatory potential of mycobacteria through modification of growth conditions. Of potential importance, conjugated linoleic acids are bacterial metabolites. For example, specific members of the genus Lactobacillus, including Lactobacillus reuteri, and L. plantarum, mediate the conversion of dietary linoleic acid into immunomodulatory conjugated linoleic acids (Lee et al., 2003a; Ogawa et al., 2005). Most of the conjugated linoleic acid produced is located in the extracellular space (~98%) (Lee et al., 2003a; Roman-Nunez et al., 2007), suggesting that bacterially-derived conjugated linoleic acids may be metabolic signaling molecules that modulate the host immune response. These bacterially-derived fatty acid metabolites include 10- hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoic acid (HYA), cis-9,trans-11-linoleic acid, trans-9,cis-11-linoleic 50 acid, and cis-10,trans-12-linoleic acid (Lee et al., 2003b; Miyamoto et al., 2015), among many others (Ogawa et al., 2005). Perhaps the closest analogue of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid identified here is trans-10-octadecenoic acid, produced by L. plantaurm from linoleic acid (Kishino et al., 2013) or γ-linolenic acid (Ogawa et al., 2005). In addition to the effects of bacterially derived conjugated linoleic acids on macrophages, described above, conjugated linoleic acid suppresses NF-κB signaling and IL-12 production in dendritic cells through IL-10 production (Loscher et al., 2005). Exposure of murine dendritic cells to conjugated linoleic acid suppresses their ability to promote differentiation of naïve T cells into Th1 and/or Th17 cells in vitro following their adoptive transfer in vivo (Draper et al., 2014), and can increase the frequency of Treg in mesenteric lymph nodes (Evans et al., 2010). Future studies should investigate the effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid on inflammatory signaling in macrophages, dendritic cells, as well as on T cell differentiation. 51 Chapter 3. Anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid are dependent on PPARα Acknowledgements: This work was completed in collaboration with Wenqing Xu, Xiang Wang, Petr A. Illarionov, Istvan Szatmari, Peter Brazda, and László Nagy. Wenqing Xu and Xiang Wang developed the synthesis and produced the free fatty acid form of 10(Z)- hexadecnoichexadecenoic acid. Petr Illarionov and László Nagy designed the PPAR reporter assay experiment, which was carried out by Istvan Szatmari and Peter Brazda. In previous work, we have shown that a heat-killed preparation of M. vaccae reduces airway inflammation in a murine model of allergic inflammation (Zuany-Amorim et al., 2002b). This was evidenced by reduced proliferation of eosinophils, neutrophils, and macrophages in the airways following allergen challenge, and by decreased IL-5 and increased IL-10 secretion from splenocytes, challenged with allergen ex vivo. Pretreatment with the heat-killed preparation of M. vaccae induced an immunoregulatory phenotype. Screening of lipid extracts of M. vaccae identified a novel lipid, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, which appears to be unique to mycobacteria, that recapitulates the effects of whole, heat-killed M. vaccae on airway inflammation in mice. In addition, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid was shown to suppress LPS-stimulated IL-6 secretion from freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages. However, the mechanisms through which 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid suppresses inflammation are not known. 3.1.1 Bioactive lipids and lipid receptors In every domain of life, lipids are indispensable for cell structure, but they are also important intracellular and intercellular signaling molecules. In lipid biology, like polypeptide biogenesis, some of the molecular building blocks can only be obtained from the environment. There are only two essential fatty acids, which are the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), linoleic acid (an ω-3 FA) and α-linoleic acid (an ω-6 FA). 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid is an ω-6 52 fatty acid. These PUFAs and other dietary PUFAs are the primary source for lipid hormones that modulate immune responses. Arachidonic acid (AA; a polyunsaturated ω-6 fatty acid), which is derived from α-linoleic acid and represents 20% of FAs in the plasma membrane, is an archetypal immunomodulatory lipid. It is the progenitor of eicosanoids, leukotrienes, lipoxins, and epoxyeicosatrienoic acid. Impressively, these AA metabolites contribute to inflammatory processes, anti-inflammatory processes, pro-resolution, differentiation, and chemotaxis (Dennis and Norris, 2015). Furthermore, these modified PUFAs are secreted from cells and signal through surface receptors, so, given the evolutionary reliance on exogenous lipids for immune regulation and the patterns of unsaturation, these molecules and respective receptors are potentially relevant to understanding mycobacterial lipids. A number of transcription factors have been identified that are potential mediators of the anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid in macrophages. One of these is a family of lipid sensing receptors, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) family. These receptors respond to a diverse population of lipids and are contextualized by their tissue-specific expression. Three isoforms of PPAR exist; PPARα is expressed in liver, heart, kidney, and muscle tissue. PPARγ is more ubiquitous and expressed in the heart, muscle, colon, kidney, pancreas, and spleen, whereas PPARδ is expressed in the brain and skin. All three isoforms are expressed in adipocytes, where PPARα and PPARδ regulate fatty acid oxidation, and PPARγ controls fatty acid storage (Chawla, 2010). The three isoforms are also expressed by macrophages and DCs, and in this context, they function to inhibit inflammation. The dietary lipid, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects mediated through the PPARγ isoform, whereby receptor activation inhibits TNF expression in 53 LPS-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (Kim et al., 2011). CLA, like 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid, is unsaturated at C10-11, but CLA exists as a trans isomer, whereas 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid is a more effective immunoregulatory molecule as a cis isomer at C10. Additionally, mammalian cells express a number of orphan G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that have yet to be characterized. To date, 4 GPCRs have been deorphanized as free fatty acid receptors (FFARs). FFAR2/3 are exclusive for short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), such as propionate, and FFAR1/4 are promiscuous receptors for long chain FAs (LCFAs). FFAR4, in particular, is a candidate receptor for 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, which has been shown to regulate inflammation through a β-arrestin, TAB-1 pathway (Oh et al., 2010). Furthermore, FFAR1/4 are receptors for exogenous ω-3 and ω-6 FAs (Alvarez-Curto and Milligan, 2016). Of the receptors discussed, the AA derivative receptors and FFAR are expressed on the surface of cells, and PPARs are expressed in the cytosol. The localization of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid is important to understand the mode of action. We had previously shown that the lipid forms microvesicles at concentrations above 100 µM, though this concentration is not necessary for anti-inflammatory effects. Mycobacteria have been reported to shed microvesicles that contain monoacyl and diacyl phosphatidylinositol dimannosides regardless of pathogenicity (Pradosrosales et al., 2011). Therefore, unique mechanisms of macrophage endocytosis may exist, such as lipid raft fusion, clathrin-, caveolin-, or dynamin-mediated entry (Kaparakis-Liaskos and Ferrero, 2015). Furthermore, unique PRR-mediated immunological responses exist for these modes of entry. For example, the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain- containing protein 1 (NOD1), specifically initiates immune responses against these endosomes, so perhaps the anti- 54 inflammatory effect of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid resides more in its interactions with endosomal processes. Given the diversity of fatty acid receptors in mammalian systems, and in order to take an unbiased approach to identifying potential mediators of the effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, we conducted RNAseq analysis of LPS-stimulated, freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages in mice, with or without pre-exposure to 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. This approach identified a number of genes that were upregulated or downregulated following exposure to 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid. We subsequently conducted pathway analysis to reveal potential signaling pathways involved in the anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. 55 3.2.1 Animals Male BALB/c (BALB/cAnHsd; Cat. No. 047; Harlan, Indianapolis, IN, USA), C57BL/6J (Cat. No. 000664; Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA), and C57BL/6J PPARα-/- (Cat. No. 08154; Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA) mice aged 6-8 weeks old were housed 2-3 per cage under standard conditions with food and water available ad libitum. 3.2.2 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid Unless otherwise noted, reagents were obtained commercially and used without further purification. Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) was distilled over calcium hydride (CaH2) under a nitrogen atmosphere. Tetrahydrofuran (THF; (CH2)4O) was distilled from sodiumbenzophenone under a nitrogen atmosphere. Thin-layer chromatography analysis of reaction mixtures was performed on Dynamic Adsorbents, Inc., silica gel F-254 TLC plates. Flash chromatography was carried out on Zeoprep 60 ECO silica gel. 1H spectra were recorded with a Varian INOVA 500 spectrometer. Compounds were detected by monitoring UV absorbance at 254 nm. To a 5 mL sealed tube containing 1-heptene (0.50 mL, 3.55 mmol), methyl 10-undecenoate (0.080 mL, 0.36 mmol) and 0.35 mL THF was added to a Grubbs Z-selective metathesis catalyst (2.2 mg, 3.48 µmol, Sigma-Aldrich, Cat. No. 771082). The reaction was stirred at 45 oC for 8 h before cooling to room temperature. The slurry was filtrated through a short plug of silica gel and concentrated. The obtained oil was dissolved in 1.0 mL THF. The solution was cooled to 0 oC, then 9-borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane (9-BBN) solution in THF (1.28 mL, 0.50 M, 0.64 mmol) 56 was added. After 2 h stirring at 0 oC, the reaction was quenched with 60 µL EtOH, then 1.5 mL pH 7 potassium phosphate buffer and 1.5 mL 30% H2O2. The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 12 h, then extracted with 5 mL EtOAc three times. The combined organic layers were washed with 4 mL saturated Na2S2O3 and 3 mL brine, then dried over Na2SO4, filtered and concentrated. To the crude oil in 1.0 mL THF was added LiOH monohydrate (38 mg, 0.90 mmol) in 1.0 mL water. After 2 h, the reaction solution was cooled to 0 oC before addition of 0.91 mL 1.0 N HCl. After being concentrated under reduced pressure, the aqueous solution was saturated with NaCl and extracted with 3 mL dichloromethane three times. The combined organic layers were dried over Na2SO4, filtered and concentrated. Purification by flash chromatography (2:1:1 hexanes/dichloromethane/diethyl ether) provided (10Z)-hexadec-10- enoic acid (0.022 g, 90%) as a colorless oil. 1H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl3): δ 5.48 – 5.22 (m, 2H), 2.35 (t, J = 7.5 Hz, 2H), 2.01 (q, J = 6.6 Hz, 4H), 1.63 (p, J = 7.4 Hz, 2H), 1.35 – 1.15 (m, 16H), 0.88 (t, J = 6.9 Hz, 3H). 3.2.3 Macrophage stimulation assay Murine peritoneal macrophages were isolated as previously described (Zhang et al., 2008) and used to determine the effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid on LPS-induced IL-6 secretion (Fig. 2.3G). Briefly, mice received one 1 ml i.p. injection of 3% thioglycollate medium (Cat. No. 9000-294, VWR, Radnor, PA, USA). Ninety-six hours later, macrophages were collected in DPBS (Cat. No. 14190136, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Cells were centrifuged and resuspended in DMEM/F-12 (Cat. No. 10565018, Invitrogen) supplemented to be 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (Cat. No. 16000036, Invitrogen) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Cat.No. 15140148, Invitrogen). One mouse yielded enough cells for one experimental replicate. All 57 incubation occurred at 37°C and 5% CO2. 1x105 cells/well were allowed to adhere for 1.5 h before being washed with DPBS. 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid was dissolved in DMEM/F-12 with 0.5% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide (Cat. No. D8418, Sigma-Aldrich). The macrophages were incubated with either 50 µM or 200 μM 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, as specified in the text, or DMEM/F-12 (0.2% DMSO) for 1 h before being stimulated with either 1 µg/ml lipopolysaccharide (serotype 0127:B8, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) or DMEM/F-12. Culture supernatants were collected 12 h post-stimulation. 3.2.4 Cytokine ELISA Cytokine concentrations in cell culture supernatants from freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages were measured using sandwiched ELISA (Cat. No. 431304, Biolegend, San Diego, CA, USA). Samples were diluted 1:200 for measurement of IL-6, and undiluted for measurement of IL-10. All samples were measured in duplicate. 3.2.5 RNA extraction and library preparation Total RNA content of 1x105 macrophages treated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid (utilizing separate macrophage preparations from n = 3 mice) or vehicle (utilizing separate macrophage preparations from n = 3 mice) was extracted using TRI Reagent® (Cat. No. T9424, SigmaAldrich) according to manufacturer’s instructions. The RNA input was quantified on a QubitTM 3.0 Fluorometer (Cat. No. Q33216, Thermo Fisher) to ensure there was sufficient starting material. The RNA sequencing libraries were generated with the NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit (Cat. No. E6310, New England BioLabs) in order to enrich the samples in mRNA, and NEBNext Ultra Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (Cat. No. 7240, New England BioLabs). Briefly, mRNA was purified from 100 ng of total RNA, fragmented, and converted to double 58 stranded cDNA. Barcodes were ligated to the cDNA fragments, and prior to PCR enrichment of the library, the cDNA product was quantified on a Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer. The length distribution of the purified oligo libraries were evaluated on an Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 (Cat. No. G2939BA, Agilent). 3.2.6 Sequencing Libraries were sequenced at the Next Generation Sequencing Facility at the University of Colorado Boulder. The libraries were multiplexed and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 Sequencing System (Cat. No. SY-401-1001, Illumina). For each sample, pair-end 100-bp reads were sequenced using V3 chemistry. 3.2.7 RNA read processing, mapping, and differential expression Quality analysis of sequencing data was done using FastQC. The adaptors and low quality raw reads were cut with Trimmomatic (version 0.32) (Bolger et al., 2014). The reads were aligned to the mouse genome, mm10 (University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), using the TopHat2 sequence aligner (version 2.0.6) (Kim et al., 2013). The Bowtie2 alignment option was set to ‘sensitive’, the expected inner distance was set to 200bp, the library type was specified as unstranded, and mm10 GTF (University of California, Santa Cruz) was provided for genome annotations. After mapping, alignment files were processed using SAMtools (version 0.1.16) (Li et al., 2009). Lastly, the reads mapping to exons were counted with HTseq (version 0.6.1) (Anders et al., 2015) using the options: reverse stranded and ‘intersection-nonempty’ mode. Differentially expressed genes were identified using the R package, DESeq (version 1.28.0) (Anders and Huber, 2010), using the default parameters. 59 3.2.8 Pathway analysis The online resource DAVID (version 6.8) (Huang et al., 2007) and desktop version of GSEA (version 2.2.4) (Subramanian et al., 2005) were used to analyze the differential expression data. Brielfy, DAVID pathway analysis was performed separately with the gene IDs of the most significant upregulated and downregulated genes using the default parameters. For GSEA, the normalized gene counts were used and enrichment was calculated based on gene set permutations. 3.2.9 Transfections and reporter gene assays Cells were transfected with the following receptor and reporter constructs: Gal4-PPARαLBD, Gal4-PPARγ-LBD, Gal4-PPARδ-LBD, Gal4-RARα-LBD, pMH100-TK-luc, and pCMXβ-galactosidase (Chen and Evans, 1995). All transfection experiments were performed with COS1 cells using polyethylenimine (Sigma-Aldrich) reagent (Szatmari et al., 2006). After 6–8 h of the transfection, the medium was replaced with DMEM medium containing the indicated ligands or vehicle (as control) (Benko et al., 2003; Chen and Evans, 1995). Cells were lysed and assayed for reporter expression 18 h after transfection. The luciferase assay system (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) was used as described previously (Nagy et al., 1999). Measurements were carried out with a Wallac Victor-2, multilabel counter. Luciferase activity of each sample was normalized to the β-galactosidase activity. 3.2.10 Pharmacologic inhibition of PPARs In the pharmacologic inhibition studies, macrophages were harvested and cultured as before, but after washing the cells, they were treated with either GW 6471 (PPARα antagonist, Cat. No. 4618, Tocris), GW 9662 (PPARγ antagonist, Cat. No. 1508, Tocris), GSK 0660 (PPARδ 60 antagonist, 3433, Tocris), or vehicle (DMEM/F-12, 0.2% DMSO). Antagonists were prepared to 5x or 20x their reported IC50. After a 1 h incubation period, cells were treated with 200 μM 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, or a PPAR agonist corresponding to the PPAR antagonists listed above, WY 14643 (PPARα agonist, Cat. No. 1312, Tocris), rosiglitazone (PPARγ agonist, Cat. No. 5325, Tocris), GW 0742 (PPARδ agonist, Cat. No. 0742), or vehicle. Agonists were prepared to 1x, 2x, 5x, and 10x their respective EC50. After a 1 h incubation period, cells were stimulated with either 1 µg/ml lipopolysaccharide (serotype 0127:B8, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) or DMEM/F-12. Culture supernatants were collected 12 h post-stimulation. 3.2.11 Statistical analysis Data are presented as means ± SEM or means + SEM. Data were subjected to a normality test and one-way, multifactor, and repeated measures ANOVA, followed by Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) tests were performed as appropriate. A two-tailed p value < 0.05 was considered significant. 3.3.1 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid suppresses LPS-induced inflammation We had previously seen that the M. vaccae derived lipid, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, suppressed secretion of IL-6 in a macrophage model of inflammation. Here we used RNA-Seq to identify potential receptors and pathways involved in the anti-inflammatory effect. Freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages were treated with 200 µM 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid for 1 h, before being stimulated with 1 µg/ml LPS. IL-6 secretion was measured 12 h, and 24 h after LPS stimulation. There was a 49±12% and 36±6% inhibition of IL-6 after 12 h and 24 h, 61 respectively. For the RNA-Seq library preparation, the 12h time point was preferred over the 24h time point to identify earlier changes in steady-state mRNA levels. For each treatment condition, vehicle with 1 µg/ml LPS or 200 µM 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid with 1 µg/ml LPS, there was a sample size of 3 freshly isolated macrophage preparations, with each preparation from a different mouse. The sequencing libraries were prepared with an rRNA depletion protocol that also preserves mRNA directionality. The libraries were sequenced in a 100bp paired-end experiment on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing system. The number of raw sequences obtained from the prepared libraries ranged from 51.36 to 63.70 million reads. The average sequencing depth was 2.11 bases. After mapping the reads, the percentage of reads that were successfully paired and mapped ranged from 69.01% to 70.97%. Differentially expressed transcripts were identified using the R package, DESeq (version 1.28.0) (Anders and Huber, 2010). Two hundred and three genes were found to be differentially expressed with an FDR-adjusted p < 0.05, and 719 with an unadjusted p < 0.05. Of the 203 differentially expressed genes, 109 were downregulated with 200 µM 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid treatment and 94 were upregulated. The dispersion estimates and MA plot of mean gene counts are presented in Fig. 3.1. The top 10 most significant genes are reported in Table 5.1 (all 203 genes with q < 0.05 are listed in Appendix 3). Five of the top 10 most significant genes are related to inflammation, three of which were downregulated, and two of which were upregulated. The first downregulated gene was IL-6. Interestingly, there was ~4x less IL-6 mRNA in cells treated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid compared to ~0.5x less IL-6 protein released from the cell, based on previous studies. The second downregulated inflammation-related mRNA was ptgs2, encoding prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (i.e. Cox-2). Cox-2 is responsible for the 62 generation of many classes of prostaglandins, which are associated with initiating inflammation (Lee et al., 2001). The last downregulated inflammation-related gene was socs1, encoding cytokine inducible SH2-containing protein, which is unique from the previous two in the sense that it negatively regulates cytokine signaling (Kazi et al., 2014). It belongs to a family of proteins called suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS), of which Socs1, Socs2, and Socs3 are all downregulated. The last 2 of these 5 inflammation-related genes are associated with antiinflammatory processes and were upregulated. Tsc22d3 was upregulated and is known to be induced by glucocorticoids, hence the alias glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (Gilz). Tsc22d3 regulates inflammation through formation of heterodimers with proinflammatory transcription factors, like nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) (Riccardi, 2015). The second upregulated inflammation-related gene was dusp1, which has broad phosphatase activity primarily affecting downstream targets of TLR4, thus inhibiting inflammation (Hammer et al., 2006). Outside the context of inflammation, but relevant to lipid-mediated signaling, is the gene perilipin 2, which is a direct target of PPARα (McMullen et al., 2014). In order to recognize a broader pattern among the differentially expressed genes, we employed several pathway analysis tools. 63 Table 3.1. Proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine ligand mRNAs downregulated by preincubation of freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid prior to stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (selected from 203 differentially expressed mRNAs; FDR-adjusted p < 0.1) # Ensembl ID Mean #Reads LPS (n =3) Mean #Reads s148.2ffa +LPS (n = 3) Effect Log2 Foldchange p value Adjusted p value Gene 2 ENSMUSG00000025746 1302 305 ↓ -2.09 4.19E-23 4.37E-19 Il6 13 ENSMUSG00000027398 15,957 5349 ↓ -2.16 4.03E-15 6.48E-12 Il1b 21 ENSMUSG00000035373 1182 441 ↓ -1.42 3.37E-12 3.35E-9 Ccl7 22 ENSMUSG00000035385 5656 2234 ↓ -1.34 5.18E-12 4.91E-9 Ccl2 26 ENSMUSG00000027776 714 268 ↓ -1.42 5.70E-11 4.57E-8 Il12a 33 ENSMUSG00000031779 327 117 ↓ -1.48 5.15E-10 3.26E-7 Ccl22 47 ENSMUSG00000018927 810 368 ↓ -1.14 5.31E-8 2.36E-5 Ccl6 59 ENSMUSG00000024401 2098 1023 ↓ -1.04 2.95E-7 1.04E-4 Tnf 61 ENSMUSG00000031780 24 3 ↓ -3.08 3.97E-7 1.34E-4 Ccl17 67 ENSMUSG00000027399 16533 8500 ↓ -0.96 1.02E-6 3.19E-4 Il1a 72 ENSMUSG00000021356 87 30 ↓ -1.53 2.27E-06 6.56E-4 Irf4 77 ENSMUSG00000018930 603 305 ↓ -0.98 3.75E-6 1.02E-3 Ccl4 90 ENSMUSG00000038067 215 102 ↓ -1.06 1.51E-05 3.5E-4 Csf3 91 ENSMUSG00000004371 26 5 ↓ -2.35 1.59E-5 3.7E-3 Il11 99 ENSMUSG00000058427 4726 2680 ↓ -0.82 3.01E-5 6.4E-3 Cxcl21 64 138 ENSMUSG00000018916 26 6 ↓ -2.12 1.54E-4 2.3E-2 Csf2 142 ENSMUSG00000000982 6693 4067 ↓ -0.72 1.99E-4 2.9E-2 Ccl3 158 ENSMUSG00000025225 916 556 ↓ -0.72 3.85E-4 5.1E-2 Nfkb2 163 ENSMUSG00000004296 78 36 ↓ -1.11 4.05E-4 5.2E-2 Il12b 167 ENSMUSG00000041515 776 475 ↓ -0.71 4.56E-4 5.7E-2 Irf8 174 ENSMUSG00000020826 5417 3382 ↓ -0.68 5.5E-4 6.6E-2 Nos2 193 ENSMUSG00000029379 8342 5215 ↓ -0.68 7.68E-4 8.3E-2 Cxcl3 1Cxcl2 is a functional homologue of human IL-8 Differential expression of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid-treated and vehicle-treated cells in the presence of LPS. Macrophage cultures were treated with either 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid or vehicle (DMEM/F-12, 0.2% DMSO). After a1 h incubation, macrophages were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 0.1 μg/ml). (A) Dispersion estimates for all reads. The red line is the negative binomial estimator function. (B) MA plot of differentially expressed genes. Genes with an FDR-adjusted p-value, q < 0.05 are shown in red. 65 Table 3.2. Top 10 differentially expressed genes of freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages preincubated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid prior to stimulation with lipopolysaccharide Gene name Gene symbol Log2 fold change FDR-adjusted pvalue (q) haptoglobin Hp 2.155269 2.26E-21 interleukin 6 IL6 -2.09473 4.37E-19 TSC22 domain family, member 3 TSC22D3 2.132848 3.67E-17 prostaglandinendoperoxide synthase 2 PTGS2 -1.81185 8.08E-16 cytokine inducible SH2- containing protein CISH -2.30575 4.38E-15 dual specificity phosphatase 1 DUSP1 1.986963 1.67E-14 ADAMTS-like 4 ADAMTSL4 2.012712 1.86E-12 Mir5105 -1.645503 1.98E-12 vanin 3 VNN3 -2.04621 2.63E-12 perilipin 2 PLIN2 1.578041 2.63E-12 Our first approach towards identifying cellular pathways significantly affected by treatment with200 200 µM 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid in LPS-stimulated macrophages was to use the webbased platform DAVID (Huang et al., 2007, 2009). The list of 203 FDR-adjusted significant genes was used for the analysis. 40 KEGG pathways (Table A3.2) were enriched in the gene list. Twenty-nine of the 40 had an FDR < 10%—many of which were related to infection, but 6 of the most enriched pathways include broad, overlapping inflammatory processes. These included cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction (KEGG: mmu04060), TNF signaling pathway (KEGG: mmu04668), TLR signaling pathway (KEGG: mmu04620), Jak-STAT signaling pathway 66 (KEGG: mmu04630), chemokine signaling pathway (KEGG: mmu04062), and NF-κB signaling pathway (KEGG: mmu04064). Every gene identified in these pathways was downregulated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid treatment. Overall, there was clear downregulation of inflammatory pathways. Only two pathways were enriched with genes upregulated by 200 µM 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, PPAR and mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling. Eight genes associated with MAPK signaling were downregulated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid treatment, but 3 genes were upregulated, Fos, CACN (a calcium channel) and Dusp1. Dusp1 specifically inhibits activation of MAP kinases. Based on these findings from RNA-Seq analysis, PPARs are viable candidates for receptors for 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. In this exploratory phase of analysis, we also used Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) to identify Gene Ontologies (GO), pathways, and published gene sets that are enriched in our gene expression data (Subramanian et al., 2005). The normalized gene expression data from DESeq was queried against each of the GSEA gene set collections. From the GSEA pathways database (c2.cp.kegg.v6.0), the top 5 enriched gene sets for the 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid phenotype were: “peroxisome” (KEGG: hsa04146), “ppar_signaling_pathway” (KEGG: hsa03320), “citrate_cycle_tca_cycle” (KEGG: hsa00020), “fatty_acid_metabolism” (KEGG: hsa00071), and “propanoate_metabolism” (KEGG: hsa00640), a short chain fatty acid (Fig. 3.2A). All 5 gene sets were significant with an unadjusted p value < 0.05, but failed to reach significance using FDR-adjusted p values; nevertheless, there was a pattern of lipid metabolism. We also searched against the collection of transcription factor binding motifs (c3.tft.v6.0), which revealed enriched CREB, Gfi1, and 67 PPARα cis-regulatory motifs upstream of the genes upregulated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid treatment in LPS-stimulated macrophages. Again, these were nominally significant (i.e. p < 0.05; q > 0.05), but these findings bolster PPARs, and specifically PPARα, as a potential receptor mediating anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. Gfi1, is also an interesting result, as it has been shown to be an antagonist of NF-κB binding to NF-κB responsive elements in target gene promoters (Sharif-Askari et al., 2010). Lastly, we searched for gene set enrichments among the curated collection of immunologic signatures (c7.all.v6.0). This returned 40 gene sets that were significantly enriched at < 10% FDR, 11 of which involved macrophages as the model system. A common theme among the gene sets was cytokine signaling. Seven of these 11 came from a study exploring STAT3 activation. For example, there is significant enrichment for genes upregulated in IL-6 -/- macrophages stimulated with IL-10 and LPS compared to an IL-10 KO with the same stimuli (Fig. 3.2) (GSE5589_3015_200_DN) (El Kasmi et al., 2006). While both IL-10 and IL-6 can activate STAT3 to produce an anti-inflammatory response, the authors suggest there are separate pathways towards that end. The pattern of genes upregulated during 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid and LPS stimulation is more similar to IL-10 mediated STAT3 activation. Furthermore, this gene set significantly overlaps with the KEGG PPAR Signaling Pathway (hsa03320) (q < 0.001). 68 Summary of GSEA results enriched for LPS-stimulated macrophages pretreated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. (A) Top 20 KEGG pathways enriched in LPS-stimulated macrophages pretreated with 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid. (B) Top 20 GO “biological process” terms enriched in LPS-stimulated macrophages pretreated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. (C) Significant enrichment of an immunologic gene set in the 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid pretreatment group. The vertical lines indicate genes represented in both gene sets. Shared genes with a positive fold change are shown more to the left and shared genes with the largest negative fold change are shown on the right. The top 27 shared genes with positive fold changes are shown in the heatmap. We also searched the GSEA collections for gene sets enriched in the vehicle-pretreated, LPS-stimulated phenotype. From the KEGG pathways collection (c2.cp.kegg.v6.0) and 69 transcription factor binding motifs (c3.tft.v6.0) databases, similar trends to the DAVID analysis were revealed. There was enrichment for the NF-κB pathway as well enrichment for genes with NF-κB and IRF_Q6 transcription binding motifs at FDR < 25% (Fig. 3.3C). It was unclear whether the IRF-regulated genes are associated with type I, II, or III interferon response. We would expect a type I response, as the type I interferons are regulated by IRF3/7, which is activated downstream of TLR4. This was addressed by uploading the genes with the IRF_Q6 transcription factor binding site to Interferome (version 2.01), a database of type I, II, and III interferon regulated genes (Rusinova et al., 2013). All genes were found in the database, with 29% associated with a type I response, 23% associated with a type II response, and the plurality 45% associated with both type I and II responses (Fig. 3.3D). The ambiguity between the type I and type II response may be clarified by the significant upregulation (p < 0.05) of the type II interferon, IFNγ, and in the vehicle-treated phenotype and non-significant difference between expression of type I interferons. Furthermore, a gene set enrichment analysis for the canonical IFNα response revealed that many of the genes are found towards the middle of the ranked gene list (i.e. genes that are expressed at similar levels in both treatment groups)() (Fig. 3.3C). Together, this shows that the type II interferon response, which is activated downstream of the NF-κB target IL-12 is upregulated in the vehicle treated phenotype, and the type I response is relatively unchanged between vehicle and 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid treatment (Ye et al., 1995). Lastly, we searched against the curated immunologic gene sets (c7.all.v6.0). The most significant enrichment was for genes upregulated in macrophages unstimulated vs. stimulated with LPS (Buxadé et al., 2012). 70 Summary of GSEA results enriched for vehicle (“DMEM”) pretreatment of LPSstimulated macrophages. (A) Top 20 KEGG pathways enriched for the DMEM phenotype. (B) Top 20 GO “biological process” terms enriched for the DMEM phenotype. (C) Gene set enrichment for the three major downstream pathways of TLR4 activation: NF-κB, IRF, and AP-1. Vertical black lines indicate specific genes in the ranked gene list that are also found in indicated gene set. Enrichment profiles that skew to the left (red) are genes upregulated in vehicle-treated cells, skews to right represent genes upregulated in the 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid treatment (blue), and enrichment profiles that peak in the center indicate genes that equally expressed in both treatment groups. (D) Venn diagram of genes enriched for the IRF_Q6 71 transcription factor binding site and their association with Type I, II, or III interferon response. Abbreviations: NES, normalized enrichment score. As many of the GSEA gene sets involve similar experimental conditions and outcomes, we built gene set interaction networks to determine which of the enriched gene sets overlapped the most (Figure 3.3). From this macroscopic perspective, we observed broad downregulation of genes associated with cytokine signaling, as the central node of these gene sets is the JAK/STAT pathway (Figure 5.4A). In the network visualization of pathway gene sets upregulated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid treatment, the central node is “Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins”. Many of the surrounding nodes involve the peroxisome and PPAR pathways. It is evident that upregulation of PPAR targets is correlated with downregulation of cytokine and NF-κB targets, but these data cannot explain how or if PPAR pathways affect inflammatory processes. 72 Network visualizations of related gene set enrichments. Network visualizations of enriched gene sets were made with Cytoscape (Smoot et al., 2011). The sizes of the circles represent the number of genes in the gene set, and the thickness of the lines represents the number of genes two nodes share. (A) Overlapping KEGG pathways that are downregulated with treatment of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. (B) Overlapping KEGG pathways upregulated with treatment of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. 3.3.2 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid activates PPARα As described above, analysis of the effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid on LPS-induced transcriptional changes in freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages, using RNA-Seq, revealed PPAR signaling as a potential mediator of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. Fatty acids can 73 modulate inflammation via the activation of nuclear hormone receptors. Therefore we assessed the nuclear receptor activation capacity of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid and its derivatives. We conducted reporter gene assays via the transfection of COS1 cells using GAL4-fusion ligand binding domains (LBDs) of various lipid-activated nuclear receptors (PPARα-LBD, PPARγLBD, PPARδ-LBD and RARα-LBD) along with a plasmid carrying MH100-TK-luciferase reporter (Chen and Evans, 1995). Transfected cells were incubated with 1-mono-[Z-10- hexadecenoyl]glycerol (PI-69), 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol (PI-70), or 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid (PI-71) for 18 h and relative luciferase activity, normalized to β-galactosidase activity, was measured. 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid (PI-71), and 1-[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol (PI-69), at concentrations of 80 µM, reliably increased PPARα-, but not PPARγ-, PPARδ, or RARα-regulated reporter expression (Fig. 3.5). The triglyceride had no effect (Fig. 3.5). Together, these results demonstrate that 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid and its monoacylglycerol form selectively activate the PPARα receptor signaling. 74 Analysis of the effects of M. vaccae-derived lipids on PPARα, PPARγ, PPARδ, and RARα signaling in transfection assays using COS-1 cells. (A) Relative activity of PPARα following incubation with 1-[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol (PI-69; MAG), 1,2,3-tri[Z-10-hexadecenoyl]glycerol (PI-70; TAG), or 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid (PI-71; FFA) for 18 h, expressed as relative luciferase activity, normalized to β-galactosidase activity. (B) Relative activity of PPARγ. (C) Relative activity of PPARδ. (D) Relative activity of RARα. Abbreviations: AM580 (RARαspecific agonist, 100 nM), ATRA, all-trans retinoic acid (RARα agonist, 100 nM), GW1516 (PPARδ agonist, 1 µM), RSG, rosiglitazone (PPARγ agonist, 2.5 µM), TRO, troglitazone (PPARγ agonist, 10 µM), WY, WY14643 (PPARα agonist, 2 µM). Data are representative of 2-3 replicates per experiment. 3.3.3 Anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid are dependent on PPARα After determining 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid to be a ligand of PPARα, we investigated if this interaction was necessary for inhibiting LPS-stimulated release of IL-6. Pharmacological agonists and antagonists of each PPAR were used to test if PPARα has a singular role in this process. The agonists and antagonists and their receptor specificities are listed in Table 5.2. 75 Macrophages were incubated with a single PPAR antagonist for 1 h prior to treatment with either 200 μM 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid or a PPAR agonist corresponding to its respective PPAR antagonist. After another 1 h incubation period, the cells were stimulated with LPS, and IL-6 was measured 12 h later. Antagonists were assayed at 5x and 20x the IC50. When tested in combination with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, there was a main effect of antagonist using multifactor ANOVA (F2,35 = 4.939, p < 0.05). To test the effects of the selective PPAR agonists, the 20x concentration antagonist was used, and agonists were assayed at 1x, 2x, 5x, and 10x the EC50. In an SRB cytotoxicity assay, none of the treatment combinations had a significant effect on cell viability. To test for an effect of agonist concentration, we used a multifactor repeated measures ANOVA with the repeated effect, concentration, measured on the three different agonist classes. Regardless of the agonist, concentration was not significant. To test for an effect of agonist, we used a multifactor repeated measures ANOVA, with the repeated effect, agonist class, measured on the four different concentrations. The agonist was significant at every level of agonist concentration (1x, F(1.829,18.292) = 13.183, p < 0.001; 2x, F(1.732,17.323) = 10.702, p < 0.001; 5x, F(1.800,18.002) = 27.817, p < 0.001; 10x, F(1.677,16.768) = 27.374, p < 0.001). The agonist*antagonist interaction term was also significant in this model at the 1x concentration (F(1.829, 18.292) = 3.941, p < 0.05). From here, we used repeated measure ANOVAs to model each separate agonist class and found the effect of antagonist to be significant for the PPARα agonist, WY 14643. There was no effect of the PPARγ antagonist, GW9662, or the PPARδ antagonist, GSK0660. Table 3.3. Selective PPAR antagonists and agonists. 76 1According to manufacturer information. PPARα antagonist blocks anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. (A) Murine peritoneal macrophages were incubated with either PPARα antagonist (GW 6471), PPARγ antagonist (GW 9662), PPARδ antagonist (GSK 0660), or DMEM/F-12. After a 1h incubation, the cells were treated with the complementary agonist (PPARα: WY-14643, PPARγ: rosiglitazone; rosi., PPARδ: GW 0742). For each agonist, 4 concentrations were assayed, 1x, 2x, 5x, and 10x the EC50. (B) Antagonist Agonist Name IC50 Name EC50 PPARα GW 6471 (Cat. No. 4618) 0.24 µM1 WY 14643 (Cat. No. 1312) 0.63 µM1 PPARγ GW 9662 (Cat. No. 1508) 3.3 nM1 Rosiglitazone (Cat. No. 5325) 60 nM1 PPARδ GSK 0660 (Cat. No. 3433) 0.16 µM1 GW 0742 (Cat. No. 2229) 1 nM1 77 Alternatively, after incubation with the antagonists or DMEM/F-12, cells were treated with 200 μM 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. Dexamethasone (“Dex”) was included as a positive anti-inflammatory control. Inflammation was reported as the concentration of IL-6 secreted relative to DMEM/F-12. #p < 0.05 main effect of agonist + antagonist condition relative to agonist alone condition in a multifactor ANOVA. *p < 0.05, Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD), pair-wise comparison relative to antagonist-treated cells. $p < 0.05, Fisher’s LSD, relative to cells only treated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. While 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid had a significant anti-inflammatory effect (p < 0.05), the effect of higher concentrations of the PPARα agonist, WY-14643, could not be fully reversed with pretreatment of the PPARα antagonist (GW 6471). ). To further explore the role of PPARα in the anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, we repeated the assay in C57BL/6J PPARα-/- mice and used C57BL/6J as a genetic background control. There was a main effect of PPARα genotype on LPS-stimulated IL-6 release (F(1,32) = 9.639, p < 0.01). Whereas 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid was effective at suppressing LPS-stimulated IL-6 in wild type C57BL/6J mice, the mean LPS-stimulated IL-6 secretion of macrophages from the PPARα KO mice treated with 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid relative to untreated macrophages was 0.99 ± 0.05. This indicated a full reversal of the anti-inflammatory effect of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid and the necessity of PPARα in mediating the effect. 78 PPARα is necessary for anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid. Murine peritoneal macrophages from PPARα-/- or WT mice were harvested and cultured for inflammatory assay. Cells were incubated with DMEM/F-12. Subsequently, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid (50 μM or 200 μM ) was added to the cells followed by stimulation with LPS (1 μg/ml). *p < 0.05 relative to KO. Here we show, using RNA-Seq analysis, that a novel lipid, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, derived from the saprophytic, anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory bacterium, M. vaccae, has antiinflammatory effects in freshly isolated, LPS-stimulated murine macrophages. We further show using pathway analysis that PPARα, a murine fatty acid receptor, is a candidate receptor mediating effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid in macrophages. Receptor transfection studies demonstrated that 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid activates PPARα signaling, but not PPARγ signaling, or PPARδ signaling, demonstrating that PPARα, but not PPARγ, or PPARδ, is sufficient to induce PPAR signaling. Pharmacologic studies support these findings, suggesting that PPARα is 79 both necessary and sufficient for anti-inflammatory effects in macrophages. Finally, studies using PPARα deficient mice confirm that PPARα is necessary for anti-inflammatory of 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid. Here we show, using RNA-Seq analysis, that a novel lipid, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, derived from the saprophytic, anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory bacterium, M. vaccae, has antiinflammatory effects in LPS-stimulated murine macrophages. The effect had a broad transcriptional impact on inflammation as twenty-one of one hundred two significantly downregulated genes (FDR-adjusted p values, q < 0.1) were associated with the GO biological process: inflammatory process (GO:0006954). Using DAVID pathway analysis and GSEA, we demonstrated that the NF-κB pathway was significantly downregulated, including NF-κB. The pathway analyses also returned Jak-STAT pathways to be significantly downregulated. These pathways and associated genes are reported in Table A3.3. This result was not unexpected, as the proinflammatory cytokines regulated by NF-κB primarily signal through Jak-STAT pathways (Lawrence, 2009). These represent one of three pathways activated downstream of TLR4 stimulation; the other two common pathways are AP-1 and IRF3/7 (Fitzgerald et al., 2003). Interestingly, 10(Z)-hexadecenoic treatment had no effect on IRF3/7 mRNA levels, nor their gene targets, IFNα/β. Among all mapped reads, we identified 70 transcripts associated with interferons. Three (ligp1, irf4, and irf8) of the 70 were significantly downregulated, though they are not associated with canonical TLR4 activation, except irf4, which negatively regulates TLR4 induced proinflammatory cytokine production. The AP-1 arm of TLR4 activation regulates myriad cellular processes such as proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. The AP-1 pathways and target genes, like the IRFs, were not significantly enriched in downregulated 80 genes. The inverse may be true, as the protein constituents of the AP-1 heterodimer, fos and jun, were significantly upregulated in 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid-treated macrophages. These data indicate that the anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic in LPS-stimulated macrophages are specifically achieved through suppression of NF-κB (Chinetti et al., 2000). The principal findings from the upregulated genes were upregulation of fatty acid metabolic processes and an enrichment of PPAR signaling pathways, which regulate fatty acid metabolism. We further show using pathway analysis and GSEA that genes upregulated by 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid are enriched with gene targets of PPARα. The only other receptor pathway enriched in the upregulated genes was notch receptor, which has also been associated with suppressing inflammation but requires specific protein ligands, and the receptor was inconsistently identified between pathway analysis methods. PPARα is a lipid sensing receptor and is activated by a wide variety of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (Berger and Moller, 2002). These ligands include dietary fatty acids as well as endogenous lipid hormones. 8,9- and 11,12-epoxyeicosatrienoic acids are PPARα agonists and suppress NF-κB activation (Wray et al., 2009). A second class of anti-inflammatory lipid hormones that bind PPARα includes 12- and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (Murakami et al., 1999). Thus, PPARα is a candidate receptor mediating effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid in macrophages. Receptor transfection studies demonstrated that 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid activates PPARα, but not PPARγ, or PPARδ, demonstrating that PPARα, but not PPARγ, or PPARδ, is sufficient to induce PPAR signaling. Furthermore, pharmacologic inhibition of PPARα reversed the antiinflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid and low concentrations of the PPARα agonist, WY-14643, which suggests that PPARα is necessary and sufficient for anti-inflammatory effects 81 in macrophages. Finally, studies using PPARα-deficient mice confirmed that PPARα was necessary for the anti-inflammatory effects of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid, as 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid had no effect on LPS-stimulated secretion of IL-6 in PPARα KO mice. Bacterially-derived agonists of PPARs have potential for modulation of host immunity; PPARs have been found to regulate T cell survival, activation, and CD4+ T helper cell differentiation into the Th1, Th2, Th17, and Treg lineages (Choi and Bothwell, 2012). We have shown that 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid originally isolated from M. vaccae can protect against allergic asthma, that the same molecule suppresses LPS-induced IL-6 in freshly isolated macrophages, and can activate PPARα, but not PPARβ/δ, PPARγ, or RARα nuclear hormone receptors. Together, these data support the hypothesis that 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid may induce macrophage anergy through actions on PPARα. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, PPARα, PPARβ/δ, and PPARγ are ligand-activated nuclear receptors, each of which acts as a heterodimer with retinoid X receptor (RXR), with potent anti-inflammatory properties, through interference with proinflammatory transcription factor pathways (Chinetti et al., 2003). Our data suggest that activation of PPARα in macrophages inhibits the production of proinflammatory response markers, including IL-6, IL-1β, TNF, and inducible nitric oxide synthase, however, it is unclear that the inhibition is achieved through activation of PPARα target genes or repression of NF-κB genes. In support of the latter mechanism, activated PPARγ represses NF-κB targets through direct interaction with the p50 subunit (Kleemann et al., 2003). The transcriptional program of NF-κB and PPARs is influenced by interactions with coactivators, so a second proposed mechanism of ligand-dependent PPAR transrepression is as an antagonist of NF-κB coactivators(Jepsen et al., 2000). Another, alternative, mechanism for PPARα-mediated 82 transrepression was shown to involve inhibition of protein kinase C, which is an upstream activator of NF-κB (Ricote and Glass, 2007). These mechanisms are not mutually exclusive nor necessarily specific for TLR4, so, the existence of multiple lines of immune suppression make PPARα ligands broadly appealing anti-inflammatory molecules. The role of PPARα in inflammation is underscored by its exploitation by endogenous molecules to manipulate inflammation. Endogenous host-derived agonists of PPARα include oleoylethanolamide, the monounsaturated analogue of the endocannabinoid anandamide (Fu et al., 2003, 2005), as well as a number of long-chain monocarboxylic acids, including linoleic, α-linolenic, γ-linolenic, arachidonic, docosahexaenoic, and eicosapentaenoic acids (Forman et al., 1997; Kliewer et al., 1997). In addition, oxygenated fatty acid derivatives and other products of lipoxygenase metabolism, such as 8(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (8(S)-HETE), and ±8- hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid (±8-HEPE) are endogenous PPARα agonists (Forman et al., 1997; Kliewer et al., 1997). Other endogenous PPARα agonists include 15-deoxy-D12,14- prostaglandin J2 (Forman et al., 1997; Kota et al., 2005). Finally, the monounsaturated fatty acids, oleic ((9Z)-octadec-9-enoic acid), petroselenic ((6Z)-octadec-6-enoic acid), and palmitoleic acid ((9Z)-hexadec-9-enoic acid) are endogenous host-derived PPARα agonists (Kliewer et al., 1997; Kota et al., 2005). Palmitoleic acid is a lipokine, released from adipose cells, localizes predominantly to nuclear fractions, consistent with a nuclear mechanisms of action in host cells (Foryst-Ludwig et al., 2015), and is potently anti-inflammatory (Chan et al., 2015). Mycobacteria are phagocytosed by macrophages and can persist within the macrophage as an intracellular parasite. This suggests that, following release of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid into the 83 cytoplasm of the cell, and following binding of 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid to cytosolic PPARα, M. vaccae may co-opt the macrophage’s own anti-inflammatory mechanisms to suppress inflammation. It is unclear if 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid induces a shift toward an alternatively activated, anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype, or a novel phenotype. The significance of PPARα in human health is largely explored in clinical trials for the treatment of obesity, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes. PPARα is a logical and effective target for these conditions because of its role in lipid metabolism. In nondiabetic obese adults, PPARα is downregulated in adipose tissue (Martinelli et al., 2010; Mejía-Barradas et al., 2014). Interestingly, the opposite is true of type 2 diabetic people (Carey et al., 2006). A resolution to the discrepancy was sought by epidemiological sequencing of PPARα. Although the study was unable to identify a genetic background for type 2 diabetes, it did reveal a L162V missense mutation that was a risk factor for hyperapobetalipoproteinemia, which is associated with the development of coronary artery disease. To date, > 6,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms have been observed on or affect the PPARα gene, of which 49 have a global minor allele frequency > 0.01. In the context of inflammation, the genetic variants have been associated with allergic rhinitis (Krasznai et al., 2012), IBD (Di Narzo et al., 2016), and atherosclerosis (Lu et al., 2010). Furthermore, PPARα is downregulated in the skin of patients with psoriasis (Gudjonsson et al., 2009). These studies raise the possibility that 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid may have therapeutic value in acute or chronic inflammatory disease. The positive anti-inflammatory control in these studies, dexamethasone, was superior to 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid in the context of inhibiting IL-6 release. 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In vitro cell-based assay for identification of antiinflammatory M. vaccae-derived small molecules Acknowledgments: This work was completed in collaboration with Alexandra Cantley and Jon Clardy. Alexandra Cantley grew Mycobacterium vaccae and performed all of the extraction and fractionation procedures. Jon Clardy assisted with experimental design. Introduction Natural product chemistry There is an extremely diverse array of small molecules produced across all domains of life. In particular, eubacteria constitute one of the largest sources of novel chemical structures, which has attracted the attention of many natural chemists. The diverse environments in which bacteria thrive have led them to evolve an arsenal of defensive molecules. Many of the patented antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, and cancer therapies are, or were, derived from bacteria (Butler, 2004; Newman and Cragg, 2016) . Beyond the individual molecules isolated from the bacteria, through bioengineering, in silico design, or combinatorial chemistry, their structures are often derived to create new and more powerful drugs. The use of microbial natural products in prevention and treatment of disease has a substantial history. In spite of massive advances in chemical libraries and high throughput screening, natural products continue to populate pharmacological patents. From 1981 to 2014, natural products, natural product mimics, and natural product botanicals have accounted for 33% of all drugs approved by the FDA (Newman and Cragg, 2016). In particular, natural product research has focused on the refractory issue of immune system regulation. One of the largest resources for drug development is the Actinobacteria phylum. Among the most remarkable genera of Actinobacteria is the Streptomyces genus, the species of which 103 produce antifungals, antivirals, antitumorals, anti-hypertensives, antibiotics, and immunosuppressants (de Lima Procópio et al., 2012). Of particular interest to this research are the immunosuppressants. Two of the most prevalent immunosuppressants today are rapamycin (sirolimus) and FK506 (tacrolimus) (Demain, 2014; Kino et al., 1987). At the time of their discovery, they were 100 times more powerful than the closest market competitor (Demain, 2014). Both of these molecules were discovered from Streptomyces species and share the common macrolide structure, but, interestingly, do not share a common mechanism of suppression (Schreber, 1991). Identifying more of such molecules may not only lead to improved health care, but also may advance our understanding of the biology. M. vaccae For this particular study we chose to use the M. vaccae type strain (Mycobacterium vaccae Bonicke and Juhasz (ATCC® 15483™). The type strain was the only strain with a publicly available genome, which would be potentially useful for future experiments, and it had the most extensive background of cell culture methodology. Furthermore, this nonpathogenic organism is closely related to many pathogenic mycobacteria, which are notorious for both immune evasion (Geffner et al., 2009). M. vaccae is an ideal system to screen for immunoregulatory molecules because the shared, or perhaps unique, genetic machinery of immune suppression may be present but without the virulence components. One method of intercellular communication between a bacterium and other cells is through secreted molecules. Mycobacteria are equipped with various ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters, unique type-VII secretion systems (T7SSs) (also referred to as ESX secretion systems), and the ability to shed exosomes(Abdallah et al., 2007; Braibant et al., 2000; Gröschel 104 et al., 2016; Prados-rosales et al., 2011). Secreted molecules may play an important role in interactions between mycobacteria and the mammalian host, for example, to promote immune evasion or symbiosis. In this study, we extracted and fractionated the supernatants of M. vaccae cultures and performed a bioassay to test the anti-inflammatory properties of the fractions in a macrophage model of inflammation. Materials and methods Animals For all studies involving ex vivo assays using freshly isolated peritoneal macrophages, 6- 8 week-old male BALB/c (BALB/c; Cat. No. 047; Harlan, Indianapolis, IN, USA) were used and housed under standard conditions with food and water available ad libitum. Both food (Cat No. 2018, Teklad Global 18% Protein Rodent Diet, Harlan, Madison, WI, USA) and tap water were provided ad libitum for the duration of the experiment. Mice were kept on a standard 12 h:12 h light/dark cycle (lights on 0600). The experiments were conducted in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Eighth Edition (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2011) and were approved by the University of Colorado Boulder Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. All possible efforts were made to minimize the number of animals used and their suffering. Growing M. vaccae M. vaccae (ATCC 15483) was grown in 2L baffled flasks. 7H9 Middlebrook media (BD Biosciences) was prepared according to manufacturer’s instructions. After autoclaving the media, it was supplemented with ADC (10 g bovine albumin fraction V (Fisher Scientific), 4 g dextrose (Sigma-Aldrich), 0.006 g catalase (Sigma-Aldrich)). The media was inoculated with a 105 single colony of M. vaccae grown on 7H11 plates (BD Biosciences). Cells were grown at 37°C until the stationary phase was achieved (OD600 ~0.5). Extraction and separation of culture supernatants Cultures were centrifuged (4000g, 10 min), and the supernatants were sterile filtered (0.2 μm). Crude extractions of the supernatant were performed with hexanes (1:1) and then ethyl acetate (1:1). The aqueous phase was also retained for the bioassay. The cell pellet was extracted with chloroform—methanol (3:1). The crude extracts were evaporated under rotovap and, for immediate assay, were resuspended in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM; ThermoFisher), or for further fractionation, were resuspended in 15% methanol. For the second fractionation, the crude extracts were then fractionated on a C18 Sep-Pak® column (Waters) and eluted on a gradient of acetonitrile. Five fractions, consisting of the flow-through, 15% acetonitrile, 50% acetonitrile, 100% acetonitrile, and acetone wash were collected for the bioassay. The third fractionation was also performed on a C18 column and eluted on an acetonitrile gradient. Macrophage bioassay Murine peritoneal macrophages were isolated and cultured as previously described(Zhang et al., 2008) and used to determine the effects of crude extracts and fractionated material on lipopolysaccharide-induced IL-6 secretion. Briefly, mice received one 1 ml i.p. injection of 3% thioglycollate medium (Cat. No. 9000-294, VWR, Radnor, PA, USA). Ninety-six hours later, macrophages were collected in Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS; Cat. No. 14190136, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Cells were centrifuged and resuspended in DMEM/F-12 (Cat. No. 10565018, Invitrogen) supplemented to be 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum 106 (Cat. No. 16000036, Invitrogen) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Cat.No. 15140148, Invitrogen). One mouse yielded enough cells for one experimental replicate (n = 1). 1x105 cells/well were allowed to adhere for 1.5 h before being washed with DPBS. The dried extracts and fractionated material of M. vaccae broth were resuspended in DMEM/F-12, 0.2% DMSO for a final concentration of 100 μg/ml. The macrophages were incubated with the extracts/fractionated material or vehicle (DMEM/F-12, 0.2% DMSO for 1 h before being stimulated with LPS (serotype 0127:B8, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). Cell culture supernatants were collected 6 h and 24 h after stimulation and diluted 1:200. IL-6 in the supernatant was measured using sandwiched ELISA (Cat. No. 431304, Biolegend, San Diego, CA, USA). All samples were measured in duplicate. Cytotoxicity was determined using the sulforhodamine B (SRB) colorimetric assay, as previously described(Vichai and Kirtikara, 2006). Results Advanced screening Initial ethyl acetate and hexanes extractions were fractionated on a C18 column. The flow through, 15%, 50%, 100% acetonitrile, and acetone wash were collected for assay. The antiinflammatory activity of the fractions was determined from the relative IL-6 secretion of LPSstimulated macrophages. There was no significant activity in the hexanes fractions or the M. vaccae pellet fractions (Fig. A1.1). The 50% acetonitrile elution of the ethyl acetate extraction had profound anti-inflammatory effects 6 h and 24 h after LPS stimulation (Fig. A1.1). To ensure these results were not artefactual, the LC/MS spectra ofthe M. vaccae E3 fraction and fractions of the growth media ethyl acetate extract were compared, and we were able to identify unique masses in the M. vaccae E3 fraction. A second round of separation was performed on a C18 107 column. Forty-three fractions, defined by time on column, were collected, and fractions 4-43 were screened for potential anti-inflammatory activity, Several candidate fractions were observed in the second separation of the ethyl acetate extraction (Fig. A1.2). The most potent fractions were 25, 28, and 30, which almost completely abrogated LPS-induced IL-6 release. The 12 most abundant masses from the LC/MS trace of these three fractions are reported in Table 3.1. Simply based on mass alone, there is an enormous number of possible structures, but we were able to infer some information about the general nature of these molecules. All of the peaks belonged to M. vaccae, as none of the peaks matched growth media components. Secondly, most apolar, neutral molecules would have been extracted into the hexanes, and heavily charged molecules, like nucleic acids and most polypeptides, are not soluble in ethyl acetate. Lastly, the masses range from 100-600 Da, which is consistent with small molecule metabolites, lipids, or lipid conjugates. Each of the masses was queried against 4 metabolomics databases: the LIPID Metabolites and Pathway Strategy (LIPID MAPS) database(Sud et al., 2007), a lipidomic profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis(Sartain et al., 2011), the online tool Metabolome Searcher(Dhanasekaran et al., 2015), and MassBank(Horai et al., 2010). The number of hits from each database is reported in Table 3.1. Two of the 12 masses only hit on the lipid databases and they each had only one hit in the M. tuberculosis dataset. From these results we gain confidence that fatty acids or lipid molecules are in the most bioactive E3 fraction of M. vaccae, under the conditions of these assays. 108 Figure A1.1 Anti-inflammatory activity of fractionated M. vaccae extractions. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed as lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated interleukin (IL) 6 secretion from freshly isolated murine peritoneal macrophages. Data are reported as IL-6 concentration in culture supernatant relative to DMEM controls. Data are expressed as means + standard error of the mean (SEM). Abbreviations: E* refers to ethyl acetate extracts, H* refers to hexanes extract, and P* refers to the pellet. 1-5 correspond to FT, 10%, 50%, 100% ACN, and acetone wash, respectively. P1 is the FT, P2 is 100% CAN, and P3 is 100% acetone. Figure A1.2 Anti-inflammatory activity of fractionated M. vaccae E3 fraction. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed as lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated interleukin (IL)-6 secretion from macrophages. Data are reported as IL-6 concentration in culture supernatant relative to DMEM controls. Data are expressed as means ± standard error of the mean. 109 Table A1.1. Masses and possible structures of fractions 25, 28, and 30 of EtOAc 3 Ma ss (M+H) # lipid maps hits # MtdDB hits # metabolo me searcher hits # massbank hits Lipid Maps main classes Likely molecule 22 3.1681 37 0 4 15 Fatty acid and conjugates, fatty aldehydes, fatty esters, isoprenoids 29 5.1865 61 0 5 10 Fatty Acids and Conjugates, Octadecanoids, Flavonoids, Isoprenoids 35 3.1545 19 5 0 2 12 Fatty Acids and Conjugates, Eicosanoids, Flavonoids, Aromatic polyketides 67 4.4999 15 1 0 0 Glycerophosphocholines, Glycerophosphoethanolamines, Ceramides Diacylglycerolphosphoethanol amines (PE) PE (R1CO2H+R2CO2H=31:1) 21 5.0902 48 0 4 13 Fatty Acids and Conjugates, Aromatic polyketides, Isoprenoids, Fatty esters 23 9.0516 62 0 0 8 Flavonoids 31 3.1607 11 8 0 1 15 Fatty Acids and Conjugates, Octadecanoids, Aflatoxins and related substances, Steroids, Sterols 35 3.1549 19 5 0 3 10 Fatty Acids and Conjugates, Eicosanoids, Flavonoids, Aromatic polyketides, Isoprenoids, Steroid conjugates 38 1.1496 73 1 0 1 Eicosanoids, Glycerophosphates, Flavonoids, Aromatic polyketides, Isoprenoids, Steroids, Steroid conjugates Mycolipenic acid (C25), C25H48O2 28 3.153 11 2 0 0 4 Fatty Acids and Conjugates, Flavonoids, Aromatic polyketides, Isoprenoids 36 5.1555 43 0 0 7 Fatty Acids and Conjugates, Eicosanoids, Flavonoids, Isoprenoids, Steroids 15 7.0853 72 0 14 5 Fatty Acids and Conjugates, Oxygenated hydrocarbons, Polyether antibiotics, Isoprenoids 110 Discussion Specific fractions of ethyl acetate extracts of supernatants from cultures of M. vaccae NCTC 11659 were effective at suppressing LPS-stimulated release of IL-6, suggesting that M. vaccae secretes a number of polar anti-inflammatory compounds. In contrast, we were unable to identify fractions of hexane extracts, or fractions derived from the cell pellet, with potent antiinflammatory activity. Overall, since the final E3 ethyl acetate fractions are likely to contain many compounds, the effects of some individual extracts on IL-6 secretion in freshly isolated macrophages may be a composite of both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory molecules; nevertheless, some fractions were clearly dominated by anti-inflammatory effects. Specific fractions of ethyl acetate extracts of supernatants from cultures of M. vaccae NCTC 11659 were effective at suppressing LPS-stimulated release of IL-6, suggesting that M. vaccae secretes a number of polar anti-inflammatory compounds. The specific source(s) of the antiinflammatory molecules is unknown. Because the ethyl acetate extracts were derived from the cell culture supernatant, it is possible that the bioactive compounds represent secreted compounds that are used for intercellular signaling, either to other bacteria (i.e. quorum sensing), or to host organisms. Secreted anti-inflammatory compounds may play a role in maintaining a symbiotic relationship with other organisms, including mammalian hosts. Alternatively, these compounds may be metabolic byproducts, surface molecules liberated from the outer cell wall during sample preparation, or active membrane vesicles, which have been shown to be released by mycobacteria and to modulate immune responses in a TLR2-dependent manner in mice (Prados-rosales et al., 2011). 111 Interest in mycobacterial natural products was stimulated by the success of many natural products discovered from Streptomyces, which produce a variety of molecules relevant to human health(de Lima Procópio et al., 2012) and also belong to the same phylum, Actinobacteria, as Mycobacterium. Many of the antibiotics, antifungals, and immunosuppressants discovered from Streptomyces are polyketides, which are often found in the ethyl acetate extracts (Kónya et al., 2008). In support of this, there are several polyketide synthases in the M. vaccae genome. However, from the three most bioactive fractions we surveyed on the lipidomic and metabolomic databases, there were 5 known polyketides with equivalent masses, and they were produced by either plants or fungi. This does not preclude the possibility that the bioactive fractions contain a polyketide, because the objective was to discover a molecule. Two of the 12 most abundant masses identified may contain an unsaturated acyl chain, one of which is a diacylglycerolphosphoethanolamine and the other being a C25 mycolipenic acid. Both of these molecules have been identified in lipidomic studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (Sartain et al., 2011). There is also is a high degree of conservation of lipid metabolismassociated enzymes between M. vaccae and M. tuberculosis H37Rv (see Appendix 1). Bioactive fatty acids (FAs) or FA derivatives are less common than polyketides, but not unheard of from ethyl acetate extracts. The lipid catabolite, prostaglandin A2, which has anti-inflammatory properties, was discovered in the ethyl acetate extract of a coral (Prince et al., 1973; Reina et al., 2013). Another bioactive lipid, n-hexadecanoic acid, with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, was found in the ethyl acetate extract of stem bark (Tamokou et al., 2012). Antiinflammatory lipids can be found across all domains of life, including bacteria, as reviewed here (Abdelmohsen et al., 2014; Furukawa et al., 2012; Gautam and Jachak, 2009). Overall, few 112 immunosuppressive fatty acyl molecules have been discovered from Actinobacteria, although some virulence factors of pathogenic mycobacteria, like ManLAM, have lipid components. From what we have observed, 2 of 12 molecules detected in the most anti-inflammatory fractions are likely to be fatty acids. That conclusion was based on known molecules of phylogenetically-related species, and we have not validated any structural information. Furthermore, at this point, we cannot be certain whether the anti-inflammatory effects are due to a single molecule or a combination of molecules. Further research on the functional and structural roles of M. vaccae-derived molecules is needed. 113 Appendix 2: Evolution of nonpathogenic Mycobacterium: A Pan-genomic study Screening extracts of bacteria in order to identify immunsuppressive molecules is a lengthy and high-risk process, so, to better understand the molecules produced M. vaccae, we looked towards the genome. This approach is also high risk, but it is more economical. The initial idea was to compare the M. vaccae genome to 29 other mycobacteria to identify the genes unique to M. vaccae followed by sequence alignments to discern biosynthetic clusters or particular genes. This approach, known as pangenomics or comparative genomics, has been applied to understanding environmental-niche adaptions, virulence factors, and vaccine development (D’Auria et al., 2010; Muzzi et al., 2007; Zhang and Sievert, 2014). This approach is unlikely to aid small molecule discovery, but it does provide a platform to better understand the many nonpathogenic mycobacteria left out of the research spotlight. The peptide sequences of all coding DNA sequences (CDS) from 30 genomes (29 mycobacterial genomes and Akkermansia muciniphila) were downloaded. Genomes were selected to include the various pathogenic groups, nonpathogenic, slow growing, rapid growing, and ecological niches. Table A2.1. Summary of the 30 genomes used in the analysis Species Status Length plasm ids GC % Gen es NCBI ecosystem eco. Cat. phenot ype Akkermansi a muciniphila compl ete 2664102 0 55.80 % 231 9 NC_010655.1 hostassociated human Not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium abscessus compl ete 5270527 2 64.19 % 523 5 NC_021282.1 hostassociated human pathoge n 114 bolletii 50594 Mycobacter ium abscessus ATCC 19977 compl ete 5090490 1 64.12 % 494 2 NC_010397.1 hostassociated human pathoge n Mycobacter ium africanum GM041182 compl ete 4389314 0 65.59 % 388 0 NC_015758.1 hostassociated mamm al pathoge n Mycobacter ium avium subsp. paratubercu losis K-10 compl ete 4829781 0 69.30 % 441 5 NC_002944.2 hostassociated mamm al pathoge n Mycobacter ium avium 104 compl ete 5475491 0 68.99 % 530 5 NC_008595.1 hostassociated human pathoge n Mycobacter ium bovis BCG str. Korea 1168P compl ete 4304386 0 65.63 % 412 0 NC_020245.2 hostassociated mamm al pathoge n Mycobacter ium bovis AF2122/97 compl ete 4345492 0 65.63 % 401 4 NC_002945.3 hostassociated mamm al pathoge n Mycobacter ium canettii CIPT 140010059 compl ete 4482059 0 65.62 % 390 9 NC_015848.1 hostassociated human pathoge n Mycobacter ium chubuense NBB4 compl ete 6342624 2 68.29 % 606 9 NC_018027.1 environme ntal terrestr ial not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium gilvum PYR-GCK compl ete 5982829 3 67.74 % 568 3 NC_009338.1 environme ntal aquati c not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium intracellula compl ete 5402402 0 68.10 % 519 3 NC_016946.1 Hostassociated human pathoge n 115 re ATCC 13950 Mycobacter ium kansasii ATCC 12478 compl ete 6577228 1 66.23 % 592 8 NC_022663.1 hostassociated human pathoge n Mycobacter ium leprae TN compl ete 3268203 0 57.80 % 275 0 NC_002677.1 hostassociated mamm al pathoge n Mycobacter ium liflandii 128FXT compl ete 6399543 1 65.53 % 557 0 NC_020133.1 hostassociated amphi bia pathoge n Mycobacter ium marinum M compl ete 6660144 1 65.73 % 550 1 NC_010612.1 hostassociated human pathoge n Mycobacter ium neoaurum VKM Ac1815D compl ete 5400604 0 66.91 % 521 2 NC_023036.2 environme ntal terrestr ial not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium rhodesiae NBB3 compl ete 6415739 0 65.49 % 634 2 NC_016604.1 environme ntal aquati c not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium smegmatis str. MC2 155 compl ete 6988209 0 67.40 % 694 1 NC_008596.1 engineere d lab pathoge n Mycobacter ium smegmatis NCTC8159 compl ete 6983267 0 67.33 % 672 8 NZ_LN831039.1 environme ntal terrestr ial not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium sinense compl ete 4643668 0 68.37 % 439 8 NC_015576.1 hostassociated human pathoge n Mycobacter ium sp. JLS compl ete 6048425 0 68.36 % 585 5 NC_009077.1 environme ntal terrestr ial not known to be 116 pathoge nic Mycobacter ium sp. KMS compl ete 6256079 2 68.23 % 608 9 NC_008705.1 environme ntal terrestr ial not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium sp. MCS compl ete 5920523 1 68.39 % 570 4 NC_008146.1 environme ntal terrestr ial not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium tuberculosis H37Rv compl ete 4411708 0 65.62 % 417 0 NC_018143.2 hostassociated human pathoge n Mycobacter ium tuberculosis Haarlem compl ete 4347292 0 65.34 % 437 6 NC_022350.1 hostassociated human pathoge n Mycobacter ium ulcerans Agy99 compl ete 5805761 1 65.39 % 430 6 CP000325.1 hostassociated human pathoge n Mycobacter ium vaccae ATCC 25954 draft 6223660 ? 68.60 % 567 8 NZ_ALQA0000 0000.1 environme ntal terrestr ial not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium vanbaalenii PYR-1 compl ete 6491865 0 67.79 % 604 7 NC_008726.1 environme ntal terrestr ial not known to be pathoge nic Mycobacter ium obuense UC 1 draft 6381766 ? 67.62 % 634 2 NZ_LAUZ0000 0000.2 environme ntal terrestr ial not known to be pathoge nic 117 Figure A2.1 Pangenome size. The total count of all unique genes for every genome added to the analysis. 2.1.1 Proteome-based phylogeny One of the underlying missions of this study was to identify proteins or functions that are unique to nonpathogenic mycobacteria, M. vaccae in particular, relative to pathogenic mycobacteria. To understand how the 29 mycobacterial species and the Akkermansia muciniphila outgroup are related, we used all known or expected protein coding regions to build the phylogeny. This approach would also give the set of genes unique to a particular species or set of species. Before building the phylogenetic tree, we were interested to know how all homologous genes were distributed across subsets of mycobacterial species. To accomplish this task, each gene in a proteome was aligned using BLAST against a database of the other 29 genomes. The alignments were scored using a bit-score ratio (BSR), as opposed to the E-value. 118 The bit-score ratio is the alignment score of the target gene divided by the alignment score of the query to itself. In order for a gene to be considered homologous it had to have a BSR of at least 0.8 and 70% coverage. From the alignments, lists of homologous and non-homologous genes could be created, the presence or absence of the homologs was scored to create a dissimilarity matrix, which was then clustered using Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) (Fig A2.2) The process was a variation on defining clusters of orthologous genes (COG) within the 30 genomes. From 153201 proteins in all species, we identified 64701 homologous and nonhomologous protein sets. In the all vs all BLAST, nonpathogens on average, have more unique genes (3095) than the pathogen core genome (1505), which contained more genes than the unique gene sets of individual pathogens (620). Figure A2.2 Phylogenetic clustering of Mycobacterium genomes based on proteome. Clusters of homologous genes were identified and counted for each genome. The distance was determined from the canberra distance, and the tree was built using UPGMA clustering. Akkermansia muciniphila is the outgroup. The genomes naturally clustered with their known phenotypes. The bovis spp, tuberculosis spp., canettii, and africanum are all considered to be part of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis 119 complex. Liflandii, marinum, and ulcerans are all pathogens associated with water ecosystems. The avium spp. and intracellulare are associated with the Mycobacterium avium complex. All of the nonpathogens clustered together, though there is not enough information about them to determine unifying themes. Among the pathogens there is a conserved core of 1877 homolgous genes. Among the nonpathogens, there is a conserved core of 1205 genes. In the M. vaccae genome there are 227 unique genes, which was a typical number of unique genes among the other genomes. Using an in-house script, gene ontologies (GO) were mined for each of the genes. The gene set was predominantly associated with molecular functions with 175 of 271 total GO terms. The top two molecular function terms were oxidoreductase activity and transferase activity. Furthermore, many of the nonhomologous genes were proximal to each other, which is an indication that the genes may be coexpressed, and based on the GO terms, likely involved in novel metabolic functions. The clustering of unique genes could also be an indication of transposable elements. There is a large gap between the metabolic profiling of nonpathogenic and pathogenic mycobacterial species. These small molecules or polymers may underlie a critical separation between the two phenotypes. To test for such differences in silico, we curated all known enzymes to be involved in tryptophan (Trp) metabolism, and the biosynthesis of mycolic acid, lipoarabinomannan polymers, phthiocerol dimycocerosates, phenolic glycolipids, mycolactones, lipooligosaccharides, triacyl glycerides, and all genes associated with virulence and the Mtb cell wall. Briefly, to assess the pathway conservation among mycobacteria, we built a web crawler to collect gene IDs from the KEGG pathway database, or a gene list provided by the user, which 120 then searches Uniprot for a Mycobacterium FASTA sequence, which is aligned to the 29 genomes using BLAST. All the mycobacterial species studied can synthesize Trp, however, nonpathogenic species lack chorismate mutase and are not able to convert Trp to phenylalanine or tyrosine. Otherwise, all but two genes in the KEGG tryptophan biosynthesis pathway (map00400 ) are conserved among mycobacteria. Conversely, there is scattered conservation of the KEGG tryptophan metabolism pathway (map00380). Among all 29 mycobacterial genomes, 41±10% of the pathway genes are present. The ability to degrade L-kynurenine is unique to non-pathogenic species, whereas none of the mycobacteria can convert Trp to serotonin. Manually curated lists for the biosynthesis of triacyal glycerols (TAGs), mycolic acids, phthiocerol dimycoserosates, and phenolic glycolipids revealed a high degree of conservation among all mycobacterial species, except for 3 of 54 genes related to TAG biosynthesis are only present in the Mtbcomplex. We next looked at mannosylated lipoarabinomannan (ManLAM) biosynthesis, which is an important immunosuppressive molecule. The mannose capping of LAM is critical for the immunosuppressive effects, and the capping enzymes are only present in pathogenic species. Based on the BLAST scores, nonpathogenic species can only produce phosphate capped LAM. Mycolic acid, which is a principal component of the outer cell wall, biosynthesis is strongly conserved in all 29 genomes. We also examined the biosynthesis of lipooligosaccharides (LOSs) and found that nonpathogenic bacteria are incapable of extending the oligosaccharide beyond two sugar monomers (LOS-II). LOS are important virulence factors, which contribute to the secretion of virulent PE_PGRS proteins (Van Der Woude et al., 2012). Lastly, among a list of 771 M. tuberculosis genes associated with cell wall processes, only 5 genes were uniquely missing from nonpathogenic species: Rv1037c, Rv1038c, Rv3619c, Rv3620c, Rv3779. We also curated a list of Mtb complex virulence factors. Based on these results, which are primarily based 121 on gene lists compiled from pathogenic bacteria, the composition and structure of the nonpathogenic bacteria cell wall is very similar to pathogenic bacteria. Similar to the cell wall processes, the same genes conserved in other in pathogen groups (e.g. the Mav-complex) are also conserved in the nonpathogens, though they account for less than 50% of the Mtb virulence factors. Figure A2.3 Genome synteny among mycobacteria. (A) M. canettii aligned with M. bovis. (B) M. canettii aligned with M. kansasii. (C) M. vaccae aligned with M. vanbaalenii 122 Transposition is a powerful evolutionary force, so we performed whole genome alignments of the mycobacterial genomes. Looking at genome rearrangements of the most disparate genomes of the Mtb complex, there is no evidence of transposition (Fig. A2.3, top). When we compared genomes between pathogen groups, we identifed at least 9 transposition events (Fig. A2.3, middle). .hen we compared the genomes of M. vaccae and the closest related genome, M. vanbaalenii, there were 50 transposition events that separated them. With the exception of M. sp. KMS and M. sp. MCS, this is similar for all of the nonpathogenic species. Despite rampant transposition events, the nonpathogenic species share a core pangenome of 1205 genes. The list of nonpathogenic genes was uploaded to the DAVID pipeline to understand common functionalities. The most enriched pathways included the TCA cycle, amino acid metabolism, and purine metabolism, however these pathways were also enriched in the core genome of all 29 mycobactria genomes. Unique to the nonpathogens, was an enrichment for ABC transporter pathways, nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism, and amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism. We also explored and annotated the 227 genes unique to M. vaccae. Six acyl transferases, 27 transporters (16 of 27 unique transporters were ABC transporters), as well as 12 other transerfase enzymes, like glycosyl transferases or SAMdependent methyltransferases, were identified. Furthermore, oxidoreductase activity was the most common GO biological process term, followed by sequence-specific DNA binding. Interestingly, there were 15 clusters of at least 4 continugous genes, which may be artefactual or horizontal gene transfer events. The combination of unique transcription factors and oxidoreductases seems indicative of unique anabolic processes, but it’s outside the scope of this work to determine what sort of molecule is synthesized. We analyzed all 29 genomes using the 123 IslandViewer to identify genomic regions with unusual G+C content or codon usage— indicitative of a gene transfer event. Only three of twentyo-one M. vaccae clusters aligned with other genomes (E-value = 0.0, coverage > 80%). One of the three is Streptomyces silaceus, with the other two clusters aligned with Mycobacterium spp. Most of the unique genes in other .28 Mycobacterium genomes reside in these genomic islands. 124 Figure A2.4 Circular plot of genomic islands in M. vaccae. Genomic islands, which are often indicative of horizontal gene transfer events, were identified using IslandViewer 3.0 (Bertelli et al., 2017). 125 Appendix 3: RNA-Seq supplemental material Table A3.1. Rank ordered list of most significant (q < 0.1) differentially expressed genes. Log2Fold Change padj gene Ensembl ID Log2Fol d Change padj gene 2.155269 2.26E21 Hp ENSMUSG00000031 722 4.17551 9 0.00646 5 Gm807 ENSMUSG00000097 848 -2.09473 4.37E19 Il6 ENSMUSG00000025 746 0.86675 2 0.00646 5 Cpt1a ENSMUSG00000024 900 2.132848 3.67E17 Tsc22d3 ENSMUSG00000031 431 1.20189 1 0.00665 8 Havcr2 ENSMUSG00000020 399 -1.81185 8.08E16 Ptgs2 ENSMUSG00000032 487 -0.84047 0.00683 1 Zyx ENSMUSG00000029 860 -2.30575 4.38E15 Cish ENSMUSG00000032 578 1.67923 9 0.00693 7 Wee1 ENSMUSG00000031 016 1.986963 1.67E14 Dusp1 ENSMUSG00000024 190 1.31891 7 0.00790 3 Adrb2 ENSMUSG00000045 730 2.012712 1.86E12 Adamtsl4 ENSMUSG00000015 850 -1.02689 0.00810 8 Timp1 ENSMUSG00000001 131 -1.6455 1.98E12 Mir5105 ENSMUSG00000093 077 1.16639 3 0.00849 6 Foxred2 ENSMUSG00000016 552 -2.04621 2.63E12 Vnn3 ENSMUSG00000020 010 1.24532 1 0.00903 4 Jdp2 ENSMUSG00000034 271 1.578041 2.63E12 Plin2 ENSMUSG00000028 494 -0.8805 0.00904 2 Pim1 ENSMUSG00000024 014 -1.93629 5.09E12 F3 ENSMUSG00000028 128 0.88166 2 0.00905 8 Sgms1 ENSMUSG00000040 451 -2.8558 5.31E12 Hdc ENSMUSG00000027 360 1.27280 6 0.00933 Rims3 ENSMUSG00000032 890 -1.5767 6.48E12 Il1b ENSMUSG00000027 398 0.91521 9 0.00957 2 Prkar2b ENSMUSG00000002 997 -2.15506 7.97E12 Flrt3 ENSMUSG00000051 379 -1.60497 0.00960 7 Rnf180 ENSMUSG00000021 720 3.024984 2.40E11 Ctla2b ENSMUSG00000074 874 -2.14325 0.00965 2 Syt7 ENSMUSG00000024 743 1.811323 4.79E11 Tns1 ENSMUSG00000055 322 -1.6082 0.00989 5 Hspa1a ENSMUSG00000091 971 1.82332 1.45E10 Klhl6 ENSMUSG00000043 008 -1.02922 0.01011 2 Tfec ENSMUSG00000029 553 -1.53809 2.78E10 Plbd1 ENSMUSG00000030 214 -1.32561 0.01011 2 Zfp558 ENSMUSG00000074 500 -4.06225 4.95E10 Cyp26b1 ENSMUSG00000063 415 -0.78966 0.01011 2 Il1rn ENSMUSG00000026 981 -2.35715 5.70E10 Ch25h ENSMUSG00000050 370 0.80139 3 0.01090 2 Dock10 ENSMUSG00000038 608 -1.4212 3.35E09 Ccl7 ENSMUSG00000035 373 0.85893 2 0.01090 2 Tgfbi ENSMUSG00000035 493 -1.34039 4.91E09 Ccl2 ENSMUSG00000035 385 0.78815 1 0.01090 2 Pla2g7 ENSMUSG00000023 913 -3.35822 6.81E09 Car4 ENSMUSG00000000 805 1.79404 2 0.01090 2 Srgap3 ENSMUSG00000030 257 1.750436 1.16E08 Susd2 ENSMUSG00000006 342 0.98342 1 0.01099 3 Abcc3 ENSMUSG00000020 865 126 -3.51502 2.92E08 Adm ENSMUSG00000030 790 -1.03832 0.01202 8 Dennd3 ENSMUSG00000036 661 -1.41666 4.57E08 Il12a ENSMUSG00000027 776 0.78379 0.01319 3 Man2a1 ENSMUSG00000024 085 1.394626 5.98E08 Ppp1r12b ENSMUSG00000073 557 1.56109 5 0.01319 3 Frmd4b ENSMUSG00000030 064 1.317669 7.23E08 Dennd4c ENSMUSG00000038 024 1.18141 8 0.01340 4 Per2 ENSMUSG00000055 866 -1.56573 7.86E08 Gm1049 9 ENSMUSG00000073 403 1.92018 9 0.01377 3 Kcnk13 ENSMUSG00000045 404 -1.76168 1.01E07 Hbegf ENSMUSG00000024 486 -0.80185 0.01451 7 Plk2 ENSMUSG00000021 701 1.619779 2.04E07 Ms4a8a ENSMUSG00000024 730 1.39729 0.01458 4 Nrg4 ENSMUSG00000032 311 -1.29736 2.22E07 Itgax ENSMUSG00000030 789 1.94661 6 0.01601 5 Fabp4 ENSMUSG00000062 515 -1.48148 3.26E07 Ccl22 ENSMUSG00000031 779 0.81494 2 0.01823 9 Adam8 ENSMUSG00000025 473 1.312963 5.18E07 Glul ENSMUSG00000026 473 -0.99463 0.01895 7 Slamf1 ENSMUSG00000015 316 -1.29094 6.75E07 Iigp1 ENSMUSG00000054 072 0.89695 2 0.01948 Plpp1 ENSMUSG00000021 759 1.426376 7.14E07 Lpxn ENSMUSG00000024 696 0.77879 5 0.01948 Cd47 ENSMUSG00000055 447 -1.30554 8.49E07 Slc1a2 ENSMUSG00000005 089 3.25795 9 0.01986 5 Saxo1 ENSMUSG00000028 492 1.555412 8.59E07 Fos ENSMUSG00000021 250 -2.11589 0.02324 5 Csf2 ENSMUSG00000018 916 -1.73463 1.06E06 Scimp ENSMUSG00000057 135 -0.83357 0.02435 4 Gm1402 3 ENSMUSG00000085 498 1.307021 1.18E06 Slc43a2 ENSMUSG00000038 178 1.25637 1 0.02655 6 Cdo1 ENSMUSG00000033 022 2.671207 1.26E06 Ly6c2 ENSMUSG00000022 584 -0.81499 0.02711 7 Ier3 ENSMUSG00000003 541 1.168314 2.02E06 Lcn2 ENSMUSG00000026 822 0.80670 4 0.02912 2 Dock5 ENSMUSG00000044 447 1.578367 2.97E06 Fkbp5 ENSMUSG00000024 222 -0.71877 0.02912 2 Ccl3 ENSMUSG00000000 982 1.370214 4.86E06 Sepp1 ENSMUSG00000064 373 0.85101 1 0.03319 Rassf2 ENSMUSG00000027 339 1.299991 5.32E06 Sort1 ENSMUSG00000068 747 -1.53448 0.03319 Schip1 ENSMUSG00000027 777 -1.24524 1.79E05 Upp1 ENSMUSG00000020 407 0.94374 8 0.03429 9 Alox5ap ENSMUSG00000060 063 -1.1367 2.36E05 Ccl6 ENSMUSG00000018 927 0.73848 8 0.03954 6 Sdc4 ENSMUSG00000017 009 -1.35404 2.68E05 Cnn3 ENSMUSG00000053 931 -1.05575 0.04335 7 Olfm1 ENSMUSG00000026 833 -2.22194 2.86E05 Gm5483 ENSMUSG00000079 597 0.73473 7 0.04438 8 Mt2 ENSMUSG00000031 762 1.131171 3.65E05 Ecm1 ENSMUSG00000028 108 -0.71991 0.04438 8 Inhba ENSMUSG00000041 324 1.297072 3.65E05 Cacna1d ENSMUSG00000015 968 0.83311 2 0.04438 8 Ift57 ENSMUSG00000032 965 -1.28314 3.90E05 Olr1 ENSMUSG00000030 162 1.77547 2 0.04438 8 Fabp7 ENSMUSG00000019 874 -1.54507 4.24E05 Ahr ENSMUSG00000019 256 -0.78572 0.04438 8 Trim30c ENSMUSG00000078 616 127 -1.96156 4.34E05 Car2 ENSMUSG00000027 562 -0.68344 0.04448 5 Rpph1 ENSMUSG00000092 837 -2.66361 5.55E05 Hspa1b ENSMUSG00000090 877 0.75981 0.04791 5 Ezr ENSMUSG00000052 397 -1.0926 6.25E05 Plaur ENSMUSG00000046 223 -0.87194 0.04895 2 Cd83 ENSMUSG00000015 396 -1.22776 7.12E05 Procr ENSMUSG00000027 611 0.80210 2 0.04895 2 Gpcpd1 ENSMUSG00000027 346 1.463418 8.54E05 Nav2 ENSMUSG00000052 512 -0.72003 0.05093 6 Nfkb2 ENSMUSG00000025 225 -1.03592 0.00010 4 Tnf ENSMUSG00000024 401 -1.8997 0.05093 6 Lrrc32 ENSMUSG00000090 958 -1.12432 0.00010 5 Serpinb2 ENSMUSG00000062 345 0.74673 4 0.05143 5 Itga4 ENSMUSG00000027 009 -1.08005 0.00013 4 Clec7a ENSMUSG00000079 293 -0.92303 0.05178 9 Cd86 ENSMUSG00000022 901 -3.0819 0.00013 4 Ccl17 ENSMUSG00000031 780 -0.73811 0.05178 9 Cmklr1 ENSMUSG00000042 190 2.207158 0.00020 8 Orm1 ENSMUSG00000039 196 -1.11436 0.05188 5 Il12b ENSMUSG00000004 296 1.323308 0.00023 2 Cd300a ENSMUSG00000034 652 -1.98017 0.05340 1 Gm1387 2 ENSMUSG00000087 185 0.972281 0.00028 Saa3 ENSMUSG00000040 026 0.78454 6 0.05628 8 Gm1284 0 ENSMUSG00000086 320 -1.20636 0.00028 1 Egr2 ENSMUSG00000037 868 -0.70065 0.05698 Oasl1 ENSMUSG00000041 827 -0.95987 0.00031 9 Il1a ENSMUSG00000027 399 -0.70774 0.05698 Irf8 ENSMUSG00000041 515 -1.62852 0.00032 Tnc ENSMUSG00000028 364 -1.19175 0.05841 5 Frmd6 ENSMUSG00000048 285 1.004165 0.00032 9 Xdh ENSMUSG00000024 066 0.84989 6 0.05841 5 Per1 ENSMUSG00000020 893 -0.97547 0.00045 1 Cmpk2 ENSMUSG00000020 638 0.73523 5 0.05919 3 Hal ENSMUSG00000020 017 1.213513 0.00058 5 Htra1 ENSMUSG00000006 205 -0.72158 0.05954 8 Wars ENSMUSG00000021 266 -1.53878 0.00065 6 Irf4 ENSMUSG00000021 356 1.00691 3 0.06247 7 Mmp19 ENSMUSG00000025 355 -1.42269 0.00065 6 AA4671 97 ENSMUSG00000033 213 -0.57969 0.06265 8 Gm1080 0 ENSMUSG00000075 014 -2.07631 0.00069 6 Kazn ENSMUSG00000040 606 -0.67963 0.06595 4 Nos2 ENSMUSG00000020 826 0.956982 0.00086 7 Cd24a ENSMUSG00000047 139 -0.83535 0.06647 9 Csrnp1 ENSMUSG00000032 515 -0.89122 0.00095 8 Rmrp ENSMUSG00000088 088 0.71209 4 0.06815 5 Gm2680 9 ENSMUSG00000097 815 -0.9802 0.00101 6 Ccl4 ENSMUSG00000018 930 -0.78044 0.06815 5 Insig1 ENSMUSG00000045 294 3.903311 0.00119 4 Dnah12 ENSMUSG00000021 879 -0.61444 0.07073 3 ENSMUSG00000045 999 1.169473 0.00152 4 Rin3 ENSMUSG00000044 456 1.70442 4 0.07112 9 Bpifc ENSMUSG00000050 108 1.169244 0.00174 1 F13a1 ENSMUSG00000039 109 0.70197 2 0.07112 9 Pdxk ENSMUSG00000032 788 -0.949 0.00202 2 Chst11 ENSMUSG00000034 612 0.99459 7 0.07157 7 Trim29 ENSMUSG00000032 013 -0.9961 0.00216 6 Casp7 ENSMUSG00000025 076 -0.8871 0.07646 8 Mmp13 ENSMUSG00000050 578 128 3.931076 0.00243 5 Bach2os ENSMUSG00000086 150 0.99175 5 0.07810 3 Wipi1 ENSMUSG00000041 895 0.885144 0.00243 5 Lox ENSMUSG00000024 529 1.00311 0.07938 8 Serinc5 ENSMUSG00000021 703 -1.66375 0.00248 6 Rhoh ENSMUSG00000029 204 -1.25174 0.07954 3 Il1f9 ENSMUSG00000044 103 -1.24964 0.00251 5 ENSMUSG00000092 773 -0.67556 0.08043 4 Nfkb1 ENSMUSG00000028 163 -1.08726 0.00288 7 Socs1 ENSMUSG00000038 037 0.94297 2 0.08083 8 Syt11 ENSMUSG00000068 923 1.302178 0.00325 1 Paqr7 ENSMUSG00000037 348 1.32420 5 0.08083 8 Klra2 ENSMUSG00000030 187 -0.90079 0.00325 4 Mmp12 ENSMUSG00000049 723 -0.71767 0.08210 1 Tmem2 ENSMUSG00000024 754 -1.06355 0.00350 9 Csf3 ENSMUSG00000038 067 0.73466 9 0.08210 1 Ergic1 ENSMUSG00000001 576 -2.35111 0.00365 3 Il11 ENSMUSG00000004 371 -0.80694 0.08253 Wfs1 ENSMUSG00000039 474 -0.84287 0.00394 1 Rsad2 ENSMUSG00000020 641 -0.68387 0.08253 1 Isg15 ENSMUSG00000035 692 -1.12922 0.00420 8 Timp3 ENSMUSG00000020 044 -0.67778 0.08314 8 Cxcl3 ENSMUSG00000029 379 -2.03218 0.00420 8 Dcstamp ENSMUSG00000022 303 -0.90013 0.08611 7 Fst ENSMUSG00000021 765 1.386263 0.00424 Mgll ENSMUSG00000033 174 1.15744 7 0.08746 9 Apoc2 ENSMUSG00000002 992 -0.89309 0.00448 5 Dab2 ENSMUSG00000022 150 0.80021 0.09082 2 Cyth3 ENSMUSG00000018 001 1.14163 0.00507 3 Mafb ENSMUSG00000028 874 1.07939 0.09082 2 Col18a1 ENSMUSG00000001 435 0.940402 0.00507 3 Fgr ENSMUSG00000074 622 -1.25793 0.09124 8 Osmr ENSMUSG00000022 146 -0.81843 0.00635 5 Cxcl2 ENSMUSG00000058 427 -1.42935 0.09156 8 Alpk2 ENSMUSG00000032 845 -1.24059 0.00646 5 Ptgs2os2 ENSMUSG00000097 754 -0.72425 0.09327 Axl ENSMUSG00000002 602 0.81550 5 0.09570 2 Aldh9a1 ENSMUSG00000026 687 0.92575 9 0.09570 2 Cav1 ENSMUSG00000007 655 3.35033 8 0.09978 6 Glyctk ENSMUSG00000020 258 Table A3.2. Top scoring KEGG pathways enriched for differential expressed genes (q < 0.1). Term Count % genes in pathway Fold Enrichment Benjami ni FDR mmu05134:Legionellosis 12 6.185567 15.33267 3.36E-08 2.33E07 mmu05133:Pertussis 11 5.670103 10.82611 4.33E-06 6.01E05 mmu05132:Salmonella infection 11 5.670103 10.27092 4.83E-06 1.01E04 mmu05140:Leishmaniasis 10 5.154639 11.37972 7.38E-06 2.05E04 129 mmu05323:Rheumatoid arthritis 10 5.154639 8.88173 5.13E-05 0.00177 9 mmu04668:TNF signaling pathway 11 5.670103 7.349836 5.77E-05 0.00240 2 mmu04620:Toll-like receptor signaling pathway 10 5.154639 7.21091 2.11E-04 0.01023 4 mmu05142:Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) 10 5.154639 7.070892 2.17E-04 0.01202 5 mmu04640:Hematopoietic cell lineage 9 4.639175 7.803235 3.27E-04 0.02039 6 mmu04060:Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction 14 7.216495 4.161725 4.43E-04 0.03073 7 mmu05164:Influenza A 11 5.670103 4.684983 0.001651 0.12604 3 mmu05321:Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 7 3.608247 8.64087 0.00203 0.16908 5 mmu04630:Jak-STAT signaling pathway 10 5.154639 5.022772 0.002005 0.18089 3 mmu05146:Amoebiasis 9 4.639175 5.602322 0.002267 0.22024 9 mmu04062:Chemokine signaling pathway 11 5.670103 4.087409 0.003697 0.38483 4 mmu05144:Malaria 6 3.092784 9.103774 0.005023 0.55760 3 mmu05162:Measles 9 4.639175 4.819645 0.005203 0.61348 1 mmu05152:Tuberculosis 10 5.154639 4.138079 0.006105 0.76199 7 mmu05145:Toxoplasmosis 8 4.123711 5.15612 0.007753 1.02102 4 mmu05143:African trypanosomiasis 5 2.57732 10.40431 0.010775 1.49226 5 mmu04940:Type I diabetes mellitus 6 3.092784 7.048083 0.012405 1.80263 2 mmu05168:Herpes simplex infection 10 5.154639 3.501451 0.016134 2.45259 2 mmu05332:Graft-versus-host disease 5 2.57732 7.002903 0.040085 6.32105 7 mmu05205:Proteoglycans in cancer 9 4.639175 3.228925 0.045359 7.43982 6 mmu04621:NOD-like receptor signaling pathway 5 2.57732 6.502695 0.047851 8.15499 9 mmu04380:Osteoclast differentiation 7 3.608247 4.046122 0.048295 8.54390 8 mmu04010:MAPK signaling pathway 10 5.154639 2.878664 0.047148 8.65159 7 mmu04064:NF-kappa B signaling pathway 6 3.092784 4.50496 0.062425 11.772 mmu04622:RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway 5 2.57732 5.355161 0.079744 15.4004 9 mmu00910:Nitrogen metabolism 3 1.546392 12.85239 0.122031 23.7337 mmu05330:Allograft rejection 4 2.061856 5.202156 0.209372 39.6728 1 mmu00340:Histidine metabolism 3 1.546392 9.103774 0.209628 40.6909 mmu04923:Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes 4 2.061856 5.11089 0.206209 41.0717 130 mmu04915:Estrogen signaling pathway 5 2.57732 3.715826 0.209529 42.5792 mmu04623:Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway 4 2.061856 4.551887 0.253222 50.7955 1 mmu04932:Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) 6 3.092784 2.783319 0.271611 54.6942 3 mmu05020:Prion diseases 3 1.546392 6.82783 0.29259 58.8836 5 mmu04917:Prolactin signaling pathway 4 2.061856 3.990695 0.310953 62.5492 3 mmu05410:Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) 4 2.061856 3.687604 0.355616 69.5583 7 mmu03320:PPAR signaling pathway 4 2.061856 3.641509 0.357001 70.6484 7 Table A3.3. KEGG pathways and GO biological process with associated genes that are significantly downregulated in LPS-stimulated murine macrophages preincubated with 10(Z)- hexadecenoic acid. NF-κB (KEGG PATHWAY: mmu04064) Jak-STAT (KEGG PATHWAY: mmu04630) Inflammatory response (GO:0006954) chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 (Ccl4) colony stimulating factor 2 (granulocytemacrophage)(Csf2) AXL receptor tyrosine kinase (Axl) chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3 (Cxcl3) interleukin 1 beta (Il1b) colony stimulating factor 3 (granulocyte) (Csf3) C-type lectin domain family 7, member a (Clec7a) cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 (Cyp26b1) nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 1, p105 (Nfkb1) cytokine inducible SH2- containing protein (Cish) chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 17 (Ccl17) interleukin 1 alpha (Il1a) nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 2, p49/p100 (Nfkb2) interleukin 11 (Il11) chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (Ccl2) interleukin 1 beta (Il1b) prostaglandinendoperoxide synthase 2 (Ptgs2) interleukin 12a (Il12a) chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 22 (Ccl22) interleukin 1 family, member 9 (Il1f9) tumor necrosis factor (Tnf) interleukin 12b (Il12b) chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 (Ccl3) interleukin 6 (Il6) interleukin 6 (Il6) chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 (Ccl4) nitric oxide synthase 2, inducible (Nos2) oncostatin M receptor (Osmr) chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 6 (Ccl6) nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 2, p49/p100 (Nfkb2) proviral integration site 1 (Pim1) chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 7 (Ccl7) oxidized low density lipoprotein (lectin-like) receptor 1 (Olr1) 131 suppressor of cytokine signaling 1(Socs1) chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2(Cxcl2) prostaglandinendoperoxide synthase 2 (Ptgs2) tumor necrosis factor (Tnf)