

Nanocellulose and Bioethanol Production from Orange Waste using Isolated Microorganism
  • August 2013
  • Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 24(9):1385-1543
  • DOI: 
  • 10.5935/0103-5053.20130195
Ljubica Tasic
Rehan Danish
Douglas Henrique Milanez
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ArticleNanocellulose and Bioethanol Production from Orange Waste using Isolated Microorganism
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Abstract and figures
Citrus processing waste from oranges (CPWO) was explored for the production of nanocellulose and bioethanol. After the isolation of 20 microorganisms from CPWO, their fermentation abilities were screened and two microorganisms identified as Candida parapsilosis strains IFM 48375 and NRRL Y(-1)2969 (ATCC 22019) were selected for a further fermentation. The CPWO was steam distilled for the isolation of essential oil (1.5% g g(-1) of dry CPWO) and converted into a mixture of fermentable sugars (40% g g(-1) of dry CPWO) using acid or enzymes hydrolyses. Hydrolyzates were fermented with three different yeast strains, the two Candida sp. and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Candida parapsilosis strain IFM 48375 accomplished excellent results in ethanol production (21% g g(-1) of dry CPWO) from CPWO, higher when compared to other strains. Nanocellulose (2.5% g g(-1) dry CPWO) and nanofibers (0.5% g g(-1) dry CPWO) were isolated from solid residues obtained from enzymatically treated and fermented CPWO. To the best of our knowledge, this work reports for the first time the nanocellulose production from CPWO.
Figure content uploaded by Junko Tsukamoto
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Content uploaded by Junko Tsukamoto
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J. Braz. Chem. Soc.
, Vol. 24, No. 9, 1537-1543, 2013.
Printed in Brazil - ©2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química
0103 - 5053 $6.00+0.00
Nanocellulose and Bioethanol Production from Orange Waste using
Isolated Microorganisms
Junko Tsukamoto,
Nelson Durán
and Ljubica Tasic*
Departamento de Química Orgânica and
Departamento de Físico-Química,
Laboratório de Química Biológica, Instituto de Química,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 13083-970 Campinas-SP, Brazil
Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas, Universidade Federal de ABC, Santo André-SP, Brazil
A biomassa procedente do processamento de laranjas (CPWO) foi utilizada na produção de
nanocelulose e do etanol da segunda geração. Primeiramente, vinte micro-organismos foram
isolados da CPWO e suas capacidades de fermentação foram testadas. Dois destes, identificados
Candida parapsilosis
IFM 48375 e NRRL Y-12969 (ATCC 22019), foram selecionados
para a posterior fermentação. A biomassa foi destilada a vapor para o isolamento do
(1,5% g g
de CPWO seco) e convertida em uma mistura de açúcares fermentáveis (40% g g
CPWO seco) usando hidrólise
a ou enzimática. Os hidrolisados foram fermentados utilizando
micro-organismos isolados e a
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
. A levedura
Candida parapsilosis
IFM 48375 foi a mais eficiente na fermentação dos açúcares obtidos desta biomassa e os maiores
rendimentos de bioetanol (21% g g
de CPWO seco) foram alcançados. A nanocelulose (2,5% g g
de CPWO seco) e as nanofibras (0,5%
g g
de CPWO seco) foram isoladas partindo de bioresíduos
vindo da hidrólise enzimática e da fermentação alcoólica e este resultado
o primeiro do gênero.
Citrus processing waste from oranges (CPWO) was explored for the production of
nanocellulose and bioethanol. After the isolation of 20 microorganisms from CPWO, their
fermentation abilities were screened
and two microorganisms identified as
Candida parapsilosis
strains IFM 48375 and NRRL Y-12969 (ATCC 22019) were selected for a further fermentation.
The CPWO was steam distilled for the isolation of essential oil (1.5%
g g
of dry CPWO)
converted into a mixture of fermentable sugars (40% g g
of dry CPWO) using acid or enzymes
hydrolyses. Hydrolyzates were fermented with three different yeast strains, the two
sp. and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Candida parapsilosis
strain IFM 48375 accomplished excellent results
in ethanol production (21%
g g
of dry CPWO) from CPWO, higher when compared to other
strains. Nanocellulose (2.5% g g
dry CPWO) and nanofibers (0.5% g g
dry CPWO) were isolated
from solid residues obtained from enzymatically treated
and fermented CPWO. To the best of our
knowledge, this work reports for the first time the nanocellulose production from CPWO.
: citrus processing waste from oranges, nanocellulose, bioethanol, fermentation
Recycling of agricultural and agro-industrial waste
is growing in importance as a way to diminish the
environmental impact caused by industrial and urban
activities. Many recycling projects have been performed
worldwide and also in Brazil. Among them, stand out
the reuse of sugarcane bagasse and paper.
Orange juice
is one of the most popular juices in the world and Brazil
produces annually approximately 22 million tons of oranges,
with the state of Sao Paulo generating alone more than
17 million tons.
After juice extraction, around half of the
fruit weight becomes citrus processing waste from oranges
(CPWO), a very interesting low cost material already used
for producing 1G-bioethanol.
Botanically, CPWO is
composed of peel, rag (segment membranes and cores),
juice sacs, and seeds. Chemically, despite being a food
industry residue, CPWO contains high value compounds
like soluble sugars, pectin, proteins, appreciable amounts
of fiber (cellulose and hemicelluloses), and lignin. CPWO
can also be an important source of limonene that can be
isolated as a by-product in relatively high yield.
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Nanocellulose and Bioethanol Production from Orange Waste using Isolated Microorganisms
J. Braz. Chem. Soc.
is a good material for 2G-bioethanol production through
either an acidic or an enzymatic hydrolysis followed by
subsequent fermentation with
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
For example, in a fermentation of ground orange peels
avoiding any pre-treatment it was found that the submerged
fermentation provided superior ethanol yields compared to
the solid-state fermentation.
The maximum ethanol
yields from CPWO in a submerged fermentation method
were 1.3% (v v
) and 1.4% (v v
) when
Candida albicans
were applied, respectively.
Hydrolysis of CPWO with enzymes (cellulase,
pectinase, and
-glucosidase) followed by fermentation
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
and some bacteria or
genetically modified microorganisms gave excellent
quantities of ethanol.
Using orange peel waste in a novel
lab-scale direct steam injection apparatus, depolymerization
with a commercial cellulase, and fermentation with a
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
strain led to the high glucose and
ethanol yields (50% m m
Also, a scale up experiment
resulted in an excellent ethanol productivity (6 g L
The final overall process yield (mass balance) at the
bench-reactor scale of 140 L of bioethanol per metric ton
of dry orange peel waste was reported.
Although efficient processes starting from acid
hydrolyzates of CPWO are already used for bioethanol
production in the USA,
there are some serious
fermentation problems still unsolved. Yeast cultures such
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
can be inhibited in some
For example, when very high sugar content, nutrient
deficiency, very high or low temperature
and inhibitors
are present there is inefficient production of ethanol. Even
if these limiting factors are absent, fermentation may cease
prematurely due to substances produced by yeast during the
normal course of fermentation,
like the ethanol obtained
during fermentation.
Therefore, a search for the new
microorganism strains and process improvement are still
an open field of investigation.
Some interesting results, not directly linked to the
CPWO, have also been published on nanocellulose
isolation from the solid residues of the cellulosic biomass
remaining after processing for bioethanol production.
Also, bio-residues from wood fermentation to ethanol
were used as raw material for industrial production
of cellulose nanowhiskers,
and orange was used for
obtaining microcrystalline cellulose.
Production of
nanocellulose fibers and application of nanocellulose
for composite materials have brought attention to
valuable nanocellulose properties, such as high strength,
light weight, unique morphology, biodegradability and
For example, nanocellulose has great
applicability when used in composite materials because of
its high stiffness as reinforcing material.
This biomaterial
can be used for polymer composites
and plastics, films,
foams and gels, cosmetics, thickener
and emulsion, implant
material, biodegradable tissue scaffold, as a drug delivery
vehicle, filter paper, concrete, for oil recovery, water
treatment, transport, electronics devices, solar panels,
paint pigments and ink, screens and coatings, among other
Our study had two aims: to evaluate the potential of
CPWO for production of nanocellulose after acidic
enzymatic hydrolyses,
and to investigate the feasibility
of bioethanol production by fermentation of CPWO
using selected microorganisms isolated from CPWO
natural habitat
Citrus processing waste (CPWO)
Citrus processing waste from oranges (
Citrus sinensis
) as squeezed orange fruit was obtained from
a local restaurant (Valinhos, SP, Brazil). Material was
with a food homogenizer to around 2 mm in
diameter particles and stored at
20 ºC until use. From
ground CPWO residues were determined moisture and ash
contents using AOAC methods.
Pectins were extracted and
analyzed according to Sudhakar and Maini method.
detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and
acid detergent lignin (ADL) were determined with an
Ankom 200 fiber analyzer. Acid detergent fiber (ADF)
value refers to the cellulose
and lignin contents. Neutral
detergent fiber comprises ADF fraction plus hemicellulose.
The difference between ADF and ADL was considered as
cellulose, whereas difference between NDF
and ADF was
reported as hemicelluloses. All analyses were performed
in triplicate.
Analytical Methods
Powdered CPWO residues were analyzed using X-ray
diffractometer (XDR 6000, Shimadzu), at a scanning rate
of 2 degree min
, Cu K
radiation (
= 1.54
in the range
of 2
= 2º-60º with increments of 0.02º. Sugars and ethanol
were quantified using a HPLC system (Waters, USA) with
a refractive index detector (RID), photodiode array detector
(DAD), a pre-column SH-G (6 × 50 mm) and a column
(Shodex 1011, 300 mm × 8 mm) (Showa Denko, Japan).
The column oven was maintained at 50
Degassed mobile
phase containing 0.005 mol L
of sulphuric acid was used
at a flow rate of 0.6 mL min
. Sugar peaks were detected
based on the retention times of standards [glucose, fructose,
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et al.
Vol. 24, No. 9, 2013
sucrose, xylose, galactose, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
(5-HMF), furfural] purchased from Synth and Sigma
Aldrich. Ethanol fermentation broth contains mostly
and ethanol. Among these, the major components
were identified separately by obtaining chromatograms of
the individual components under the same conditions. The
calibration curves were generated from the chromatograms
of a series of standard mixtures at several concentrations.
The relationship between peak area and the concentration
was linear over the entire concentration range examined.
Peak height vs. concentration was also linear over the same
H and
C NMR spectra were acquired on a Bruker
Avance instrument operating at 250 MHz (
H) and 62.5 MHz
C) using a 5 mm sample tube. These spectra were used
to analyze the quality of the bioethanol. Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) analyses (JSM-6360LV, JEOL, Japan)
were used to examine the bioresidues from the CPWO
fermentation processes, as well to examine the yeast cells.
Isolation of microoganisms
Microorganisms were isolated from CPWO using
solid media isolation procedure where a sample of
CPWO was transferred to a Petri plate with a sterile
solid medium containing yeast extract-peptone-dextrose
(YPD) agar (20.0 g L
dextrose; 10.0 g L
yeast extract;
20.0 g L
peptone; 15.0 g L
agar and 30 mg mL
and incubated at 30
for 24-48 h. After
incubation, individual cells that have grown separately into
discrete colonies were picked and transferred again to YPD
agar and incubated at 30
for 24-48 h. We have repeated
this procedure for four times and obtained the colonies of a
single species that were studied separately from all others.
Limonene extraction
Limonene was extracted from CPWO by steam
distillation. Initially grounded CPWO was placed into
100 mL of water
and kept under distillation temperature
of 97-98
This way, water (steam) was introduced into
the distillation apparatus, providing depression of the
boiling points of limonene and other orange essential oil
components. Then, after distillation, vapour was condensed
yielding a two-phase system of water and limonene
(approximately 80 mL). Quantity of total oil was measured
applying Scott oil analysis by bromated titration.
Acid hydrolysis
To elenmeyer flasks (250 mL) containing thawed
CPWO residues (17.0 g), distilled water and sulphuric acid
(98%) were added to reach an acid concentration of 0.5, 0.1
or 1.5% (m v
) to a final 100 mL volume. Next, samples
were heated in an autoclave at 120
(15 or 30 min). The
hydrolyzates were analyzed for sugars, furfurals, acetic
acid, and total phenols using HPLC. The treatment that
enabled the highest sugar contents in hydrolyzates was
selected and used for following fermentations. All acid
hydrolysis experiments were carried out in triplicate.
Enzymatic treatment
To erlenmeyer flasks (250 mL) containing thawed
CPWO (17.0 g) or autoclaved residues (17.0 g) and
distilled water (total volume 100 mL) was added a cocktail
of enzymes: pulpzyme HA (Novozyme), celluclast 1.5 L.
(Novozyme) and
-galactosidase from
Aspergillus oryzae
(Sigma). Next, the slurries were incubated at 50
48 h. The collected hydrolyzates were analyzed by HPLC.
The enzymatic treatment that enabled the highest sugar
yields from CPWO was selected as the best
and was used
for subsequent fermentations. Enzyme loadings were:
3.4 mg of pulpzyme HA, 3.4 mg of celluclast 1.5 L and
0.6 mg of
-galactosidase (
A. oryzae
g of CPWO. The
enzymatic activities were measured as described by Ghose
for celluclast 1.5 L and pulpzyme HA. For
A. oryzae
), the modified method of Sigma from
Kuby and Lardy
and Borooah
et al.
was applied. The
enzymatic treatment procedures were repeated three times.
After being hydrolyzed, the CPWO samples were
heated to 105
for 15 min to inactivate enzymes and
subsequently fermented to ethanol using three different
types of yeast.
Yeast cells and fermention
The commercial yeast (
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sigma Aldrich) and two isolated microorganisms from
Candida parapsilosis
IFM 48375 and
NRRL Y-12969, were aseptically inoculated
into sterilized erlenmeyer flasks (150 mL) containing
50 mL of glucose yeast extract broth (GYE), and
chloramphenicol (30 mg mL
). The flasks were incubated
at 30
for 24 h in a shaker with 100 × g. The inoculum
was aseptically transferred to sterile erlenmeyer flasks
(250 mL) containing 100 mL of GYE broth supplemented
with 30 mg mL
of chloramphenicol, and flasks were
incubated at the same conditions as cited above for 24 h.
The cells were concentrated by centrifugation in sterilized
centrifuge tubes at 10,000
× g and 15
for 10 min. The
cell count was determined using a Newbauer plate. Cells
were concentrated to the level of 5.8
cells mL
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